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Accidently found my present and it's all wrong.

201 replies

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 11:47

I've just discovered what DH has bought and it is so wrong. I wear crocs in the house (judge away) - the last pair I bought was a new style with no holes in and they're making my feet stuffy and sweaty. I mentioned that I might get the original type but fur lined for winter. DH has taken this as a hint and ordered some for me for christmas, which is nice, but he's chosen some fur lined with no holes so will probably be more sweaty than those I moan about. They're not a colour I would have chosen - although I could live with it, and they're a cheaper knock off brand so wouldn't last as well, but more importantly they're size 3/4 and I'm 7/8.

And so to the AIBU - they're arriving today while he's at work (I got the delivery notification, that's how I found out) - do I send them straight back and 'helpfully' choose something that will at least fit and that I would want to wear? Or do I leave it to him to sort out after christmas? (he'll probably grab the box and quickly wrap without realizing). He's a great husband, but is shit at gifts.

YABU - leave it for him at christmas
YANBU - sort it now yourself

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Am I being unreasonable?

1614 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
hettyhooverdoover · 14/12/2020 14:24

I have size 7-8 and there is no way my dh would buy me 3-4. Are you sure they're for you? Did he get some at the same time for one of your dc?

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 14:31

The poll swung towards sorting it out for myself (54% Grin) so I've just been on the crocs website and ordered the woolly mammoth ones. Still don't know what to do about the others - am swinging towards secretly returning them for my own amusement just to see if he notices that the ones that turn up are slightly different from the ones he ordered - just a little different in size, colour and style Xmas Smile

OP posts:
CiderJolly · 14/12/2020 14:36

I’d buy him some cheap knock off shoes in 4 sizes too big

LEELULUMPKIN · 14/12/2020 14:38

Another one thinking his OW has smaller feet.

IamwhoIsayIam · 14/12/2020 14:39

Am I the only one who thinks it is strange to know your partners shoe size?! I'd have to look up my partner's shoe size in an old pair. Not a chance he'd know mine and in no way do I think its odd that he doesn't!

FlyingByTheSeatof · 14/12/2020 14:44

Lol Grin at your brilliant idea of ordering the right ones for yourself - obvs definitely do that

oakleaffy · 14/12/2020 14:48

Crocs....The holes are for your dignity to drain out of!

That is what DS told me. He hated mine so much he bought me some 'Fly' boots instead for Christmas.

Aprilx · 14/12/2020 14:51


How can people not know their partners shoe size?

But...why would I know my partner’s shoe size? I don’t buy his shoe for him. I did once as a gift but my small brain doesn’t have space to retain that info.

Do you not even know whether he is about an 8 or about a 13 though?

Have you never seen his shoes, been with him when he is buying shoes? If you were purchasing footwear for him and didn’t know his exact shoe size wouldn’t you take a quick look at a pair he currently owns?
ancientgran · 14/12/2020 15:04

Still don't know what to do about the others - am swinging towards secretly returning them for my own amusement just to see if he notices that the ones that turn up are slightly different from the ones he ordered - just a little different in size, colour and style Oh yes do that and come back and tell us if he was oblivious or puzzled. It will hopefully give you a chuckle every time you wear them and that is priceless, even more so than usual at the moment.

Bless him he did try in what is known in our house as "Tries hard fails miserably." My husband reckons it should be my motto if I ever get a coat of arms which I think is unfair as although I do fail miserably sometimes I think I get it right more. We don't buy each other presents anymore, we will do something like I book hotel for a weekend away and he pays for meals and stuff.

gracex2 · 14/12/2020 15:12

Mine is shit at gifts as well lol. Just act all excited to receive the gift and when the size is undoubtedly wrong on Christmas day just say "oh dear they are lovely but just the wrong size", see if you can get a gift receipt and "unfortunately" the sweaty knockoffs will be "out of stock" so you'll be forced to get something you like. That way DH won't be disappointed that you've accidentally discovered the gift and the wrong style is "out of your control" :)

Notsoaccidentproneanymore · 14/12/2020 16:07

This is the kind of things my dh would do.

Ive come to the conclusion he’s a bit of a tight arse! Which is different to being careful with money.

I asked for Birkenstock sandals for my birthday. Which he got, but they were the cheapest ones available on the website!.

I’d just tell him he’d got it wrong.

Beautiful3 · 14/12/2020 16:12

Send them back and reorder. He wont care.

CoRhona · 14/12/2020 16:42

I could've coped with all of it except the sizing.

Send them back and change them for exactly what you want.

CrotchBurn · 14/12/2020 16:45

Buy the ones you want and then secretly replace them

CrotchBurn · 14/12/2020 16:46

Or actually 'who are these tiny like FAKE crocs for?'

LoveMyKidsAndCats · 14/12/2020 16:54

Ask who they are for. Just say who do we have to buy for with feet that small then.

OhCaptain · 14/12/2020 16:55


Another one thinking his OW has smaller feet.

I refuse to believe there’s another woman out there who wants furry crocs!
LoveMyKidsAndCats · 14/12/2020 16:58

Just see you sent them back. Imagine if they weren't even for you and hes actually got you a dressing gown or something and gives your nice crocs to some randomer 😂😂

GrinchnotHinch · 14/12/2020 17:05

Definitely vote for not telling him you’ve seen the ones today, but wait a few days then send him a link to the style/size you do like and give him enough time to fix it

GrinchnotHinch · 14/12/2020 17:06

Sorry missed your last update there! 😂 tell him you’ve bought some and he’ll sulk for a bit and get a refund for his Grin

Blondeshavemorefun · 14/12/2020 17:12


The poll swung towards sorting it out for myself (54% Grin) so I've just been on the crocs website and ordered the woolly mammoth ones. Still don't know what to do about the others - am swinging towards secretly returning them for my own amusement just to see if he notices that the ones that turn up are slightly different from the ones he ordered - just a little different in size, colour and style Xmas Smile


Style wring can cow with

But surely he must know you foot size
Santaisironingwrappingpaper · 14/12/2020 17:25

My kind and thoughtful dh bought me some from Lidl when our flaming dpuppy chewed mine. Our house is freezing, with shite carpets and poking thorough grippers... We all wear shoes! Landlord is a disgrace. They are great for driving!! And the fleece ones are soooo cozy!!
He got the correct size too.
My dc cringe when they see them!!


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namechangetheworld · 14/12/2020 17:58

Can't believe some people get so hysterical over their partner not knowing their shoe size. I struggle to remember my children's shoe sizes, and I actually buy their shoes. I wouldn't have a clue what DH's is, and we've been married for almost ten years. I don't have enough room in my brain for that shit.

notacooldad · 14/12/2020 19:05

Do you not even know whether he is about an 8 or about a 13 though?

Have you never seen his shoes, been with him when he is buying shoes? If you were purchasing footwear for him and didn’t know his exact shoe size wouldn’t you take a quick look at a pair he currently owns?
Well I don't know what shoe size Dh is. He could be a 12 or a 13 or maybe 11🤷‍♀️
I've never bought shoes for him in 30 years and I can't recall going to the shops with him buying some either.

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 20:48

This is amusing me far more than it should. New ones should be here in a couple of days. Secretly sending the imposters back tomorrow.

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