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'the norht' might be regretting voting tory

180 replies

coffeelover3 · 21/10/2020 23:47

just cant help thinking how did so many people get sucked into tory propaganda this time last year. It's terrible what's happening - the corruption and nepotism, what with Dido Harding and test and trace receiving billions, for what. But at the back of my mind all the time is that this is who the british people voted for - massive tory majority. Wonder if the 'red wall' regret turning blue...

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NC4Now · 22/10/2020 08:15

‘The North’ 🙄

chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:18


Can you imagine if Corbyn had become PM and introduced the furlough scheme ?

I can imagine that the media response would have been very different to the response Sunak got.

Even if Corbyn had done exactly what Johnson had done, he would have been criticised for it by the Tory Press,
chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:20

TBH - if you voted Tory to get Brexit done, if you believe the oven ready deal rhetoric, then you get all you deserve when we get No Deal Brexit.

Corbyn wasn't the right person for the country. The whole last 6 years has been a mess.

But if Brexit fucks you up, don't say you weren't warned. You just didn't want to listen.

SueEllenMishke · 22/10/2020 08:22

I always think those who use the term 'the north' have watched too many episodes of Game of Thrones ......

You sound ridiculous

Cheeseboardandmincepies · 22/10/2020 08:25

Another thing why are you talking like Northerners are uneducated muppets who haven’t got a clue about politics?
Just because we “ain’t from London bruv!” Doesn’t mean we lack brain cells.

chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:25


I always think those who use the term 'the north' have watched too many episodes of Game of Thrones ......

You sound ridiculous

I live in the North. I live near areas that changed to Tory to get Brexit done.

Am I ridiculous to use the North?
looseddaughter · 22/10/2020 08:27

I think people who are not privileged and in any way financially vulnerable, wherever they live, will regret it if they voted Tory. They don't care about us and that's a fact.

I'm no Corbyn fan but he would definitely have done a better job than Johnson. Lots of people seem to think the only debate to be had here is whether or not to have a lockdown, but the government is being taken to court as a result of the millions/billions of £ of public money that that has been given to private companies with no track record for things like PPE/track and trace. Corbyn wouldn't have done that. Fact. But if you're happy for our money to be pissed away to people with links to Tories while we're told there's no money to feed children through the winter, well, fine, you've no need for any regrets.

If Rayner said that then she shouldn't have but Johnson has been caught lying in the house time and time again and nothing's done - he has a complete disregard for the house, making glib comments about Captain Hindsight over and over, but that's okay apparently.

Have you seen the footage of Matt Hancock refusing to answer a question from Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi who was asking about testing capacity in his constituency - Hancock said it was a divisive question and refused to answer it - 'I won't have it!' he said, and sat down! Denying the mp the right to get answers for his constituents. But that's fine is it? Her muttering 'scum' is nothing compared to the arrogance and incompetence of this lot. Really.

rooarsome · 22/10/2020 08:35

I live in the north west which is a labour stronghold, so that thinking is totally alien here.

Purpledaisychain · 22/10/2020 08:35

Oh because if Labour had won, this pandemic would have been an absolute delight, wouldn't it? Hmm

If Corbyn hadn't been so shite, the North probably wouldn't have had to vote Tory. Bojo has been awful, but Corbyn would have been worse than awful.

SueEllenMishke · 22/10/2020 08:36

*I live in the North. I live near areas that changed to Tory to get Brexit done.
*Am I ridiculous to use the North?

If you're using 'the north' in the way the OP is then yes.... the north of England is not one homogeneous group. The OP is insulting.

I also live in the north but the area I grew up in is very different to the area I now live in and voting behaviour is very different.

SoupDragon · 22/10/2020 08:40

Oh because if Labour had won, this pandemic would have been an absolute delight, wouldn't it?


I love the naivety of thinking Labour would have done a better job.

(I did not vote Tory!)

BilboBercow · 22/10/2020 08:40

'the norht'

Could you be any more condescending?

KatherineJaneway · 22/10/2020 08:44

Oh because if Labour had won, this pandemic would have been an absolute delight, wouldn't it?


