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'the norht' might be regretting voting tory

180 replies

coffeelover3 · 21/10/2020 23:47

just cant help thinking how did so many people get sucked into tory propaganda this time last year. It's terrible what's happening - the corruption and nepotism, what with Dido Harding and test and trace receiving billions, for what. But at the back of my mind all the time is that this is who the british people voted for - massive tory majority. Wonder if the 'red wall' regret turning blue...

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Purpledaisychain · 22/10/2020 08:55


Areas of the country that had voted labour for generations and supported some pretty shit labour leaders during this time suddenly voted Tory. I think that says a lot about how much confidence people had in Corbyn.

He didn't give people the opinion that he could run the country without a pandemic thrown into the mix. As much use as a chocolate tea pot. Talking about chocolate tea pots, I don't need to try one out to know that it will melt.

looseddaughter · 22/10/2020 08:57

whoever is in the middle tends to win in the UK.

That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!

deydododatdodontdeydo · 22/10/2020 08:58

The ‘north’ want full national lockdown

You what?
No we don't, don't be silly. And neither do Labour.

SueEllenMishke · 22/10/2020 08:59


‘Well labour seem very pro lockdown the north is currently hating lock down.’

I’m in the north. You are wrong. The ‘north’ want full national lockdown, with full furlough, so the divisions between the north and south don’t get worse. The north are yet again being shafted by the Tories.

The 'north' doesn't want a full national lockdown.
Nobody I know wants a full national lockdown.....

You can't generalise. People living in the north of England don't all think the same.
Graciebobcat · 22/10/2020 08:59

What really, really fucks me off about the Tories, and makes me so, so angry is all the money they are conjuring up now. If they had spent a fraction of this money they are now pissing away on ineffective track and trace systems run by their cronies and the like on public services and alleviating poverty, not to mention all the money they pissed away down the drain on Brexit just to pacify right wing headbangers in their own party, we would have been in a far, far, better position to deal with an international crisis.

The useless, corrupt, feckless, chiselling cunts.

Foobydoo · 22/10/2020 09:03


the corruption and nepotism

Don't know a lot about Northern Labour councils do you OP?

I am labour 100% for MPs but you make a significant point here.
I often vote for an independent in council elections. I am so frustrated with the comfortable labour majority council, who know they can do whatever they like and still get re-elected. Terrible decisions are made on roads and planning that do not help the area at all.
That said, many people in the North did not and never will vote tory. It was a combination of feeling that the labour party were not listening on issues such as brexit, tory propaganda on immigration and brexit and a right wing press that hated Jeremy Corbyn that led to the tory victory.
Even now you get people piping up about Corbyn and how things would be worst under him. I mean come on, this government couldn't have done a worst job if they had tried.
CrappleUmble · 22/10/2020 09:03


Oh because if Labour had won, this pandemic would have been an absolute delight, wouldn't it? Hmm

If Corbyn hadn't been so shite, the North probably wouldn't have had to vote Tory. Bojo has been awful, but Corbyn would have been worse than awful.

The north didn't vote Tory...
Tadpolesandfroglets · 22/10/2020 09:07

@HartnellAvenue as opposed to the ‘joke’ we have now? Hard to see how it could be worse. I doubt labour would have messed up quite so despicably

CrappleUmble · 22/10/2020 09:11

I don't like virtual one party councils either, which is what we essentially have in my city. I'm to the left and my local ones aren't bad actually, but I don't vote Labour at council level. One of the many reasons we need PR.

Foobydoo · 22/10/2020 09:12


Well labour seem very pro lockdown the north is currently hating lock down.

So no I dont think they're regretting it. I think they'd be regretting going labour and having spent most of the year in lockdown

The north are not hating lockdown. It is the fact that large areas have been under strict restrictions since July! More of the same with no end in sight and sage admitting it probably wont even work. So lots of pain and economic damage for very little gain is why people are so angry.

There is also the feeling that we were all in it together in the first lockdown. In March when numbers in the north were very low, we were told local lockdowns wouldn't work because people move geographically. Now the numbers are high up here and lower in the south, we can't possibly put the whole country lockdown.

The tories have lost the north. I have never seen people so angry and that includes life long conservative voters.
cdtaylornats · 22/10/2020 09:13

You'll never guess who the Scottish Assembly has called in to help with track and trace - Barrhead Travel.

NeverAMillionMilesAway · 22/10/2020 09:14

The labour heartlands had Tory majority for a reason.
Labour need to find out what that reason is, fast, if they want any chance of even hung parliament.

Marmite27 · 22/10/2020 09:15


@"Marmite27 you have a degree in politics, yet you feel "disenfranchised"? Who stopped you from voting?

Every single one of them!

I do vote because I couldn’t bring myself not to, but generally one of our independent candidates gets my vote.

I’ve had Hilary Benn, John Trickett and Yvonne Cooper (Mrs Ed Balls) as MPs in the past. It’s always the same old, same old cronyism and sleeze, it doesn’t matter who’s in power ‘I’m alright Jack prevails’.

Jo Cox and Councillor Sarah Fields are the only politicians I’ve admired.
cdtaylornats · 22/10/2020 09:16

all the money they are conjuring up now

It's being borrowed - it all has to be paid back.

How do they feel about Burnham who because of ideological reasons has lost Manchester a fortune in support money.

