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Theresa Bloody May!

322 replies

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 11:06

Why on earth doesn't she just shut up and fade from view? She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks Confused

I am stunned by her arrogance, she was the laughing stock of the whole world for years, and yet she feels qualified to still pass comment?

Please can someone tell her WE DONT CARE what you think, you had your chance and you stuffed it up with your robotic soundbites and your lack of backbone, now please depart with dignity.

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GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 20/01/2021 12:24

Of the last 3 PM’s she’s the least bad! At least she thoughtful and intelligent. Being charismatic is not the be all and end all of being a politician.

GrumblyMumblyisnotJumbly · 20/01/2021 12:24

Worst PM award. OP I give you Boris Johnson.
I rest my case.

jasjas1973 · 20/01/2021 12:27

Mr Biden in 2019 called the British prime minister “a physical and emotional clone” of Donald Trump; he views Brexit as a strategic disaster

Says it all really.

BaileysforBreakfast · 20/01/2021 12:27

YABU. Johnson is worse by far.

SabrinaThwaite · 20/01/2021 12:28


May sacked a proportion of the current cabinet for being scheming, lying, useless fuck weasels.

"kindred spirits" uses less letters ....

But it's not as cathartic.
Chambored · 20/01/2021 12:29


She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks confused

Have you been in a coma for the last year?

She was handed a bucket of shit by David Cameron, who ballsed it all up, and Boris has taken said bucket of shit and ballsed it up even more!

Hoppinggreen · 20/01/2021 12:30

Theresa May is the worst PM in history
Boris Johnson “hold my pint”

SonjaMorgan · 20/01/2021 12:31

Why doesn't she shut up and stop sharing her opinion? Writes the mumsnet poster ranting and sharing her opinion.

callmeadoctor · 20/01/2021 12:31

Blimey, Theresa May is a bloody saint compared to all the others!

GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 20/01/2021 12:31

Illegally proroguing Parliament make Boris Johnson the worst PM of all time. No one else would have done something so appalling. He’s also making a hash of the pandemic but that’s not a problem of his own making...

AuntyPasta · 20/01/2021 12:33

Of the last three PMs

Best: Theresa May

Shitty : Boris Johnson

Caused this shitstorm and sauntered off: David Cameron

UrAWizHarry · 20/01/2021 12:34

"She is the very worst PM we have ever had"

Nah, she's third behind Cameron and Boris.

BoKatan · 20/01/2021 12:34

Carrie, is that you?

MarieIVanArkleStinks · 20/01/2021 12:34

She is the very worst PM we have ever had.

Hardly! Thatcher? Blair?

And I didn't think anyone could leave the UK in a worse state than their policies did, but David Cameron has succeeded admirably (and that's no small feat. For lumbering us with the shitshow that is Brexit, I'd even go so far as to say that he claims the honour.

redsquirrelfan · 20/01/2021 12:35


I couldn’t agree more. She has totally decimated the Police service. It’s on it’s knees.

Was that down to her though? The Coalition government introduced austerity and took away resources from everything. I am not sure she could have changed anything.
DfEisashambles · 20/01/2021 12:36

Read her article yesterday and agreed with it.

Scbchl · 20/01/2021 12:36

She was actually ranked 12th in the article I previously read about the worst pm. Thatcher was first.

HeadNorth · 20/01/2021 12:36

I am no fan of TM or her deal, but to be fair she was in an impossible position and I do think she was genuinely trying to do what she thought was best for the country. Now I disagree with her on that, but do respect that she was doing what she believed was right - she does have a certain integrity. BJ has zero integrity and would shaft us all for his own benefit. He is despicable, far far worse than TM.

CoRhona · 20/01/2021 12:36

She's our local MP. And there is NO WAY she is worse than the current idiot.

DfEisashambles · 20/01/2021 12:37

Worst PM: Boris, followed by Cameron.

redsquirrelfan · 20/01/2021 12:37


Illegally proroguing Parliament make Boris Johnson the worst PM of all time. No one else would have done something so appalling. He’s also making a hash of the pandemic but that’s not a problem of his own making...

I agree. Lets not forget that please - he was quite prepared to drive the country into the ground.

Fortunately the election of Biden just about protected from us from a no deal Brexit now, although the trade deal is thin, but at least we can still eat. The NI Protocol is clearly having teething problems is not fit for purpose though.
OnlyFoolsnMothers · 20/01/2021 12:37

This really reminds me of when I used to say how awful George Bush was.....Hmm


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user1499114292 · 20/01/2021 12:38


She's not the worst, not by a long way. She was set up to fail by her own party - they needed someone to fail so they could clean house and push through brexit afterwards.

I'd far rather she was PM through a pandemic frankly

I think history will be far kinder to her than we are being currently. She has behaved with dignity, and is entitled to voice her thoughts. I believe she is a decent person, and is trustworthy, which is quite an accolade in politics. And she was truly stitched up by her party and an opposition that preferred to destroy rather than build a credible case for their own side.
Port1aCastis · 20/01/2021 12:38

Mrs May is a democraticly elected MP so no she shouldn't shut up.
Bozo is the worst PM ever feckin idiotic man pretending to be a bumbling twat but actually lining his back pocket
Cop out Cameron the the next worse Tory PM

PursuingProxemicExactitude · 20/01/2021 12:39

If only she had expended some energy while in office in making the Tory party a hostile environment for the present incumbent.

But no ...

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