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in asking our upstairs neighbour to move their pram?

344 replies

KG100 · 27/09/2009 16:19

Our upstairs neighbours share a communal hall way with us and have been using it to store their pram since their son was born. We were quite sympathetic for the first six months or so. After that we politely mentioned it was a problem for us as it was blocking the hallway but they said they had nowhere else to store it.

We let it rest but for the last few months it's been getting slightly wearing as he is now 20 months old and there is no sign of them moving on to a fold up model. We raised it couple of times over the summer, basically asking how much longer they would need it and they were non-committal.

So we asked them if they would mind us storing our bikes there occasionally. They said they wouldn't object and so on Thursday night my husband moved the bikes up in anticipation of going for a bike ride or two over the weekend.

We made sure they could still get their pram in and out but they still went completely berserk. She knocked on the door to ask me to move them and lost it when I said "no - we had agreed this up front". Her husband has also got quite angry and stated that they should have extra rights over the hallway than us.

I can't believe the way they are acting (stomping round upstairs, shouting at me and my husband when we've seen them, even though the bikes are now back in our flat) but not having children I can't judge whether it is really is an ordeal to either get a fold up pram, as we have asked, or alternatively build a shed and store their pram in the front yard. I'm sure all my nephew and nieces (six of them) were using fold up buggies by this age but they insist that they are not suitable for a 20 month old. Am I being really unreasonable? When should they be able to move on to a fold up model? And what does everyone else do when their kids get to this kind of age?

OP posts:
BoffinMum · 30/09/2009 09:00

Actually I know what I would have done, having now looked at the picture. Every day I would fold it up and dump it on the street, or put the thing upside down in the hall. She would have laid into me. I would have laid into her. My husband would have told me off and tried to make the peace. My children would have told me off for being mental. I would have become increasingly obsessed with the whole pram thing and started some kind of legal action whilst secretly defiling the pram in unpleasant ways.

Alternatively I would have taken it to the charity shop while they were on holiday, and claimed to know nothing about it.

Just take out a contract on the bitch and have done with it.

BoffinMum · 30/09/2009 09:01

Pretend to hurt yourself tripping over it and take out a personal injury action????

scottishmummy · 30/09/2009 09:07

and spend a time getting cautioned for wasting police time

GrendelsMum · 30/09/2009 09:09

Bloody hell.

Are they trying to kill themselves?

That really is a serious fire risk - I can't believe that anyone is so stupid as to live in an upstairs flat with a child and purposely block their exit.

That really, really needs to go.

scottishmummy · 30/09/2009 09:13

solicitor letter
fire officer contact, write with photo and call to

Feierabend · 30/09/2009 09:26

Nice pram though

I had a similar one and stored it in my car boot. They lie if they say they can't. Surely they have travelled with pram & car?

Horton · 30/09/2009 09:33

Good god, it's enormous. You are even less unreasonable than I first thought (and I didn't think you were being unreasonable anyway). They're potty. If my mum had bought that for me and I had nowhere to keep it, I'd have said 'Sorry, mum, it's really nice but we're going to have to change it for something else, I'm afraid'.

KIMItheThreadSlayer · 30/09/2009 09:38

bloody hell, they are taking the piss big time.
You are far better then me about this I would have put it outside and hoped the local totters took it

TwoManyFallsAndYouGetABadScore · 30/09/2009 09:38

They haven't even got it rearward facing so that can't be their excuse for not getting something smaller that folds easily .

scottishmummy · 30/09/2009 09:48

what is a local totter?

KIMItheThreadSlayer · 30/09/2009 09:50

Drive by scrap dealer!
I love mine

scottishmummy · 30/09/2009 09:55

ah, didnt know that.never heard that expression

BoffinMum · 30/09/2009 10:27

scottishmummy you are far too practical.

scottishmummy · 30/09/2009 10:30

local totter to me would be dolly burds eg coleen rooney

mowbraygirl · 30/09/2009 10:58

I have also just read in today's Daily Telegraph about the mother with a week old baby left her buggy in communal hallway took baby and shopping up two flights of stairs. Her partner was going to carry it up when he got home in two hours by then council had impounded it on health and safety reasons. They are requiring £50 to get it back will only keep it for 4 weeks and then will dispose it. The buggy cost the couple £350. They say it cannot be stored in the hallway as as you must ensure all fire escapes routes are clear.

mumeeee · 30/09/2009 11:04

YANBU. ALL 3 0f my DD's were using a fold up buggy by 6months and in fact you can now get some that can be used from birth.

Nahla · 30/09/2009 11:05

Didn't think you BU before but had to post after seeing the picture!

Your neighbours are either insane or super heroes. Were they planning on just floating over the pram if there was a fire or something? Is that pram more important than their child's life?

I would rather move than live below such lunatics! 20 months?! Some people are just unbelievable...

Stigaloid · 30/09/2009 11:06

can you carry itup the stairs and leave it outside their front door?

KIMItheThreadSlayer · 30/09/2009 11:18

Wait till November, make a guy, sit it in pram, push pram to local pub, hang penny for the guy sign on pram and hopefully you will raise enough to get them a buggy
Of some Friday night drunks will use it to get one of their number home, either way problem solved

Southwestwhippet · 30/09/2009 11:34

did not think you were BU and am 100% convinced after seeing picture . Have been following thread avidly though, can't wait to find out what happens when their 'week is up'. good luck

bratley · 30/09/2009 12:42

Kimi, you idea stealer! lol

ohmeohmy · 30/09/2009 13:36

Can you figure out how to fold it up and then leave it upstairs in the hope they won't be able to figure out how to get it up again?


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KG100 · 30/09/2009 14:12

Good news!

Not sure if it is sold or they just moved it into their flat (possibly they may have come to accept that they might have lost the moral high ground after the folding/non-folding fiasco, although I doubt it) but the incredible folding pram just seems to have disappeared last night. Have to keep opening my front door and double check the hallway but so far no magic reappearance!

So looks like Pramgate is now officially over and the pram has finally gone!

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StayFrosty · 30/09/2009 14:15

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KG100 · 30/09/2009 14:17


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