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Theresa Bloody May!

322 replies

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 11:06

Why on earth doesn't she just shut up and fade from view? She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks Confused

I am stunned by her arrogance, she was the laughing stock of the whole world for years, and yet she feels qualified to still pass comment?

Please can someone tell her WE DONT CARE what you think, you had your chance and you stuffed it up with your robotic soundbites and your lack of backbone, now please depart with dignity.

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MaskingForIt · 20/01/2021 12:39

YABU. I think, for a Conservative, she was actually a fairly good PM. I’d rather have her in charge at the moment than BoJo.

Most people have hear of the “glass ceiling” in career terms, but have you heard of the “glass cliff edge”? Basically, when there is a shit job to be done which will almost certainly fail, all the men run away and a woman ends up womaning up and dealing with it. That’s that happened to her. BoJo should have had the balls to be PM straight after Cameron, but he’s too much of a coward for that.

SpilltheTea · 20/01/2021 12:42

I don't think many people like any PM, but I can't see how she's the worst. Also, you do realise people are allowed to voice their opinions just as you're doing now?

Cuddling57 · 20/01/2021 12:43

So everyone on earth is entitled to criticise her and that's ok but she isn't allowed to return the favour?
I think not!

StatisticallyChallenged · 20/01/2021 12:43

I haven't heard of that @maskingforit but pretty representative of what happened there!

Positivevibesonlyplease · 20/01/2021 12:45

I find it strange that she often commands this level of vitriol. A colleague always used to go on about her coldness and lack of empathy, her poor public speaking etc. To me, she is a dignified politician, who lacks the bluster and puffed up self importance of her male compatriotes. I think it’s fine for her to speak her mind - she strikes me as someone with integrity, who doesn’t always do things just to feather her own nest - unlike the rest of her party.

GoldGreen · 20/01/2021 12:46

She’s my MP. She’s very popular in the constituency. She works very hard. Even when PM she still did a lot.

Shamefulcorners · 20/01/2021 12:46

She's worth five of Boris and is by all accounts a good constituency MP and I admired her dogged determination but she made a catastrophic error by calling an election early in and throwing away her majority and lacked the necessary diplomatic skills of diplomacy and compromise to bring people being together to close a deal (although she was convinced she did) although to be fair, she was up against some prize game playing Charlies.

I will personally never ever forgive her for her "citizens of nowhere" comment. It was such a crass thing to say when there are thousands of Brits who have exercised freedom of movement and had that right taken away from them by a referendum in which they had no say, and have now literally become citizens of nowhere if they aren't able to take on nationality of their adopted countries, which is far from a straightforward process in many cases.

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 20/01/2021 12:46

What's she doing back out her box

MrsSugar · 20/01/2021 12:47

I’ve got no time for her at all but I’m sure Boris Johnson could give her a run for her money in the poor PM race.

Boris Johnston is so incompetent he’s actually dangerous. Despicable bastards the lot of them these tories

WanderingMilly · 20/01/2021 12:47

I agree OP... Theresa May had her time, she didn't manage to get the things done that she promised, her time's over, butt out.

And why is she suddenly criticising Boris about things which are done with now, and in the middle of a pandemic when we've all got more on our minds, I have no idea. And yes, she did lack backbone during her time in office....

Sulusu · 20/01/2021 12:47

She works way harder than Cameron or Johnson ever have. At least she stayed on as an MP after not being PM anymore. And I would much much rather have her in charge right now than any other recent Tory PM.

Dippysauceus · 20/01/2021 12:49

I really liked her, had a lot of respect for her as well.

I think that most of the hatred that came towards her was actually from men who didn't like seeing a woman in power. Same withe the likes of Claire Perry.

FrankButchersDickieBow · 20/01/2021 12:49


How can you say she's the worst when we have Boris??

This. In spades!!!!!
NewspaperTaxis · 20/01/2021 12:50

May's policies both as Home Secretary and then as PM regarding the Windrush scandal were just awful, it occurred all on her watch.

