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Boyfriend says I eat too much..aibu to think I don't?

241 replies

stealmysunshone · 15/06/2021 11:10

He always has something to say about what I eat and bangs on I eat too much.
He eats 1 meal a day (if you can call it that ) and for his lunch 1 slice of small bread with 1 slice of ham and that's it all day till 6pm

Today for lunch I had a 2 egg omelette (medium eggs ) with 1/4 tomato and 1/4 online and 2 mushrooms with a small tin of baked beans (2/3 of the tin)
For breakfast I just had a banana

He said that lunch is too big and it's more like a tea time meal.
If I just had 1 slice of bread with ham I would be shaky

For tea I'm having chicken with veg and potatoes
And a snack I've got a count on us 90 cal choc thing.

Aibu here? Is this too much ?
Is this normal ?
Every time I try and argue my case he says
My lunch is a plate full and too much

OP posts:
Gilly12345 · 15/06/2021 15:19

It sounds like he is under eating for a man, what kind of job does he have?

My Hubby has a physical job and eats three meals a day and if snacks between a meal then it is fruit or yogurt, he is 6ft 1 and weighs 11 1/2 stone and extremely healthy.

MrsTerryPratchett · 15/06/2021 15:19

So he's a binge drinker who controls what you eat?


starfishmummy · 15/06/2021 15:25

Tbh what you eat is irrelevant. Its the way he's criticising you, trying to control you and that he is palmost certainly lying about what he does eat and drink that is the issue. Do you see this as a long term relationship?

Member984815 · 15/06/2021 15:28

He seems to have problems with food , that's not enough for a grown man

Nonmaquillee · 15/06/2021 15:35

He sounds utterly joyless. Sharing good food together is one of the best things about being in a partnership.

ginghamstarfish · 15/06/2021 15:37

He has 9-10 pints every time he's out, and he's criticising what you choose to consume? Sounds like and idiot, and you'd be better off without him.

LadyJaye · 15/06/2021 15:40

I only eat once a day, and I don't suffer from disordered eating, because I only eat when I'm hungry. This has been my habit for years and it suits me just fine (perfectly healthy weight/BMI for my height and activity level etc).

However, that's me, and, just as I wouldn't take kindly to somebody commenting on my food intake, I wouldn't comment on anybody else's.

Nanny0gg · 15/06/2021 15:43

You haven’t answered as to why you’re with him?

Going out must be a bundle of laughs

SchadenfreudePersonified · 15/06/2021 15:47


How much does he weigh, because that's exactly the amount you need to lose.

"And you can do it in moments with this one simple trick!"

Chewbecca · 15/06/2021 15:55

Mine said 800 or so too but it does depend on portion sizes of course.

Thanks for the lunch inspiration though, I had an mushroom, tomato and onion omelette with beans for lunch after logging it and seeing what a good job it did for my 5 a day and fancying it!

ChelleV · 15/06/2021 15:56

As someone with a long history of eating disorder, he's a) got one, and b) a bit of a jerk for projecting his issues onto you. It kinda shows how little insight he has into his own unhealthy habits.

Shortbreadbrokemytooth · 15/06/2021 16:02

@stealmysunshone is this man generally nice to you apart from food issues, or is he always controlling ? It sounds like you deserve so much better than him.

EveningOverRooftops · 15/06/2021 16:04

Ditch the boyfriend. Anyone critical of your eating is going to set you up with a life time of anxiety around food and diet.

and the only thing I have issue with is just the banana for breakfast. Add a boiled egg in or something but that’s just me.

BlueDaises · 15/06/2021 16:11

He sounds utterly miserable company...

what is there to like about him ?

FwiwNotMuch · 15/06/2021 16:21

Well stick a fork in me.
I had a toasted bagel for brekkie.
At lunchtime I had crudités and hummus.
I have just had a pack of sesame snaps as a snack and will have homemade burger with home made wedges (albeit slimming world style) with salad and coleslaw 4 dinner.
I also treated myself to a Solero and have had 2 cups of instant coffee with semi skimmed milk and sweetener.
I weigh 55KG and am 5ft 4.
I def haven’t done my steps today.
If my OH said a word I would literally ignore him and refuse to let him eat any of my cooking again.
Life is to short to starve!

seensome · 15/06/2021 16:28

Is he skinny, Underweight? One roll isn't enough all day for a man, if he is over weight, then I guess he is secretly eating a lot more.
From what you've described, your diet sounds healthy and normal.

PinkG0ld · 15/06/2021 16:31

I eat way more than you and I’m underweight.

  1. Your boyfriend has an eating disorder and needs help.

  1. He is purposefully making you feel like shit.

  1. Dump the bastard.
Poppins17 · 15/06/2021 16:31

He’d be my ex quicker than he could say anything… you don’t want to live your life justifying everything you put in your mouth!

Lovelydiscusfish · 15/06/2021 16:36

My ex used to criticise what I ate all the time (he barely eats). In the end I developed disordered eating for a while.

I can still be funny about food now. Luckily my new bloke has had similar himself so understands it. We encourage each other to eat, not the other way round!

Ditch this man before he proper messes with your head…..

Benjispruce3 · 15/06/2021 16:37

He sounds charming. Your meals sound reasonable and given you only eat a banana for breakfast, your lunch is substantial but not too much.

Onairjunkie · 15/06/2021 16:38


Maybe I'm over guessing on the app
But potatoes alone for me is showing as 400 cals
Chicken 250 cals

Anyway I'm not going to let his ways get inside my head.
It's making me a bit neurotic

He likes a drink twice a week but can easily have 9-10 pints each time his out
So has a bit of a beer belly and would rather scrimp on food and drink his calories

He drinks 18-20 pints a week and criticises hit for having an omelette for lunch? Fuck that noise. He’s insane.
alardi · 15/06/2021 17:12

One thing DH & I bond over is how much we both eat. Both into exercise so we eat a lot. I believe shared love of food is much more common than OP's weirdness.


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MrsTerryPratchett · 15/06/2021 17:17

I do wonder what this thread is for. Very sparse posts about disordered eating. Sounds like OP may have some disordered eating as well.

I'm concerned this is an opportunity to lie in it.

Cocomarine · 15/06/2021 17:34

@seensome he hasn’t just had a roll though. That’s as well as his dinner; which OP neglected to detail. So it was bollocks posting that he has one meal a day 🤷🏻‍♀️
Some people prefer to mainly eat once a day - and do so healthily in that meal.
I agree with the poster who said OP was being sparse!

Cocomarine · 15/06/2021 17:35

Neither of them have an entirely healthy relationship with food, and the ye boyfriend is a dick on top.

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