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'the norht' might be regretting voting tory

180 replies

coffeelover3 · 21/10/2020 23:47

just cant help thinking how did so many people get sucked into tory propaganda this time last year. It's terrible what's happening - the corruption and nepotism, what with Dido Harding and test and trace receiving billions, for what. But at the back of my mind all the time is that this is who the british people voted for - massive tory majority. Wonder if the 'red wall' regret turning blue...

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user1471538283 · 23/10/2020 15:37

I think they must do. The way Denis Skinner was cast aside was awful. I hope everyone who voted tory regrets it.

Acerred · 23/10/2020 15:38

If Tory voters are regretting voting Tory because it has made things harder for them then good, maybe they will think twice before voting for them again.

CrappleUmble · 23/10/2020 15:50

The ones doing the worst job primarily do, although I'm not inclined to limit the cohort to Western countries given that Modi and Putin have both done a shitawful job.

user1497207191 · 23/10/2020 16:01


Nope, just us and the US.

So Belgium and France aren't having covid problems at the moment then?
Tadpolesandfroglets · 23/10/2020 22:15

@user1497207191 it isn’t only because of his pathetic handling of the pandemic that he’s a moron, it’s for a myriad of other reasons too.

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