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Unexpectedly disgusting food

645 replies

dontforgettofloss · 09/05/2021 18:52

Just been reading the unexpectedly amazing food thread, and thought I'd post about food that I thought would be nice but wasn't.

The slimming world beef stroganoff from Iceland- it looked lovely on the packet, and smelt quite nice while it was cooking- but it tasted awful, really watery with a weird aftertaste

Wensleydale with cranberry- again, it looked nice, but tasted like vomit

OP posts:
KatharinaRosalie · 09/05/2021 20:06

Visiting friends in Vienna, who took me to a cafe famous for its sachertorte. Looked beautiful. Tasted horrible. I know it's supposed to be dry but bleurgh, it was like eating chocolate-flavoured sawdust.

MintyMabel · 09/05/2021 20:06

May have been said but Darkmilk from Cadbury’s.

I hated Darkmilk, but the Darkmilk buttons are nice.

Gifflar cinnamon rolls from Ikea. I love cinnamon rolls and like most of the stuff from Ikea, but these were hideous.

MaryLennoxsScowl · 09/05/2021 20:07

All vegan cakes. Especially those sold by vegan patisserie stalls at farmers’ markets - every time they look tasty and artisanal and every time they are disgusting. Why people think vegans don’t eat sugar is beyond me.

(Also every vegan cheese. Just give up - they’re horrible plasticky dribble that every vegan pizza now has, whereas veggie pizza without cheese tastes lovely on its own, vegan cheese is awful and burns the roof of your mouth.)

CheerfulBunny · 09/05/2021 20:07

Options hot chocolate and other instant cappuccino type things. They sound fabulous but taste like washing powder to me. I think it's the milk powder in them? OH has some cheap instant Irish coffee mix and even the smell of it makes me gag.

Talkwhilstyouwalk · 09/05/2021 20:07


Vegan cheese

I was mistakenly given a vegan cheese and marmite ciabatta instead of a proper one good job the mistake was that way round eh Starbucks?

As soon as I opened the bag I knew it wasn't right -smelt like a bag of vomit

Couldn't even put it near my mouth and actually had to stop the car to get it out as soon as possible as the smell was making me gag it was that strong

How do people eat vegan cheese???

Hahaha!! Reminds me of when one of my friends accidentally gave a vegan family's son a bite of her sausage at a bbq. Not sure the child had ever tasted anything so good, his face said it all!
Joeblack066 · 09/05/2021 20:07


Just been reading the unexpectedly amazing food thread, and thought I'd post about food that I thought would be nice but wasn't.

The slimming world beef stroganoff from Iceland- it looked lovely on the packet, and smelt quite nice while it was cooking- but it tasted awful, really watery with a weird aftertaste

Wensleydale with cranberry- again, it looked nice, but tasted like vomit

Wensleydale with cranberry is amazing!
Just shows we’re all different!
Sparklingbrook · 09/05/2021 20:07

May I add Root Beer to the list of disappointing American food and beverages? It tastes like toothpaste

It really does. DH loves it but I think it's just fizzy Listerine. Fresh breath though. Grin

Ihatesalad · 09/05/2021 20:08

Waitrose mushroom stroganoff in their vegan range (I’m not vegan) tasted and smelt totally like sweaty socks

Talkwhilstyouwalk · 09/05/2021 20:08

Biscotti. Dry, bland and breaks your teeth.

Mylittleponysuperfan · 09/05/2021 20:09

Not a food but cherry Diet Coke
I love Diet Coke
I love cherry coke
Together I thought it would be the dream
Tasted like gone off paracetamol

Kettle crispers-rosemary and sea salt-on offer at Tesco so thought I’d spend my quid and try something new
Tasted just like salty disappointment and sweaty feet

Yorkshire tea ‘bedtime tea’ ‘blue box)
I needed something tasty that wouldn’t keep me awake
Tasted like hot body odour

Alcemeg · 09/05/2021 20:09


Aero dark

^this. DH bought a bar last week, it was so dry and tasteless. I normally love both Aero and dark chocolate so it was disappointing.

Maybe not entirely unexpected, but I bought freeze dried jellyfish from an Asian supermarket when I was a student. You had to add boiling water to it - it was disgusting and like eating massive bogies. 20+ years later the thought still makes me feel ill 🤢

Just the thought of adding water to reconstitute freeze-dried jellyfish makes me heave!!!!! Did you know what it was when you bought it? Was it for a dare?!