She had no drive to be PM. She fell into it after Cameron resigned. Her campaign manager was my local MP Chris Grayling and her old County Council mate.

She didn't seem to like high flyers in her Cabinet - Grayling got another shot at the title as about the worst Transport Secretary there ever was, and the same goes for the others. Some say she didn't want competition, and sadly the same goes for BoJo - he also has packed his Cabinet with Brexiteer yes men and women. Now Brexit is done he should sack them but he can't because it's said he's on his way out so any new members may get sacked again by the new Conservative leader/PM. Meanwhile, the country is run into the ground with cronies like Baroness Harding enjoying the same perks and power that the Trade Unions enjoyed in the dying days of the Labour Party in the 1970s.

Fiddling their expenses while Rome burns.

StatisticallyChallenged · 20/01/2021 12:52

She's still an active MP so the last thing she should do is butt out. She's paid to stick her oar in!!

Clarich007 · 20/01/2021 12:53

Still think Thatcher was the worst ever PM

Pinkfreesias · 20/01/2021 12:53

She's still an MP and perfectly entitled to speak up. She was always on a hiding to nothing after taking over from Cameron after the referendum. Johnson and his yes-men were working against her from the very start. Every move he made was calculated to be sure he would be PM one day, no matter who he trod on.

Helmetbymidnight · 20/01/2021 12:55

id have her over boris in a moment.

he is pathetic, utterly pathetic.

boris-fans do my head in.

tigger001 · 20/01/2021 12:56

Alright Boris, calm down

You really could be talking about Boris Johnson at this moment in time, but i would currently hold anyones opinion above his.

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 12:58

I have never been more embarrassed by any PM, Theresa May was and still is completely incapable of public speaking, she has zero charisma or charm, and as a PM she was wooden, ineffectual and totally wrong for the job. It was beyond her quite frankly as much as loathe to say it, as I wanted to support her as a female PM.

Far from championing the country, she would shuffle in stooped and humiliated, and completely out of her depth 99.9% of the time. You can say Thatcher was worse, but at least she commanded the room, understood the brief and was not afraid to lead! Blair was a weasel, but at least he did a good job of pretending to be a polished leader, even if all he cared about was filling his own offshore accounts.

But Theresa May, how on earth did she even make it into the cabinet much less lead the country?! That is how I feel. I don't mind that you can name others, good for you - but when all is said and done Boris at least has energy and passion, and drive and ambition. All of those things were missing in the lifeless May.

OP posts:
UntamedWisteria · 20/01/2021 12:59

I heard her comments reported on Radio 4 this morning and agreed with the sentiment of everything she said.

The worse thing she did was facilitate Boris' ascent to power.

I honestly think that if she had still been PM we would have had fewer Covid deaths.

MimiDaisy11 · 20/01/2021 13:01

I'm no fan of the tories or May but when she has said things or appeared in the news it's normally because she's asked a fair and reasonable question in the commons. Like laughing at Gove for saying the UK is going to be safer without joint law enforcement operations. Which to be fair is just laughable. It's along the lines of saying UK businesses will become better because they now have more bureaucracy to contend with.


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Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:02

I am sure Saint Theresa will be pleased to know she has so MN fans! Grin Shame she didn't have your support at the time.....

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ancientgran · 20/01/2021 13:04

Boris Johnson is far more of an embarrassment than May ever was. Apart from all the serious stuff he can't even comb his hair, how rude to turn up to formal events looking like Wurzel Gummidge.

Watching PMQs today I thought how appropriate it would be if Keir Starmer offered him a comb.

His gaffs are no laughing matter, how he can even talk about Nazanin Zaghari-Radcliffe I will never understand. How about being a PM in a pandemic showing off about shaking hands with everyone in a hospital, he was so tough he wasn't afraid of covid. Covid soon put him in his place. The embarrassment when he commented about Obama being Kenyan. The shame.

Ellie56 · 20/01/2021 13:05

She is the very worst PM we have ever had, Hmm

Er no, the worst PM we have ever had is still fucking it up in Downing Street. That twat makes her look good.

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