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Accidently found my present and it's all wrong.

201 replies

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 11:47

I've just discovered what DH has bought and it is so wrong. I wear crocs in the house (judge away) - the last pair I bought was a new style with no holes in and they're making my feet stuffy and sweaty. I mentioned that I might get the original type but fur lined for winter. DH has taken this as a hint and ordered some for me for christmas, which is nice, but he's chosen some fur lined with no holes so will probably be more sweaty than those I moan about. They're not a colour I would have chosen - although I could live with it, and they're a cheaper knock off brand so wouldn't last as well, but more importantly they're size 3/4 and I'm 7/8.

And so to the AIBU - they're arriving today while he's at work (I got the delivery notification, that's how I found out) - do I send them straight back and 'helpfully' choose something that will at least fit and that I would want to wear? Or do I leave it to him to sort out after christmas? (he'll probably grab the box and quickly wrap without realizing). He's a great husband, but is shit at gifts.

YABU - leave it for him at christmas
YANBU - sort it now yourself

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OutOnTheFloor · 14/12/2020 12:46

I’ve been married 35 years so there’s no subtlety left in our house - I’d tell him to send them back and get you what you actually want (and I’d helpfully already have it written down for him).

coconuttyhead · 14/12/2020 12:46

Get the right ones for yourself and wrap them up for Christmas - when you open his ones say “thanks but lucky I bought these” - just have a laugh about it and then he can return them.

Pinkywoo · 14/12/2020 12:46

I'm baffled that people don't know their partners shoe size! It may be because I'm shoe obsessed but I don't just know DH's, I know all my friends and most of their partners sizes too Confused
ok maybe I'm just weird

Glitterypants · 14/12/2020 12:48

Get down Aldi middle aisle. My fur-lined 'crocs' from there are in a lovely colour, have holes so not sweaty, and have lasted being worn all day every day since Oct 2019. £2.99.

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 12:49

Why did you get the delivery notification but not the order confirmation?

Order confirmations come by email, it's probably missed in the wodge of amazon emails that I 'hide' to stop the kids finding them, delivery notification was on my phone this morning.

OP posts:
Heartlantern2 · 14/12/2020 12:49

They probably are for you, would be a coincidence if not. It’s not unheard of for people to discover their presents accidentally via notifications, you didn’t do it on purpose so in this case I’d send them back and get the right size whilst getting the pair without holes.

Think it’s important to acknowledge to him you really appreciated it and must of accidentally pressed the wrong button when it came to choosing the size.

On a side note- how can he not know if your feet are not size 3-4! His a complete charmer or being offensive Grin

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 12:50

I sometimes think that mumsnet is good practice for being cross-examined in court.

OP posts:
Heartlantern2 · 14/12/2020 12:50

With holes!

Nottherealslimshady · 14/12/2020 12:51

Ah just tell him. He was a tit to use an account you're connected to and got the wrong size. The wrong type isn't neccesarily important.

snookercue · 14/12/2020 12:53


Why did you get the delivery notification but not the order confirmation?

Order confirmations come by email, it's probably missed in the wodge of amazon emails that I 'hide' to stop the kids finding them, delivery notification was on my phone this morning.

Oh, he ordered them from your Amazon account. How bloody careless of him.
DuckbilledSplatterPuff · 14/12/2020 12:54

@kirktonhouse Grin

I've just caught my DC talking about buying me (manly) trainers in the wrong size at Sports Direct who don't refund but give you a voucher.
"Dont worry, if they give us a voucher, I can use the money to buy football boots."
hmmm Grin

RozHuntleysStump · 14/12/2020 12:57

Just talk to him and tell him the truth?

GaryTheDemon · 14/12/2020 12:57

“ sometimes think that mumsnet is good practice for being cross-examined in court.”

Grin 100% accurate!

Well you can’t wear crocs so small and can’t get them in your size anyway so defo send them back now and get the right thing!

teawamutu · 14/12/2020 12:57

I'd send them back or refuse delivery, tbh. You're saving him a job.

EmilySpinach · 14/12/2020 12:59

You need your own Amazon accounts.

CheetasOnFajitas · 14/12/2020 13:00


Don't play games, just tell him outright that sorry, his surprise has been outed by the delivery notification but you've also noticed that the size is wrong, did he realise? And then just be honest and say, since the surprise has been ruined by the notification anyway, could you please have them with the holes in whatever colour.

CheetasOnFajitas · 14/12/2020 13:02


I'm baffled that people don't know their partners shoe size! It may be because I'm shoe obsessed but I don't just know DH's, I know all my friends and most of their partners sizes too Confused
ok maybe I'm just weird

Even if you don’t know, it’s usually written in the shoes!
LadyCatStark · 14/12/2020 13:04

I love how some posters have jumped straight to there being a furry croc loving other woman 😂

It’s easy to order the wrong size on Amazon, I once ordered DS some ‘bargain’ size 4 trainers and baby size 4 showed up 😂 (and they were so cute I wanted to keep them!)

Binkybix · 14/12/2020 13:06

How can people not know their partners shoe size?

But...why would I know my partner’s shoe size? I don’t buy his shoe for him. I did once as a gift but my small brain doesn’t have space to retain that info.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 14/12/2020 13:08


Option C: tell him they sent the delivery notification to you so unfortunately the jig is up, but it’s lucky really because you spotted that they’d sent the wrong size. Then send him a link to the ones you want.

This ^
arcof · 14/12/2020 13:10

Id be more upset at crocs being my Christmas present! Smile. But just leave it and on Xmas day explain they're the wrong size and tell him what to replace them with and laugh it off. Delayed gratification in getting your crccs a few days later

Cakeandcustard123 · 14/12/2020 13:12

Just refuse the delivery from the driver and they take them back to the depot for you and you get a refund. Then order the right ones to arrive tomorrow and he will never know.


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HaggieMaggie · 14/12/2020 13:14

Of course they’re for you! What are the chances of any man having two ladies on the go that like fur lined crocs!

He’s done what another poster said and bought you something in the wrong style and size to open but that can be returned after Christmas. I’d reject it now tbh.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 14/12/2020 13:15

Honestly, I'd sort it myself - send them back as being the wrong size otherwise he'll likely not bother and it will just be a waste of money.

Even if they were for an OW (and I got your joke), then that would just be even better if you sent them back!

But I don't think they are - he just sounds a bit crap.

I still remember the Christmas I was shopping with DH in the local shops, and I showed him the exact scarf I wanted (a beautiful lacy thing, in pale yellow and green with a ginkgo biloba leaf motif) - so he bought me some hideous knitted triangular shawl thing in fucking mushroom brown that would have looked ok on Grandma Buggins. I was actually offended - not so much that he got the wrong scarf but that he thought I could possibly have wanted the one he DID get. I took it back as soon as the shops opened again and swapped it for the right one.

And so, having been much in your place, I wouldn't bother letting him have another go, I'd just sort it myself. Much easier and that way you get what you actually want.

00100001 · 14/12/2020 13:17

pffft. just send them back after Christmas for the correct ones?

at least he tried. My DSis's DH got her a £15 Tesco voucher last year... !

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