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Accidently found my present and it's all wrong.

201 replies

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 11:47

I've just discovered what DH has bought and it is so wrong. I wear crocs in the house (judge away) - the last pair I bought was a new style with no holes in and they're making my feet stuffy and sweaty. I mentioned that I might get the original type but fur lined for winter. DH has taken this as a hint and ordered some for me for christmas, which is nice, but he's chosen some fur lined with no holes so will probably be more sweaty than those I moan about. They're not a colour I would have chosen - although I could live with it, and they're a cheaper knock off brand so wouldn't last as well, but more importantly they're size 3/4 and I'm 7/8.

And so to the AIBU - they're arriving today while he's at work (I got the delivery notification, that's how I found out) - do I send them straight back and 'helpfully' choose something that will at least fit and that I would want to wear? Or do I leave it to him to sort out after christmas? (he'll probably grab the box and quickly wrap without realizing). He's a great husband, but is shit at gifts.

YABU - leave it for him at christmas
YANBU - sort it now yourself

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1614 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
WitchesBritchesPumpkinPants · 14/12/2020 12:24


I’m a bit confused by the reference to ow also?

It's called 'a joke'
snookercue · 14/12/2020 12:26

Ah sorry I totally missed the fact that they are actually fake crocs, hence searching for actual crocs!

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 14/12/2020 12:28

I would phone and ask him who the size 3-4 "crocs" are for.

Murinae · 14/12/2020 12:28

Crocs are different sizes to everything else. There is a conversion table. I take a size seven and need Crocs in a W9 size.

I have the fluffly ones with no holes and they are fine for not making my feet sweat. Think they are called Blitzen. You can remove the lining and wash them. I wear them all the time in the house too.

I'd just say I'd had the notification and though it was a lovely idea they are too small and not the style you want. Then send him the link to the ones you do want.

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 14/12/2020 12:28

I would be pretty annoyed if the person a was married to got my shoe size wrong by 3 or 4 sizes Confused

HopeYourHighHorseBucks · 14/12/2020 12:29

It's hard enough finding one woman who wears crocs, let alone two! Poor sod.

Joking, I would tell him you have received the confirmation and they wont fit etc. Would be more awkward to return them after christmas when you fake accept them.

kirktonhouse · 14/12/2020 12:29

The poll is currently 50/50 - you're not helping me!! And the parcel should be here in 40 minutes, so probably a little late to cancel although returns are free which is good.

To clarify - the ones he chose are only in stock in a 4/5, and that is already in the box so nothing to choose.

And yes, OW does mean other woman, and it was meant as a joke.

And to to poster that referenced Rowan Atkinson - I would love him to stuff flowers in the holes - at least then the bloody style would be right!

OP posts:
Junkmail · 14/12/2020 12:32

My husband has done this sort of thing before and I’ve also discovered it prior. To be honest I just told him and it wasn’t a big deal. He’d rather I had something I liked. Now I send him links to specific items he chooses from to avoid the situation. Maybe that’s not in the exact spirit of gift giving but prevents stuff like this and makes him happy too.

Barmyfarmy · 14/12/2020 12:32


I’m a bit confused by the reference to ow also?

I do believe it's often referred to as a 'joke'.
NorbertMeubles · 14/12/2020 12:33


Well obviously the ow has small feet!!

and likes cheap crap compared to the real thing.
Barmyfarmy · 14/12/2020 12:33

OP tell him they arrived and you got the notification. Say 'it's okay though, I've found some in stock in my size and they've got good reviews' with the ones you actually want.

FortunatelyUnfortunate · 14/12/2020 12:34

Do lots of people really know their partners shoe size?!

I'd have to check DHs existing shoes if I were going to get him some new ones Blush terrible wife

BarbaraofSeville · 14/12/2020 12:34

^DH knows broadly I am a 6. He may not know I wear a 5 in doc marten shoes and Birkenstock but a 7 in doc marten boots though.

