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Accidently found my present and it's all wrong.

201 replies

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 11:47

I've just discovered what DH has bought and it is so wrong. I wear crocs in the house (judge away) - the last pair I bought was a new style with no holes in and they're making my feet stuffy and sweaty. I mentioned that I might get the original type but fur lined for winter. DH has taken this as a hint and ordered some for me for christmas, which is nice, but he's chosen some fur lined with no holes so will probably be more sweaty than those I moan about. They're not a colour I would have chosen - although I could live with it, and they're a cheaper knock off brand so wouldn't last as well, but more importantly they're size 3/4 and I'm 7/8.

And so to the AIBU - they're arriving today while he's at work (I got the delivery notification, that's how I found out) - do I send them straight back and 'helpfully' choose something that will at least fit and that I would want to wear? Or do I leave it to him to sort out after christmas? (he'll probably grab the box and quickly wrap without realizing). He's a great husband, but is shit at gifts.

YABU - leave it for him at christmas
YANBU - sort it now yourself

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1614 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Audreyseyebrows · 16/12/2020 08:03

My husband buys me shoes quite often, always the right size and I would be devastated to receive crocs! I would be hoping that he was having an affair!

FairyAtTheBottomOfTheGarden · 16/12/2020 07:55

Let's just hope he wasn't buying them for someone else who didn't want their wife seeing the delivery notification...

RLOU30 · 16/12/2020 06:44

we decided it was too big, too loud and too faffy, so we returned it

Sounds like the Crocs lol

BarbaraofSeville · 16/12/2020 04:14


And for those unable to sleep with the excitement of keeping up with this thread, Amazon has already refunded the money for the tiny imposters back into my account. It will become a really popular site with service like that, I might even think about using it again.

I once returned a fancy coffee machine that cost £££s that we bought from them in a moment of madness and when it arrived we decided it was too big, too loud and too faffy, so we returned it.

They sent me an email to tell me they were processing the refund before I'd left the shop I'd dropped it off at. I don't know what they'd have done if I'd posted a box of old books, bricks or other such worthless shite back to them instead of the coffee machine.
BrowncoatWaffles · 16/12/2020 03:41


And for those unable to sleep with the excitement of keeping up with this thread, Amazon has already refunded the money for the tiny imposters back into my account. It will become a really popular site with service like that, I might even think about using it again.

I am more outraged by the fact you basically paid for your own present!

In other news, I’m seriously pondering buying these for schlepping round the house now and it’s all your fault (I’d get the gingerbread house charm!).
Mamanyt · 16/12/2020 02:54

I'd simply tell him that you got the delivery notification, noticed that the size was wrong, and had taken the liberty of exchanging them for the right size (no need to mention the holes at all). I can't imagine that he ordered something so very similar to what you did want for someone else.

THEDEACON · 16/12/2020 01:42

My husband thinks I'm a size5 I'm a size 7/8 we have been together 14 years!

FollowThatStarTonight · 15/12/2020 23:08

Gosh some people really protest far too much about crocs. You can delude yourselves if you want but ultimately you're only hurting yourself and leaving us fake crocs wearers with more choice.

Oreservoir · 15/12/2020 22:56

Please update us to see if he notices that the crocs are different.
Enjoy having cosy feet.

SallyTimms · 15/12/2020 22:40

I took delivery of a flat square Oliver Bonas box. I'm going to either have a necklace selected by dh for Christmas or a Love Actually moment Grin

kirktonhouse · 15/12/2020 22:38

And for those unable to sleep with the excitement of keeping up with this thread, Amazon has already refunded the money for the tiny imposters back into my account. It will become a really popular site with service like that, I might even think about using it again.

OP posts:
kirktonhouse · 15/12/2020 22:34


You sound like an absolute delight to live with.

Intercepting delivery notes/ snooping for presents / judging what he’s bought for you. Not sure why be bothered to be honest if this is the way you go about it.

If I were your DH I’d just stop buying you presents and save you the disappointment.

Drinking at the Bar Humbug are we?

No intercepting, snooping or judging to be seen here. You must be thinking about yourself someone else
OP posts:
Jenstar123 · 15/12/2020 21:51

Oh yes must be for his cheaper, smaller footed bit on the side who also likes fur lined hideous shoes. Either that or he has a secret daughter. Xmas Grin

Crumpetsforthequeen · 15/12/2020 21:38

Light heartedly in op's DH's defence I don't know my husbands shoe size and we've been together for 10 years! 😂

YakkityYakYakYak · 15/12/2020 20:56

Fur. Lined. Crocs. Shock


BlokeTarget · 15/12/2020 20:54

You sound like an absolute delight to live with.

Intercepting delivery notes/ snooping for presents / judging what he’s bought for you. Not sure why be bothered to be honest if this is the way you go about it.

If I were your DH I’d just stop buying you presents and save you the disappointment.

ilovebagpuss · 15/12/2020 20:34

LTB he is clearly inept at adulting

veeeeh · 15/12/2020 20:29

Most amusing thread for ages. Thanks OP. lol.

pompey38 · 15/12/2020 20:25

He didn’t even ordered genuine Crocs but knock offs??? 😂

CrankyFrankie · 15/12/2020 20:19

What if, when he sees your sneaky replacements, he isn’t as shit as you think and assumes they’ve sent him the wrong ones?!

shouldhavecalleditoatabix · 15/12/2020 20:17

I am ridiculously invested in hearing the H's reaction when he realises the crocs are different....if he even does!

FelicisNox · 15/12/2020 20:08

Why are you all arguing with the OP?

She knows her DH better than you lot and she's already clarified he's shit at presents so what's to argue about? They clearly are for her to just stop already.

OP just tell him you recieved the notification, tell him they are several sizes too small and not remotely a style or colour you would like and would he mind sending them back.

He's going to have to send them back either way so there's no saving his feelings. Also have a chat about checking with you first because this is an ongoing issue. He's only shit at presents because he doesn't check the finer details and is so busy patting himself on the back he doesn't actually care if he gets it right.

Time for some tough love.


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godmum56 · 15/12/2020 19:53

Totally (well almost) off topic. I am a crocs wearer and have bought real faux fur lined crocs and I found that they get horribly sweaty and the pile wears off the fur very quickly indeed. Whatever you decide to do, I'd stay away from lined crocs and have nice warm socks instead

BashfulClam · 15/12/2020 19:35

Let him sort it or he won’t learn and will keep ordering incorrect presents. Wait till Christmas then show him they are too small and tell him to do the grunt work!

Scotland32 · 15/12/2020 19:29

Slightly tongue in cheek here, but I can’t get past the fact you wear crocs. Anywhere. Poor guy having to even contemplate buying some. I wouldn’t, even as a gift. They are simply wrong on every level.
Seriously though, if it’s natural sheepskin it will be breathable.

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