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in asking our upstairs neighbour to move their pram?

344 replies

KG100 · 27/09/2009 16:19

Our upstairs neighbours share a communal hall way with us and have been using it to store their pram since their son was born. We were quite sympathetic for the first six months or so. After that we politely mentioned it was a problem for us as it was blocking the hallway but they said they had nowhere else to store it.

We let it rest but for the last few months it's been getting slightly wearing as he is now 20 months old and there is no sign of them moving on to a fold up model. We raised it couple of times over the summer, basically asking how much longer they would need it and they were non-committal.

So we asked them if they would mind us storing our bikes there occasionally. They said they wouldn't object and so on Thursday night my husband moved the bikes up in anticipation of going for a bike ride or two over the weekend.

We made sure they could still get their pram in and out but they still went completely berserk. She knocked on the door to ask me to move them and lost it when I said "no - we had agreed this up front". Her husband has also got quite angry and stated that they should have extra rights over the hallway than us.

I can't believe the way they are acting (stomping round upstairs, shouting at me and my husband when we've seen them, even though the bikes are now back in our flat) but not having children I can't judge whether it is really is an ordeal to either get a fold up pram, as we have asked, or alternatively build a shed and store their pram in the front yard. I'm sure all my nephew and nieces (six of them) were using fold up buggies by this age but they insist that they are not suitable for a 20 month old. Am I being really unreasonable? When should they be able to move on to a fold up model? And what does everyone else do when their kids get to this kind of age?

OP posts:
RenderedSpeechless · 30/09/2009 14:21

Hi KG100. been absolutely gripped with this thread. Glad you had a positive outcome and admire the dignity and restraint you have shown in dealing with this. hope that you'll stick around on MN.

StayFrosty · 30/09/2009 14:25

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KG100 · 30/09/2009 14:26

RenderedSpeechless, I'd love to stick around and have had great fun here over the last few days, but it seems a bit of an indulgence unless I really am a Mummy. (Plus Hubby is going insane as I hog the computer and block the important activity of buying and selling essential golfing equipment on ebay!) But maybe soon we'll think about having a baby (if only to justify the enourmous buggy we will buy and store in the hallway) and then I'll definitely be back!

OP posts:
Horton · 30/09/2009 14:26

Oh brilliant. Well done, KG. You should definitely stick around.

MrsGokWantstogocampingagain · 30/09/2009 14:34

Wahey!!! that's brilliant news KG.

Please do stick around here, it's an absolute madhouse but great fun.

diddl · 30/09/2009 14:43

Glad it´s worked out!

Stigaloid · 30/09/2009 14:46

Am so glad it got sorted out for you and hope you do stick around/pop in now and again to say hello

Stayingsunnygirl · 30/09/2009 14:55

Ahhh she may say that she's going, but Mumsnet's got it's hooks into KG - mwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!

MrsGokWantstogocampingagain · 30/09/2009 14:56

Hmm! Hotel California springs to mind

BoffinMum · 30/09/2009 15:02

I sense pram escalation here in the event of the OP getting up the duff herself.
Can I suggest unilateral disarmament or, in the event that the OP has ever read the Art of War, going in strong on day 1 with this

Ah, the joys of Pram Porn. The internet has something to everyone's taste, does it not?

needacupoftea · 30/09/2009 15:14

Crickey Boffinmum - Pimp my pram or what?! Makes my maclaren feel inferior...

Niknak21 · 30/09/2009 15:31

Hooray for you KG

MichKit · 30/09/2009 15:59

Look what I read in the paper today. reminded me instantly of your situation.

I've been after seeing your pic!!

ChilledandHappy · 30/09/2009 17:27

Hi KG100 - Jane here! Thought I'd have a read of your thread, I can see how addictive this is!

I still think you should just get pregnant and get an even bigger buggy for the hall!

Alternatively, I'll come round and park my buggy in your hall - maybe I could bring some other mums too, get a hall full of buggies!!

Good to see you the other night, see you soon.

J xx

KG100 · 30/09/2009 17:31

ChilledandHappy, bring your NCT class round (with buggies of course) for tea and cakes! Maybe you could buy H a kiddie quad bike and park that too!

OP posts:
KIMItheThreadSlayer · 30/09/2009 19:21

Stick around could always join us in chat on the thread killers thread.

randomeuro · 30/09/2009 19:29

Glad it has worked out for you KG and hope the pram stays away, you have the worst neighbours ever! You were far far too kind to put up with that for so long.

p.s LOL @ Brio Behemoth

LifeOfKate · 30/09/2009 20:06

Well done KG!! Very happy it seems to be sorted.

That article made me laugh (mean, I know).. the line about her now being housebound due to lack of pram... has the woman never heard of a sling?!?

bratley · 30/09/2009 20:41

Yes! Please join the thread killers thread! We always love a new thread killer to join in the chaos deep and meaningful conversation!

Thought of you today KG100, a woman walked past me in town and I thought 'I recognise that pram!' and then found myself looking to see how old her child was!
She had a little tot under one so it can't have been your neighbour! lol

It is true, MN rules your life once you're in!

Glad everythings sorted.

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