Agree with PPs about raw celery. Actually, it used to give me blisters around my mouth when I was younger!
CHISistoast · 09/05/2021 20:09


When I first went on holiday to the USA as a teenager in the 1990's I couldn't wait to try Hershey's chocolate that I'd seen on lots of American TV shows and films...

Anyway after the first bite I was sure it had gone off as the taste is so odd it can only be described as tasting like vomit! That's the nearest description to it... The chocolate hadn't gone off, it actually really does taste like that (to anyone who hasn't tried it yet btw).... I couldn't and still can't understand how my American relatives go wild for this taste and love that chocolate... I'm NOT exaggerating btw, it's truly yucky!

Yes exactly like vomit!! I thought the same, bleurgh!
intheenddoesitreallymatter · 09/05/2021 20:10

Those booty tea things. Well aware they’re dressed up laxatives but I needed a quick weight loss for a wedding.

It smelt lovely dry. Wet they tasted and smelt of what only could be described as farm. I was fat for the wedding and thirty quid lighter.

ExhaustedFlamingo · 09/05/2021 20:10

I have found my people.

I have always maintained Hershey's tastes of vomit.

And the disappointment with the fruity many times I get lured back by someone insisting that "this one tastes really lovely, really fruity" - SPOILER: no it doesn't. They never do. I don't know why I keep believing people.

Turkish delight tastes like something children make you eat for a pretend tea party.

And frozen pizza a la Chicagos is nothing less than sadness on a plate.

Thecurtainsofdestiny · 09/05/2021 20:10

Truffle oil. Tastes of decay.

Balsamic vinegar. Just not nice.

BruteForce · 09/05/2021 20:11


Not food. Cadbury's chocolate. I used to love it but that was years ago. It tastes foul now.

I can taste palm oil in anything it's in. It tastes like coconut to me.

Cadbury's are cost-cutting by sticking it in their chocolate and it isn't working. I found a tiny bag of mini eggs in a drawer from the Easter before a few years back. Trying one of the old ones against one of the new ones was clear as day they've put some kind of coconut derivative in.

They haven't put it in their 30% less sugar, or at least they hadn't in the last bar I was given last year.
DamnitImTired · 09/05/2021 20:11

Lemon pepper seasoning. My husband loves it on his avo on toast.
I think it tastes like Lemon Fairy dishwashing liquid.

MaryLennoxsScowl · 09/05/2021 20:12

Changing mine to all vegan convenience food that wasn’t already designed for non-vegans (such as ready salted crisps). The brownies and flapjacks in packets, the pizzas, the ready meals, even sandwiches - all revolting

HopingForOurRainbowBaby · 09/05/2021 20:12

I must be in the minority because I love Hershey's chocolate. Mine would be the brownies and the cheese scones made with coconut and almond flour from the blood sugar diet book. Baked both took a bite of each and nearly vommed. Cheese and coconut flour does not go together at all and the brownies were like bitter lumps of god knows what. Even my Cat wouldn't entertain them so they we're definitely shite.

Spied · 09/05/2021 20:12

Egg noodles- no taste at all.
Wholemeal pasta - tastes of soil.
Haribo charmallows- nothingness.
Haribo starmix and goldbears- nothingness with a rubber texture.

WouldbeVa · 09/05/2021 20:13

Those little moons that everyone raves about, like a squishy testicle, not a feel that ever belongs in a mouth. 🤢

GrandTheftWalrus · 09/05/2021 20:13

I'm another one that likes wensleydale with cranberries.

But yes hersheys is disgusting.


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SunsetBeetch · 09/05/2021 20:14

Homepride Slow Cooker Beef and Ale Stew.

It smelled so bad when I added it to the meat and veg, I threw it straight out. Didn't even taste it. Awful

JosephineDeBeauharnais · 09/05/2021 20:14


Don't know if it's unexpected but celery. When you consider that cucumber and other crudités are lovely, celery is just urgh.

This made me laugh. DS2’s first reaction on tasting celery was Shock and a shouted “Wah-ah!” he was so revolted by it. It’s been known as wah-ah in our family ever since Grin.
The kicker is that he was a teenager when it happened and none of us could understand how he’d never tasted it before!
VetOnCall · 09/05/2021 20:15

I opened the thread to mention Hershey's chocolate, it tastes like you've thrown up in your mouth. It's sold everywhere in Canada and I cannot fathom why.

I also tried those Itsu sea salt seaweed thins as well and they are rank. I gagged and had to spit it out, and even DP, who will eat most things, tried one bite and threw the rest away.

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