That's understandable, sometimes depending on the style there might be a small variation. However not knowing at all is just baffling^

But you might as well not know at all with that level of detail. Shoes seem to be going the way of clothes where there is no consistency in sizing, making them no good as a present because you can't know they fit without trying them on. I have two pair of converse and one is an 8 that's a bit small and the other is a 7 that is the right size.

Not that they've ever been any good as a present for the reasons outlined by the OP, you're taking away someone being able to choose their own things and making them put up with something that's not right.

But I wouldn't assume that these shoes are for you OP, so no worries about them being the wrong size or type, that's someone else's issue.

YoniAndGuy · 14/12/2020 12:34

Honestly, buying shoes in a 3/4 when you are a 7/8 comes under the heading 'shit at gifts'?

If he is seriously that incapable of functioning, I hope he isn't in the adult worksplace, where logical thought and action might occasonally be required.

If those were supposed to be for you, no that isn't being 'shit at gifts'. It's called seriously not giving one toss about something that's only intended for his wife.

Donkeeey · 14/12/2020 12:35

Don't play games, just tell him outright that sorry, his surprise has been outed by the delivery notification but you've also noticed that the size is wrong, did he realise? And then just be honest and say, since the surprise has been ruined by the notification anyway, could you please have them with the holes in whatever colour.

JohnMiddleNameRedactedSwanson · 14/12/2020 12:36


Don't play games, just tell him outright that sorry, his surprise has been outed by the delivery notification but you've also noticed that the size is wrong, did he realise? And then just be honest and say, since the surprise has been ruined by the notification anyway, could you please have them with the holes in whatever colour.

crochetmonkey74 · 14/12/2020 12:36

Yeah just tell him- say it nicely like'whoops i saw this by accident'

Europilgrim · 14/12/2020 12:37

I would be pretty annoyed if the person a was married to got my shoe size wrong by 3 or 4 sizes
Things my husband has bought me:

  • underwear in a size 16 (I'm 10)
  • socks size 44 (I'm 39)
  • earrings for pierced ears (I don't have pierced ears)

That's not even his worst gift gaffes! Some people are just really, really bad at presents.
Norwester · 14/12/2020 12:37

Dh does know my shoe size (more or less), but it'll be a cold day in hell before he picks out shoes for me. That's like end of days kinda stuff. [Shudder]

waltzingparrot · 14/12/2020 12:39

Order the right type in the right size yourself - he'll be grateful on christmas morning that you've sorted his problem for him Grin

MiddleAgedLurker · 14/12/2020 12:40

I would just leave it, open the parcel and thank him for the lovely Crocs. Then you can exchange them after Xmas for ones you actually want, under the guise that they don't fit.

snookercue · 14/12/2020 12:41

Why did you get the delivery notification but not the order confirmation? That in itself is weird.


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FortunatelyUnfortunate · 14/12/2020 12:42


I would be pretty annoyed if the person a was married to got my shoe size wrong by 3 or 4 sizes
Things my husband has bought me:
  • underwear in a size 16 (I'm 10)
  • socks size 44 (I'm 39)
  • earrings for pierced ears (I don't have pierced ears)

That's not even his worst gift gaffes! Some people are just really, really bad at presents.

I had something similar. DH bought me some clothes one year in the smallest bloody size I've ever seen. It was like a 4. I am not a 4... I am not even close to a 4, I am a 12. I've no idea how he possibly thought id even fit one arm in this thing nevermind my whole body.
LittleTiger007 · 14/12/2020 12:43

I would def ask him Who are these for as they certainly aren’t for me as they are not my size?

Norwester · 14/12/2020 12:45

More to the point:

  1. Your dh has no idea AT ALL what size your feet are, and didn't even look at the bottom of your old Crocs for guidance.
  2. He didn't listen when you explained your issue with the old ones (the lack of holes).
  3. He's gone off-brand, which is clever and thrifty when you're buying them for yourself or if money is tight at the moment. Otherwise... it's a Christmas present for your wife. Buy the Crocs.
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