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Theresa Bloody May!

322 replies

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 11:06

Why on earth doesn't she just shut up and fade from view? She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks Confused

I am stunned by her arrogance, she was the laughing stock of the whole world for years, and yet she feels qualified to still pass comment?

Please can someone tell her WE DONT CARE what you think, you had your chance and you stuffed it up with your robotic soundbites and your lack of backbone, now please depart with dignity.

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Biscoffaddict · 20/01/2021 12:04

I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than vote Tory, but she’s far from the worst.

DGRossetti · 20/01/2021 12:05

This is the same Theresa May that lied to the Conservative Party conference ?

The same one that oversaw the Windrush tragedies ?

The same one that created the hostile environment with vans telling people to "Go Home" ?

Or a different one ? Googling "Theresa May" is confusing.

TheTrashBagIsOursCmonTrashBag · 20/01/2021 12:05

Actually I think you’ll find Theresa May is either second or third worst PM. Depending on what your view of David Cameron is. Boris Johnson is obviously the worst PM we’ve ever had by a country mile. TM and DC were embarrassingly bad but BJ still beats them hands down.

muddyford · 20/01/2021 12:05

There were worse than Theresa May; smirking Bliar (love that!) and Brown by name and brown by nature.

Hugoslavia · 20/01/2021 12:08

She would have handled covid much better. She's detailed oriented and methodical. And she is dedicated to her job. What other Prime Minister returns to the back benches instead of going on the talk circuit to get rich!

TatianaBis · 20/01/2021 12:10

Can't stand the woman but everything she said about Boris was fair.

Carysmatthews · 20/01/2021 12:11

I couldn’t agree more. She has totally decimated the Police service. It’s on it’s knees.

KaptainKaveman · 20/01/2021 12:13

Compared with the shambling, lying corrupt overweight tosser in No 10 atm she's pretty good.


KaptainKaveman · 20/01/2021 12:14


Actually I think you’ll find Theresa May is either second or third worst PM. Depending on what your view of David Cameron is. Boris Johnson is obviously the worst PM we’ve ever had by a country mile. TM and DC were embarrassingly bad but BJ still beats them hands down.

To be fair John Major was a bumbling incompetant arse as well.
ancientgran · 20/01/2021 12:14

Boris knifed her in the back so many times it is a wonder she is still alive. I don't blame her returning the favour.

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

giao · 20/01/2021 12:15

She would have handled the pandemic better than Boris. Many lives would have been saved.

ancientgran · 20/01/2021 12:16

John Major played a large part in getting peace in Northern Ireland, no small achievement. Not sure Boris will ever do anything comparable.

DGRossetti · 20/01/2021 12:17


John Major played a large part in getting peace in Northern Ireland, no small achievement. Not sure Boris will ever do anything comparable.

Reversing that would be quite a big thing too, to be fair.
Keratinsmooth · 20/01/2021 12:17

She’s still an active politician, she didn’t self combust when giving up the leadership role, she won’t be going away until she retires or dies. That’s kind of how it works

user1497207191 · 20/01/2021 12:18


Can someone duplicate this for Blair please?

And Brown.
Backbee · 20/01/2021 12:18

The worst prime minister...fucking hell. Her Brexit deal was better, she had an impossible role but took it on with dignity, I am not a fan of hers but if you think she is worse than Boris you are quite frankly deluded. Or should she 'shut up' because she's a woman?

ancientgran · 20/01/2021 12:19

Reversing that would be quite a big thing too, to be fair. I don't think it would be quite as commendable but I grant it would be a big thing.

NOTANUM · 20/01/2021 12:20

I'm delighted that Theresa May is not obeying the "calm down dear" stance expected of her. I'm thrilled she is using her voice loudly. I may not agree with people but I applaud their right to have their say.

She was nowhere near the worst PM ever. Boris Johnson and his nasty rabble (Gove being the worst) take that accolade and made her life misery. If she having her moment of Karma, then so be it.

VintageStitchers · 20/01/2021 12:20

Nope, BoJo is the worst by a massive length with Thatcher and Cameron tying in second place.


SabrinaThwaite · 20/01/2021 12:21


Thing is, every time she has spoken up recently she's been absolutely right. I'm not a big fan of hers but she represents a sort of person that is sorely missing from the current horror show cabinet lineup.

Boris and his like undermined her leadership at every turn and I absolutely love her dishing it back.

May sacked a proportion of the current cabinet for being scheming, lying, useless fuck weasels.

So she gets some brownie points.
VinylDetective · 20/01/2021 12:21


John Major played a large part in getting peace in Northern Ireland, no small achievement. Not sure Boris will ever do anything comparable.

He certainly did. He was also a quietly competent chancellor and foreign secretary. He was my constituency MP and left very big boots to fill in that role. I’m far from a Tory but I’d take any of their old school PMs, including Thatcher, over the current one.
OnlyFoolsnMothers · 20/01/2021 12:22

Blair and Johnson were far more dangerous imo

May was the worst Home Secretary!


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DGRossetti · 20/01/2021 12:23


Reversing that would be quite a big thing too, to be fair. I don't think it would be quite as commendable but I grant it would be a big thing.

There's only one thing worse than being talked about ...
DGRossetti · 20/01/2021 12:24

May sacked a proportion of the current cabinet for being scheming, lying, useless fuck weasels.

"kindred spirits" uses less letters ....

Sittingonabench · 20/01/2021 12:24

I miss the days that I thought she was a terrible pm... recent events have shown that the bar can be lowered (significantly)

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