Tadpolesandfroglets · 22/10/2020 08:46

Everyone trotting out this line ‘well, it would have been loads worse with labour in charge’ like idiots. We just don’t know though do we?
Not sure how much awful it could have been to be fair.

whatkatydid2013 · 22/10/2020 08:46

I’m in the north and voted labour only because it kept our incumbent, fairly competent and generally moderate MP. Also while I don’t like Corbyn particularly and I don’t agree with some of his policies the idea he’s worse than Boris Johnson is laughable to me. Boris is a proven liar and an awful human being. He really doesn’t give a monkeys about anything or anyone but himself and he behaves as if everything is a game. Virtually anyone would have been better equipped to lead the U.K. through the current crisis.
The north mostly didn’t massively swing to Conservative though. Most people I know with a Conservative MP had the Conservative candidate pick up a few votes vs last time from UKIP and loads of people who usually vote Labour switched to an independent or Lib Dem. The former local MPs have a lot to answer for. My parents are in Durham and they felt their former MP Laura Pidcock was atrocious at actually representing her constituents and only interested in her own career.

vickibee · 22/10/2020 08:47

We have a Tory MP in S yorks - first time in my living memory. She voted against FSM recently so that says it all really. Contempt for 'poor people'
Perhaps the middling sort who have to now rely on benefits because they have lost their middle class jobs will realise how hard it is

HartnellAvenue · 22/10/2020 08:48


Everyone trotting out this line ‘well, it would have been loads worse with labour in charge’ like idiots. We just don’t know though do we?
Not sure how much awful it could have been to be fair.

Good job we didn't have to find out then. The labour party that would have been in charge now were an absolute joke
Ginfordinner · 22/10/2020 08:49

The north mostly didn’t massively swing to Conservative though.

I'm disappointed that in my area they did. It didn't help that our labour MP was unpopular, then defected from the labour party, so no-one knew anything about her replacement.

Xenia · 22/10/2020 08:49

No. I am from the NE and my father was born in Bishop Auckland as was his father which seat is now Tory. I don't think people in the North or South think Corbyn would have been better. Also this Tory Government sadly is high spending and high tax so taht goes down with some people which is one reason it won as whoever is in the middle tends to win in the UK.

Labour are going to have to make a lot of changes to their policies if they are going to attract the normal working class person whether in North or South.

110APiccadilly · 22/10/2020 08:50

"Have you seen the footage of Matt Hancock refusing to answer a question from Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi who was asking about testing capacity in his constituency - Hancock said it was a divisive question and refused to answer it - 'I won't have it!' he said, and sat down! Denying the mp the right to get answers for his constituents. But that's fine is it? Her muttering 'scum' is nothing compared to the arrogance and incompetence of this lot. Really."

At least Hancock shows up. Welsh Government are literally dialing it in. And give no proper answers about anything. There might be people on this thread who'll never vote Tory, but I can tell you now I'll never vote Labour as long as I live, given what they're doing to my country.

deydododatdodontdeydo · 22/10/2020 08:50

did nothing about rampant anti-Semitism

Except he tried but was undermined by people in his party. There was a report about it. People in the party were working against Corbyn and not acting on his instructions.
With regard to the OP, I am starting to see a lot of criticism of Boris and the Tories from people who voted for him. Mainly due to poor handling of corona and not getting a Brexit deal. I'm not sure they regret voting for him full stop though.

110APiccadilly · 22/10/2020 08:50

Don't particularly intend to vote Tory either, mind.


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IdblowJonSnow · 22/10/2020 08:53

Of course labour would have done better. Hard to see how they could have done a worse job than this government.

TheEmojiFormerlyKnownAsPrince · 22/10/2020 08:53

‘Well labour seem very pro lockdown the north is currently hating lock down.’

I’m in the north. You are wrong. The ‘north’ want full national lockdown, with full furlough, so the divisions between the north and south don’t get worse. The north are yet again being shafted by the Tories.

Graciebobcat · 22/10/2020 08:54

More people voted conservative in some traditionally Labour areas last time, yes. But to characterise "the North" as Tory-supporting is incorrect. The South of the country is almost all blue and some of it always is. I blame people who continually and intractably vote Conservative every time as much as people who switched their vote.

Most of the damage was already done by previous Tory administrations. The first one which ruined any chance of decent economic growth by espousing austerity and decimating public services. And then the next one, allowing the next economic shock of Brexit and leaving the NHS in such a parlous state that it cannot cope with a pandemic.

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