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Theresa Bloody May!

322 replies

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 11:06

Why on earth doesn't she just shut up and fade from view? She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks Confused

I am stunned by her arrogance, she was the laughing stock of the whole world for years, and yet she feels qualified to still pass comment?

Please can someone tell her WE DONT CARE what you think, you had your chance and you stuffed it up with your robotic soundbites and your lack of backbone, now please depart with dignity.

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Sparklfairy · 20/01/2021 11:41


She has NOT been quiet at all evil I think you must have missed her other debuts!

Surely by definition a 'debut' can only happen once Hmm

Leave her alone. She wasn't great but she was handed a poisoned chalice by Boris and never had a hope of being able to lead the party properly.
Bouledeneige · 20/01/2021 11:41

Not a Theresa May fan at all. But she was handed a poisoned chalice by Cameron and then was undermined by the scheming of Gove, Johnson and Rees-Mogg - BoJo's Brexit deal in the end worse than the one she put forward and they voted against. She also was a champion of Domestic violence funding fo all her years in the Home office and has reasonable things to say about international aid and Trump's leadership. She wasn't a good leader but she's not the worst.

Don't get me started on the lying, lazy crony promoting current PM.

VinylDetective · 20/01/2021 11:44


She is an MP - should she not represent her constituents as best she can? Jeez.

Of course she should. That’s what she’s paid for.
LondonJax · 20/01/2021 11:44

She's an MP. If she's not speaking up when she sees something she doesn't like, she's not doing right by her constituents. Johnson and his cronies lied through their teeth and then got us a mediocre deal. May and the rest are pointing it out. That's their job. Maybe if Johnson did his better there'd be less to criticise.

luxxlisbon · 20/01/2021 11:45

May is still an active MP and is allowed to have a voice for her constituents, whether you agree or not doesn't change that.

Frankly more blame lies with the rabid backbenchers for everything that went wrong under May than May herself.

StatisticallyChallenged · 20/01/2021 11:45

She's not the worst, not by a long way. She was set up to fail by her own party - they needed someone to fail so they could clean house and push through brexit afterwards.

I'd far rather she was PM through a pandemic frankly

borntobequiet · 20/01/2021 11:45

She was a dreadful Home Secretary whose policies harmed many people. She led a party I fundamentally disagree with. But in terms of probity, competence and understanding she stands head and shoulders above the incompetents, grifters and bullshitters that make up our current Government, particularly bullshitter-in-chief Johnson.

middleager · 20/01/2021 11:45


How can you say she's the worst when we have Boris??

PeggyHill · 20/01/2021 11:45

Nah, she wasn't the worst. That's unfair.

She certainly wasn't great, though. I'll give you that.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 20/01/2021 11:46

She is the very worst PM we have ever had

No she's not.

That one is still in post.

CaribouCarafe · 20/01/2021 11:48

I'm no fan of Theresa (or Conservatives in general), but she is definitely not the worst and has every right to speak up on behalf of herself, her constituents, and from her position of experience.

Boris, however, should be tried for treason along with Cummings and the rest of their cronies for what they've done to the UK. I often think that the COVID pandemic would have been handled much, much better if Theresa was still PM, and wonder how many lives could have been spared under her leadership.

LadyHedgehog · 20/01/2021 11:49

Omg Cameron was only two PMs ago?? We've had Theresa and Boris in such quick succession that relative normality under Cameron seems like another lifetime.

Meredithgrey1 · 20/01/2021 11:50

She’s still an MP, I’m no fan but she’s perfectly allowed to voice an opinion like any other MP (or, tbh, any other person).

Viviennemary · 20/01/2021 11:51

She was a totally incompetent twit. The thought of her advising anyone is risible.,

BusterTheBulldog · 20/01/2021 11:51

No fan of her at all, but Cameron destroyed this country and the current post holder eclipses both of them for the ‘worst’ status. May stood no chance with the poisoned brexit chalice.

AndcalloffChristmas · 20/01/2021 11:51

Prefer her to Johnson or Cameron

She failed in great part because she was constantly undermined by her own party, in a shocking display of bullying and self serving arrogance.

She should have been tougher and not tried to please everyone but she wasn’t our worse PM by a long stretch.

howshouldibehave · 20/01/2021 11:53

She is an MP and allowed to speak as much as any of the others.

I would never vote Conservative and think the lot of them are pretty dire, but she is no way the worst PM we have ever had! I think Boris Johnson easily wins that badge.

lottiegarbanzo · 20/01/2021 11:54

May has every right to gloat.

And a duty to do her job

You come across as a raging misogynist OP.

Pukkatea · 20/01/2021 11:57

Thing is, every time she has spoken up recently she's been absolutely right. I'm not a big fan of hers but she represents a sort of person that is sorely missing from the current horror show cabinet lineup.

Boris and his like undermined her leadership at every turn and I absolutely love her dishing it back.

GypsyLee · 20/01/2021 11:57

Dear God, not heard of Thatcher and Boris, where on earth have you been hiding.

Figgygal · 20/01/2021 11:57

Worst PM ever are you bloody joking?

The current one and his administration are a disgrace she at least came across as intelligent, professional and capable if not dynamic or influential

Scarlettpixie · 20/01/2021 11:57

I am no fan of TM or the Tories but she isn’t the worst we have had.

As a current MP of course she should have a voice. I have only seen her speak up on a couple of issues recently holding Boris to account - for breaking international law and now for reducing international aid.

I actually agree with her on these two.


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RosesAndHellebores · 20/01/2021 11:59

She was not the worst. That accolade goes to a chap called BLiar who took us into an illegal war and despite his pronouncements about covid vaccinations refused to confirm whether his children had received the MMR doing enormous damage to the take up of that vaccination at the time. Not forgetting PFI and which party was in power during the 10 years leading up to the Bank collapse and 2008 recession.

Iamagree · 20/01/2021 11:59


She was a dreadful Home Secretary whose policies harmed many people. She led a party I fundamentally disagree with. But in terms of probity, competence and understanding she stands head and shoulders above the incompetents, grifters and bullshitters that make up our current Government, particularly bullshitter-in-chief Johnson.

^^ my sentiments exactly . You feel she at least had a sense of duty, of responsibility towards her party and the country (even if like you I disagree with her position on many things) .
Rosehip10 · 20/01/2021 12:01

She had an epic moral failing going to pop her head up Trump's bottom ASAP after he was elected.

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