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Accidently found my present and it's all wrong.

201 replies

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 11:47

I've just discovered what DH has bought and it is so wrong. I wear crocs in the house (judge away) - the last pair I bought was a new style with no holes in and they're making my feet stuffy and sweaty. I mentioned that I might get the original type but fur lined for winter. DH has taken this as a hint and ordered some for me for christmas, which is nice, but he's chosen some fur lined with no holes so will probably be more sweaty than those I moan about. They're not a colour I would have chosen - although I could live with it, and they're a cheaper knock off brand so wouldn't last as well, but more importantly they're size 3/4 and I'm 7/8.

And so to the AIBU - they're arriving today while he's at work (I got the delivery notification, that's how I found out) - do I send them straight back and 'helpfully' choose something that will at least fit and that I would want to wear? Or do I leave it to him to sort out after christmas? (he'll probably grab the box and quickly wrap without realizing). He's a great husband, but is shit at gifts.

YABU - leave it for him at christmas
YANBU - sort it now yourself

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Am I being unreasonable?

1614 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
ThumbWitchesAbroad · 14/12/2020 22:27

@Blondeshavemorefun - am loving this bit "Style wring can cow with" and trying to work out what the DYAC has done, but not managing it!

@kirktonhouse - good move!

As an aside, I have a friend who lives in crocs - she has wide feet with hereditary bunions and crocs suit her best of any type of shoe. She even bought some gold ones to wear to a wedding! I've never ever seen her, in the 9 years that I've known her, wear anything else. For some people it is just a comfort thing.

Blondeshavemorefun · 14/12/2020 22:33


Style wrong can cope with

Must proof read my replies 😂

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 15/12/2020 01:24

Thanks blondes! That makes FAR more sense! Xmas Grin

Frannibananni · 15/12/2020 03:42

I’m off to google gold crocs. I thought my fancy silver Birkenstock’s were the height of fancy.

dontgobaconmyheart · 15/12/2020 03:48

Stuff like this always make me wonder why we pander to men's lack of care and effort so much. Unless he is completely incompetent he is ( like all men) capable of listening to what you say OP and then ordering a simple item using basic technology online. What does he do for work? would that level of basic failure be normal there? He's even bought you a knockoff because its cheaper.

I wouldn't have sorted this myself or taken on any additional load on behalf of someone who made so little genuine effort. Fobbing these things off as poor incapable men when it suits is an odd narrative to use as a smokescreen for the fact an awful lot of men play dumb and opt out of this sort of thing when they are cogently capable, just because its for women and they know women will always mop up and say bless you for trying. I assume OP isn't buying her DP a knockoff of what he wants in the wrong size and leaving it at that, because it never seems to work that way.

I'd just think he was a knob and the effort was an insult to respect but would already have ordered my own slippers if i'd wanted some anyway.

premmie09 · 15/12/2020 03:56

This absolutely baffles me. How can people not know their partners shoe size?

I'm honestly baffled by your bafflement. Why would I know or retain that information? He buys his own shoes, as do I.

chatwoo · 15/12/2020 04:16

Surely if a partner doesn't know the other person's shoe size, they just need to look inside an existing pair of shoes in the same style?? ie, OP's partner should look at her existing Crocs.

It's really not difficult.

Tezza1 · 15/12/2020 04:27

Don't judge me: I recently ordered three pairs of shoes online. All were size 7. Great. However, I got mixed up and ordered two US size 7– which fit – and a UK size 7 – which obviously didn't fit, as I take a UK 41/2 to 5.

I've given up trying to order with continental sizes. I can never get the right one.

eternalopt · 15/12/2020 05:01

I now really want to know how this pans out on Christmas Day when he watches you open something he didn't order 😂

CrotchBurn · 15/12/2020 05:34

I'm not bothered about him getting you the wrong size. It can happen. I'm annoyed he got you a cheaper version of what you have been really wanting

Goatinthegarden · 15/12/2020 06:39

I have no idea what DH’s shoe size is. I don’t know if he knows my shoe size or not.

He buys his own shoes. I buy my own shoes. Neither of us own Crocs.

