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'the norht' might be regretting voting tory

180 replies

coffeelover3 · 21/10/2020 23:47

just cant help thinking how did so many people get sucked into tory propaganda this time last year. It's terrible what's happening - the corruption and nepotism, what with Dido Harding and test and trace receiving billions, for what. But at the back of my mind all the time is that this is who the british people voted for - massive tory majority. Wonder if the 'red wall' regret turning blue...

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Fajitanita · 22/10/2020 06:53

think TM would have cried in public to show her caring side and very quickly resigned. She liked handing over the hot potato at the best of times.

She was bullied out by a load of arsehole blokes, I wasn't a fan but she didn't leave to pass over Brexit. Also of course as she's a woman she'd be crying eh.

CrappleUmble · 22/10/2020 06:59

'The north' didn't vote Tory. The largest party was once again Labour and the region returned a majority of Labour MPs. The Tories certainly gained seats and votes in the region, but not enough to change either of these facts. Yabu for not looking it up before starting a thread about it.

ArranBound · 22/10/2020 07:00

I'm from the north east but moved away a few years ago. Even faced with Corbyn, I'd never in a million years have voted Tory.

The Conservatives will never do anything for the north east so I'm sure there will be an element of regret eventually.

TomatoesAreFruit · 22/10/2020 07:02

The Labour Party failed for not putting up an electable candidate.

I think it is so devisive to "blame" a group of people. North vs South, Leave vs Remain etc.

I have never seen an op blaming the people of Surrey for voting Conservative. But they always do.Grin

TheEmpressOfUtterBastardry · 22/10/2020 07:09


I think a lot of people from all over the country regret having no viable alternative but to vote Tory. I blame Corbyn.

What a stupid comment. That's like blaming Hillary Clinton for Trump's Presidency.Hmm
Pelleas · 22/10/2020 07:09

Don't lump all of 'the north' together in this. There are still some Labour MPs up here, and many Labour voters regardless of whether Labour won in their constituency.

Not wishing to start a discussion about voting systems and FPTP, but look at actual Tory vote share in the north before you start spouting off about 'the north' being a herd of Tory voters.

TheEmpressOfUtterBastardry · 22/10/2020 07:10

People who voted for the Tories are getting what they voted for. Suck it up.

Iamanaubergine · 22/10/2020 07:11


the corruption and nepotism

Don't know a lot about Northern Labour councils do you OP?

nosswith · 22/10/2020 07:11

Those who voted Tory probably kept quiet about it and still do. There has been the phenomenon of the quiet or hidden Tory probably since Mrs Thatcher stepped down. For example, the 1992 election result.

coronafiona · 22/10/2020 07:12

I just couldn't vote for Corbyn. I always vote labour but he was too extreme.

CrappleUmble · 22/10/2020 07:12


Don't lump all of 'the north' together in this. There are still some Labour MPs up here, and many Labour voters regardless of whether Labour won in their constituency.

Not wishing to start a discussion about voting systems and FPTP, but look at actual Tory vote share in the north before you start spouting off about 'the north' being a herd of Tory voters.

This briefing, which includes regional analysis, should really be required reading before posting about the issue. Labour were the largest party in the region and got a majority of the MPs.
110APiccadilly · 22/10/2020 07:16

I doubt it if they're looking at Wales...

RaspberryToupee · 22/10/2020 07:18

Wow! Has it really been a month since we had our last “the turkeys have just voted for Christmas” thread? Doesn’t time fly when you’re busy having fun.

At least the utter contempt for the north has remained a consistent this year. It’s good to have some consistency in such an uncertain year...Hmm

AlternativePerspective · 22/10/2020 07:21

If labour had been in charge we would either all still be in complete lockdown right now or they would have taken exactly the same steps as the conservatives and would be equally slated for doing so.

There isn’t a leader in the world who hasn’t faced some criticism over the handling of the pandemic, simply because no-one has ever been in the position of having to face one before.

I suspect labour cry “lockdown” purely as a political point scoring exercise.

