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Who is in the wrong here????

438 replies

WorriedWelshy · 27/04/2022 09:46

A few weeks ago I bought my step son a personalised jacket to wear for his 8th birthday party that he's having at his mother's who he lives.

I found out yesterday that she didn't put it on him because apparently it wasn't spelt correctly so he wore something else.

AIBU to call her disrespectful by not putting it on him to wear? She didn't even let us know he wouldn't be wearing it or say thank you for us buying it for him or anything. She said she didn't ask us to buy it and because my step son already said thank you she doesn't think she needs to.
What annoyed me most is she didn't even give it back to us until I had to ASK for it back.

My OH thinks I'm overreacting but I can't help but feel so offended.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1686 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
GimmeUrCoffee · 28/04/2022 09:27

If I buy my friends child a present, my friend will thank me personally as well as the child. I don't think I'm BU to expect a simple thank you tbh

There's a lot that is confusing me about this thread but this...^ I really don't get.

Your husband is this boys parent too, if you insist on receiving a thank you from every child's parent that you give a gift can he not thank you for the jacket? Why does it have to be her?

My step child's mother doesn't thank us for every gift we buy him and we don't thank her for hers! It's not the same as buying a random friends child a present.

This is your partner's child, in her mind, it's just her kids dad buying him a gift for his birthday, why would she thank him/you for that?

Did you thank her for getting your step child, her own child, a present?

WalkingOnTheCracks · 28/04/2022 09:56

What's the highest 'YABU' poll score every on MN?

WalkingOnTheCracks · 28/04/2022 09:56

....'ever', even.

MissusMaisel · 28/04/2022 10:27

WorriedWelshy · 27/04/2022 17:59

I will admit that I didnt think about the name being on clothes as being a potential safety thing, thats fair enough.

I did let SS know I bought him a jacket for his birthday about a week before hand and I just assumed he would of told his mother about it. But again I'm not trying to dictate what he wears of course not.
I think its best if we leave it there now.

Would HAVE

NewPapaGuinea · 28/04/2022 10:50

Just get a badge next time

ValerieCupcake · 28/04/2022 11:05

WorriedWelshy · 27/04/2022 09:57

OK just to clarify some things:

The jacket has the words "NAME your 8 today!"

I'm not necessarily annoyed that he didn't wear it if HE chose not to wear it, it's more that she didn't bother to let us know there was a spelling mistake or that he wouldn't actually wear it for his party, and that she just kept it. He obviously isn't going to wear it at hers so why not just give it back?

Before I get pounced on for not considering dyslexia, I find it impossible to believe that the purchaser and the creator are both dyslexic. I do however believe that you both have rubbish grammar.

And those who want to pounce to say "words evolve" and "it doesn't matter" of course it bloody well does.

nancynoname · 30/04/2022 01:30


"Your" and "you're" are two completely different words, with two completely different meanings.

Of course it matters which one you use, and when.

If anyone gave me an item with the wrong word/spelling on it, it would go straight in the bin, lest anyone saw it and wondered why I didn't know basic grammar. The ex handled it very well by not pointing out this glaring error and embarrassing you.

tcjotm · 30/04/2022 03:39

WorriedWelshy · 27/04/2022 14:30

I bought it as a fun little gift specifically for his birthday so I know its not exactly something he can wear for very long but I still think it would of been more respectful to say "he won't be wearing it but thanks anyway".
She got gifts from SS to my children when they were born and I always thanked her for it, and I think it's a bit unreasonable that she didn't show the same respect back.

And to the people saying I hate her, I don't hate her I hardly even know her, this has just rubbed me the wrong way.

Because newborn babies can’t thank you themselves! 😂

Pickabearanybear · 30/04/2022 04:39

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Username20000 · 30/04/2022 05:21

I would never put a child in anything personalised. Years ago when personalised headbands were a brief fad in our primary school a man started talking to my little sister. He knew her name because it was on her headband. He tried to convince her he had been sent to collect her or some sort of story.

The jacket was a stupid idea and wasteful just to wear for one day.
I would not let him wear a personalised jacket for safety reasons.
The jacket had a spelling mistake.
The mother does not need to thank you for a gift not given to her and for which you have already been thanked by the personal who received the gift. .

AChocolateOrangeaday · 30/04/2022 09:16

The only thing worse I can think of that the OP could have bought the poor kid is a Chester Draws for his bedroom.

Bobbins36 · 30/04/2022 09:53

AChocolateOrangeaday · 30/04/2022 09:16

The only thing worse I can think of that the OP could have bought the poor kid is a Chester Draws for his bedroom.


Snoopfroggyfrogg · 01/05/2022 09:02

But again I'm not trying to dictate what he wears of course not

The whole thread is about you doing just this.

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