We’re very happy with this arrangement.

BarbaraofSeville · 15/12/2020 07:09


Don't judge me: I recently ordered three pairs of shoes online. All were size 7. Great. However, I got mixed up and ordered two US size 7– which fit – and a UK size 7 – which obviously didn't fit, as I take a UK 41/2 to 5.

I've given up trying to order with continental sizes. I can never get the right one.

That's surprising because a US size 7 is more like a UK 5 or 6.

I'm also around a 7, but what I do is try to make sure I buy whatever size they call a 41, which is harder than it sounds because quite a lot of online size conversions are either wrong or different to what they actually send you.

But if I do manage to get a 41, that will fit, nearly all of the time.
BarbaraofSeville · 15/12/2020 07:11


I now really want to know how this pans out on Christmas Day when he watches you open something he didn't order 😂

Or if the ones the DH ordered actually were for someone else (his mum, sister, niece etc?) and he has to work out why he has bigger Crocs than what he ordered.
Cattybumbum · 15/12/2020 07:43

I would just have asked him who they were for, probably assuming his mum as she has tiny little feet and I am a 6.
I am another one surprised at the number of people who don't know how big their partner's feet are. My DH is a 9 in most shoes but a 9 and a half in Nike trainers and a 10 in almost all football boots. Seems like basic partner knowledge to me like knowing his favourite food (Roast chicken with crispy roast potatoes) or favourite song (Sunshine on a Rainy Day).

kirktonhouse · 15/12/2020 15:20

I'm slightly perturbed by the previous poster that claims to know the shoe size of my mother-in-law ...... but in other news, tiny imposter shoes have been posted back to Amazon, and, the best thing ever, when I checked the crocs order email, the heading is 'Your order is processing (and you have great taste!)' - not sure if they're referring to the lovely fluffy crocs, or to the additional free deer head decoration thing Grin.

Am now wondering if I should've asked on 'Style and Beauty' for recommendations of which small novelty decoration I should order with my fluffy crocs.

OP posts:
JustDanceAddict · 15/12/2020 15:32

I’d assume they weren’t for you then. My dh knows my sizes in shoes and clothes!! He can get things slightly wrong in terms of style or colour, so we just return them in that case. He’s not offended (I hope!).

Justme10 · 15/12/2020 16:22

@kirktonhouse it must be a slow news day, you have made it in to the Scottish sun, apparently you have been 'slammed' for thinking about returning them while he's at work Xmas Confused

Cattybumbum · 15/12/2020 17:33

I was obviously thinking if I was you. My MIL has tiny feet. Well tiny everything really.

joystir59 · 15/12/2020 17:36

They are for the OW. LTB Grin

jigglybits · 15/12/2020 17:43

Just tell him now, don't assume they're for you. It's not a big deal?

Margerine78 · 15/12/2020 17:46

Awww, I think this is quite sweet, obviously a complete gift cock up and a lack of attention to (shoe size) detail, but at least there was thought involved - and he listens!

I would say something now? Say you're sorry for found out but that he has the wrong size shoe then stealthily get him to change a few others things - holes, proper brand - when he corrects the order.

WillSantaBeComingToTown · 15/12/2020 17:46


They are for the OW. LTB Grin

Any man who think a cheap pair of knock off crocs is a suitable gift is not going to be wanted by an OW

I imagine that he pops some Tampax, a loo roll and a bottle of domestos in the stocking

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Badnan · 15/12/2020 18:19

Send them back and order the ones you want, he wont even realise.

pollymere · 15/12/2020 18:30

They sound like they've been bought for someone else. I'd mention the delivery and ask who they're for..."I know they're not for me as they're not my size, and of course I only wear the ones with holes in"...

He can them come clean if necessary and sort it out. Send a link if needs be!

MrsKoala · 15/12/2020 18:49


I have no clear idea of my partner's shoe size

This absolutely baffles me. How can people not know their partners shoe size?

My h has no idea of mine and I don’t know his. Despite having bought him slippers and wellies in the last year. I just ask him what he is, keep the information in the disposable info part of my memory, then order whatever it is, then forget it immediately.
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