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Theresa Bloody May!

322 replies

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 11:06

Why on earth doesn't she just shut up and fade from view? She is the very worst PM we have ever had, what in the world makes her think anyone cares what she thinks Confused

I am stunned by her arrogance, she was the laughing stock of the whole world for years, and yet she feels qualified to still pass comment?

Please can someone tell her WE DONT CARE what you think, you had your chance and you stuffed it up with your robotic soundbites and your lack of backbone, now please depart with dignity.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

742 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Coffeeandaride · 20/01/2021 13:05

It sounds like you are assessing her based on charisma rather than anything else. About the least important thing, vaguely work related that you could pick, other than maybe her clothes.

Isn't she still an MP? Isn't she supposed to have an opinion and intervene?

If you agree with cutting foreign aid, that's your opinion but I think it's ok to hear hers!

ancientgran · 20/01/2021 13:07


I am sure Saint Theresa will be pleased to know she has so MN fans! Grin Shame she didn't have your support at the time.....

You don't need to be a fan of Theresa May to know she was better than Johnson.
ExConstance · 20/01/2021 13:08

I certainly think t.M. would have managed Coronavirus better.

AuntyPasta · 20/01/2021 13:09

She had an impossible job. I don’t have to like her as a person or like her politics to acknowledge that.

Dippysauceus · 20/01/2021 13:11

Shame she didn't have your support at the time.....

She did actually, what's that phrase about making an assumption and being an ass...

Brefugee · 20/01/2021 13:12

She is the very worst PM we have ever had


Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:12

For someone who won a LANDSLIDE election, it is quite strange that so many on here don't like Boris. Despite much of the country voting for him!

Boris a fabulous PM, he promised to get a brexit deal and he has, he promised to do his best to deliver a vaccine and he has - and yet some people are still not happy. I think he is great, and will go down in history as one of the best PMs we have ever had, and I don't think it is going to matter whether you personally like or not.

He delivered democracy - end of.

OP posts:
pallasathena · 20/01/2021 13:13

Why do you want to silence a woman OP?
Fully paid up member of the patriarchy are we?

VinylDetective · 20/01/2021 13:14


I am sure Saint Theresa will be pleased to know she has so MN fans! Grin Shame she didn't have your support at the time.....

I’m no fan but anyone who thinks she’s the worst PM ever has been living under a stone for the last 18 months.
ancientgran · 20/01/2021 13:15

Presumably many of us didn't vote for him and maybe some who regret the decision.

We already had democracy thanks.

Port1aCastis · 20/01/2021 13:15

Are you a gf journo OP

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:16

And more than that I love his birds nest hair, and his eloquent use of the English language, I like his humility and his wit. I think he has achieved so much already, under the most challenging of circumstances.

Everyone in the world knows Boris, abit like the Queen.

So yes I think he is pretty damn marvellous myself, and I am sick of being silenced by the mob on here determined to be miserable about absolutely everything, and hateful towards him.

OP posts:
Shamefulcorners · 20/01/2021 13:16

. I don't mind that you can name others, good for you - but when all is said and done Boris at least has energy and passion, and drive and ambition

Are you serious op? The problem is that Boris has ambition for ^himself^ only and not for the people of the UK. As for energy and drive, let's just say he excels at delegation.

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:17

No idea what a GF is?! But nope! Just a Boris fan - a real one.

OP posts:
UntamedWisteria · 20/01/2021 13:17

I was waiting for you to show your Brexiteer credentials OP.

You do realise that Boris has also presided over the worst rates of death from Covid of any country IN THE WORLD?

We are pushing close to 100,000 deaths now ...

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:17

All the best leaders know how to delegate.

OP posts:
Sparklfairy · 20/01/2021 13:18

I like his humility and his wit

Humility Grin Now I know you're lying. Or Carrie.

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:18

Boris as incredible as he is, did not create and distribute Covid, so blaming him for it is quite frankly ridiculous!!

OP posts:
Helmetbymidnight · 20/01/2021 13:18

Oh its a crazed brexiteer, that explains it.

Very good, op, very good.

UntamedWisteria · 20/01/2021 13:19

I've got it!

The OP is really Jennifer Arcuri ...

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:19

He won a LANDSLIDE people, can you explain that? Thought not.

OP posts:
MimiDaisy11 · 20/01/2021 13:19

I call troll.

And more than that I love his birds nest hair, and his eloquent use of the English language, I like his humility and his wit.

Too far OP.


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Shamefulcorners · 20/01/2021 13:19

His humility? Hmm

This has got to be a wind up.

Icanseegreenshoots · 20/01/2021 13:19

You can't stand it, someone actually liking Boris.

OP posts:
UntamedWisteria · 20/01/2021 13:20

Not blaming Boris for Covid, blaming him for mis-managing the response to it so far too many people have died.

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