Snoringferret · 22/10/2020 09:17

I'm from the north east and I didn't vote Tory and never have.

However I can't tell you how sick I am of people saying 'do you regret it yet?' To people who did.

It's such a patronising and downright nasty thing to say.
It's the same with the Brexit vote.

You get the feeling that people are hoping and praying for things to be a shitshow just so they can say 'I told you so'

Foobydoo · 22/10/2020 09:17


I think a lot of people from all over the country regret having no viable alternative but to vote Tory. I blame Corbyn.

I personally liked Corbyns manifesto but I am a leftie socialist. It was very obvious that he was very unpopular and unpalatable to many Labour and swing voters. He should have resigned for the good of the party. Many in the Labour party, still do not get it and I hope they sort it out before the next election or this country is in terrible trouble.
Foobydoo · 22/10/2020 09:22


I’m amazed so many people think Corbyn was “not viable” and yet BORIS was! Jesus...

I’m not even a Corbyn fan by any means.

Going of comments by mostly men on Facebook, they seemed to be of the opinion that Boris was a lovable rougue, a great laugh who that could have a pint with down the pubHmm I mean, come on. I bet Boris has never drank a proper pint in his life and wouldn't piss on your average Northern male if he were on fire!
Heidi1976 · 22/10/2020 09:22

Explain Liverpool then. Liverpool would NEVER be blue. Ever. Funnily enough they were the first into full Tier 3 lockdown. Yet their Mayor wanted even stronger. He knows there is a rebellion going on in the city. It's absolutely mad at the moment when you look at what is going on in real terms.

Brexit almost seems like a far off distant memory that I think most people wish was all they had to worry about.

RedToothBrush · 22/10/2020 09:25


Wow! Has it really been a month since we had our last “the turkeys have just voted for Christmas” thread? Doesn’t time fly when you’re busy having fun.

At least the utter contempt for the north has remained a consistent this year. It’s good to have some consistency in such an uncertain year...Hmm

I think how the UK votes is working out pretty well for actual turkeys this year. They must have mobilised and campaigned hard for a reduced death toll this Christmas cos it seems to have worked. I hadn't realised how influential turkeys were tbh. I think this is the conclusive proof that we need to prove that turkeys are indeed definitely Conservative supporters.
Shortage of poultry workers could hit Christmas dinner

Christmas dinner could be ruined this year as supplies of traditional turkeys could run out, an industry body says.

The problem is a shortage of skilled workers to process the meat, according to the British Poultry Council (BPC).

It said 1,000 EU workers were needed to stop Christmas supply from collapsing, and urged the government to exempt them from quarantine rules.

"The great British Christmas cannot survive without access to non-UK labour," said boss Richard Griffiths.

gets coat
SendHelp30 · 22/10/2020 09:25

I live in the north of England and I don’t regret voting conservative. I hate this generalisation “the north hates lockdown” we are still individual people with individual opinions and feelings!!! I know many people who enjoyed lockdown, had much more family time, saved more money than before due to shops, cafes etc being closed and still worked from home. We’ve certainly seen an increase on our savings. I’m not saying for a second this is the case for everyone, not by a bloody long stretch, but dont categorise people due to where they live and assume because we share a county we must also share an opinion.

TheEmojiFormerlyKnownAsPrince · 22/10/2020 09:39

I meant a ‘circuit break’ when l referred to lockdown. Not a full 5 month lockdown again.

At the moment as ever the Pandemic is driving inequality.

Some schools have not closed at all, some have had kids isolating non stop. Read somewhere that one child hand had less than a week in school. This is not equal.

Parts of the North have been in semi lockdown for weeks. Less customers, less spending power that is dragging on. Some areas are fine. Again, the areas in lockdown are going to be hit more severely.

Andy Burnham and Dan Jarvis, wanted Tier 3 instead of Tier 2 as at least it offered some level of financial support, unlike Tier 2. Some areas of the country are not having to deal with this. This is yet again a north south divide

Starmer asked for a circuit break. 2 weeks short sharp shock across the whole country. This would address some of the inequalities and bring the overall rate down.

As it is the ‘north’ is stuck mainly in Tier 3. And schools and livelihoods are being affected, and this will affect levelling up and equality.

At the next election, l suspect the Red Wall will vote Labour again. Brexit and the pandemic will have destroyed their jobs. Also, they were voting for Boris. He’ll be long gone by then.

IntermittentParps · 22/10/2020 09:39

I think the Tories will lose some of their new 'red wall' seats for sure.


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missmoz · 22/10/2020 09:40

Of course, no matter how bad the Tories fuck up this country (and they seem to be doing a pretty good job) there are people that will let them off the hook because of a hypothetical Corbyn government that never happened.

This is the party the majority voted for, a party who won't feed starving children over the holidays but will increase their own MP allowance. I don't think you get much more 'extreme' than that.

pinkksugarmouse · 22/10/2020 09:41

Well there's a surprise. Not. Tories are famous for caring about the North & people on a low income so how this could have possibly been foreseen I don't know. Oh no it's the complete opposite. You reap what you sow and the country have sown some real s*it.

TheEmojiFormerlyKnownAsPrince · 22/10/2020 09:41

AND, I live in a Labour ward in a Labour city. We fucking HATE Boris! ( just needed to get that off my chest!)

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