Not one other country has introduced a second lockdown. Not one. All have resorted to additional measures, but lockdown was a one shot deal. And wales will IMO be bitterly regretting it once their figures don’t go down and their economy and unemployment rate are stuffed.

CulturallyAppropriatedName · 22/10/2020 07:23

I reluctantly voted labour but had absolutely no faith in Corbyn or his front bench team. I also have no faith whatsoever in Johnson and his team picked as hard line brexiteers rather than for any actual skills.
The Brexit vote and the polarisation of our political parties since the mid teen years has destroyed our country in so many ways. It's a crying shame.

Marmite27 · 22/10/2020 07:23

I doubt it, generally they voted for brexit in the north and voted Conservative to ‘get brexit done’.

TBH I have a degree in politics, I’m completely disenfranchised as I fell as though they’re all as bad as each other - only out for number 1.

BoorDouncer · 22/10/2020 07:28

As for the free school meals I am sick of hearing about it. They came in in 1906 for fucks sake. Hardly something new.

Labour were in power when the banks crashed, why didn't they raise this issue then?

I have no affiliation to either party, local politics and who represents your local interests may sway voting. Maybe some people vote just to get a twat out like Ed Fucking Balls. Grin

LemonTT · 22/10/2020 07:28

If people oppose the Tories, then they have to win over people voting for them.

That won’t happen if you insult those people, calling them stupid and heartless. It won’t happen if you refuse to associate with people who vote Tory and refuse to engage in a listening conversation with them. But that seems to be the strategy of many activists in labour and the Libdems. Scream abuse until they agree with you.

The Tory party wants people’s votes because it want to govern. That’s it’s core strategy and it wins them many elections.

The Labour Party still debates this approach and is willing to die on the hill of having the right polices that did not persuade the public. Rather than listen to why people don’t want these polices.

The other big challenge for Labour is that the centre has shifted further to the right in England and further to the left in Scotland and Wales where it now part of nationalist agendas. The Tories can still garner unionist votes in those nations. Labour is increasingly irrelevant.

I think there are still a lot of silent Voters who would support the need for fiscal restraint in the current deals.

Cyw2018 · 22/10/2020 07:29

They could have someone like drakeford and Welsh labour instead. Where I live would be tier 1 in England but yet we will be in lockdown again on Friday having only come out of lockdown 3 months ago.
I feel like crying at they moment.
(I voted labour)

oldmum22 · 22/10/2020 07:29

I dont think it is a case of North v South but who presented a better option for the country at the time. Cummings et al had a fantastic publicity campaign and the oven ready deal , together with making Britain great again , fuelled a sense of Nationalism which some felt was missing in modern day politics.
I dont know if Labour would have done any better through this pandemic but I feel if the Tories had been in opposition , they would have had more hurdles to jump, as businesses would have typically supported the Tories .

Colabottles64 · 22/10/2020 07:35

Not just the north. The amount of money this government is using to line the pockets of friends and consultants - it's honestly disgraceful. Not to even mention the handling of covid and the EU trade talks.

Ginfordinner · 22/10/2020 07:36

I live in a rural area. Our Tory MP voted for allowing cheap imported meat. The farmers are not fans of her and neither am I.

But I didn't vote Tory anyway. Our local Lib Dem councillor does more for the community than our MP does.


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AnneTwacky · 22/10/2020 07:40

Why are you saying this?

We have been and still are a Labour stronghold and yet we were the first into tier 3, and then you come saying it's our own fault for voting for someone we never would have voted for in a million years.


CrappleUmble · 22/10/2020 07:42


Why are you saying this?

We have been and still are a Labour stronghold and yet we were the first into tier 3, and then you come saying it's our own fault for voting for someone we never would have voted for in a million years.


Because he/she/it couldn't be fucked finding out how the north actually voted before starting a thread about it.
x2boys · 22/10/2020 07:42

No thanks I'm in greater Manchester , Corbyn would have been worse ,and I'm not impressed with Keir Starmer tbh ,yes he whinges and whines an awful lot but I have not seen him say anything constructive ,lots of blame and finger pointing but nothing actually constructive .

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