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Aibu to serve a buffet at our wedding

251 replies

MimosasInFrance · 18/06/2022 10:00

My partner and I are planning a wedding for this December, this is of course quite a fast turnaround (due to family illness) but we've been lucky to get a venue, DJ and photographer booked with relative ease so it is all going ahead!

We've opted for a hot buffet for the meal - likely a Christmas carvery type situation (a nice one!) because we felt that was a bit more relaxed and also, honestly, it was cheaper. I also thought people who have particular food habits (like members of my family!) might find it less stressful than a three-course sit down affair. We're serving plenty of wine and soft drinks etc. It's a twilight wedding so I don't think anyone should be going hungry.

I've just had a reaction from a family member who seems to think this is akin to serving beans on toast, and it's thrown me into a panic. Will everyone hate this and think we're being stingy?

I'm trying not to get sucked into everyone's expectations as I know that's how costs get out of hand.

Aibu to serve a buffet?

OP posts:
LuckySantangelo35 · 15/03/2023 08:52

SurfBox · 27/06/2022 21:50

It's a wonderful occasion when commitment is the celebration. Not the food

so it's ok to leave guests starving?


why would they be starving with a buffet??

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