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'the norht' might be regretting voting tory

180 replies

coffeelover3 · 21/10/2020 23:47

just cant help thinking how did so many people get sucked into tory propaganda this time last year. It's terrible what's happening - the corruption and nepotism, what with Dido Harding and test and trace receiving billions, for what. But at the back of my mind all the time is that this is who the british people voted for - massive tory majority. Wonder if the 'red wall' regret turning blue...

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Maireas · 22/10/2020 07:42

@"Marmite27 you have a degree in politics, yet you feel "disenfranchised"? Who stopped you from voting?

Maireas · 22/10/2020 07:42

The North is not a hive mind

user1497207191 · 22/10/2020 07:43

The civil servants (the ones who actually run things) would have been mostly the same people.

Maireas · 22/10/2020 07:44

I really laughed at the typo, "norht"!!

sst1234 · 22/10/2020 07:46

Not this again. Momentum HQ does such a bad job of disguising itself. You lost....face it. That hunch of dangerous socialists AKA labour leadership couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, let alone their way to a GE victory. Perhaps look at that, rather than trying make northern voters out to be stupid, infantile and people to sneered at for regretting their electoral choices.

CrunchyNutNC · 22/10/2020 07:47

I blame the conservatives for being totally corrupt, and labour for demolishing any prospect of an effective majority by installing a wholly unelectable leader.

IndiaMay · 22/10/2020 07:48

Fucking hell, imagine if Corbyn was PM through all this. Would be his dream scenario. Opportunity to change all the rules no questions asked. Equal income and free housing for all! We would be communist by now

ShandlersWig · 22/10/2020 07:48

I think a lot of people from all over the country regret having no viable alternative but to vote Tory. I blame Corbyn

^^ this!!
BJ may be poor but christ imagine Corbyn in charge! He can't even be arsed to follow the rules....

The only reason the tories had a landslide was literally no viable opposition.

ShandlersWig · 22/10/2020 07:50

Fucking hell, imagine if Corbyn was PM through all this. Would be his dream scenario. Opportunity to change all the rules no questions asked. Equal income and free housing for all! We would be communist by now

^^^ and this!

CeibaTree · 22/10/2020 07:54


I think a lot of people from all over the country regret having no viable alternative but to vote Tory. I blame Corbyn.

A viable alternative would have been not to vote or spoiling their ballot paper.
LakieLady · 22/10/2020 07:55


I’m amazed so many people think Corbyn was “not viable” and yet BORIS was! Jesus...

I’m not even a Corbyn fan by any means.


Corbyn had his faults, like anyone does, but at least he wasn't in the pocket of ERG loons, disaster capitalists and big business like Johnson is.

And above all, he is a very compassionate man who knows what life is like for ordinary people in the UK.
sst1234 · 22/10/2020 07:59


As opposed to being the in the pockets of union bosses?

chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:00

I think parts of the North are going to be seriously fucked with Covid and Brexit.

There are cities in the North which DID NOT vote Tory. Major cities tend to be more Labour in their view but smaller towns, rural conurbations tend to be more Conservative or switched.

'the norht' might be regretting voting tory
mellongoose · 22/10/2020 08:00

I can see by this thread that Labour has learned nothing. The utter contempt and patronising tone given out because (shock, horror) somebody disagrees with them.

Yesterday, on the Labour front bench, Angela Rayner called a new northern Tory MP 'scum' in the House of Commons chamber. People do not like Labour's 'kinder, gentler politics'.

TatianaBis · 22/10/2020 08:01

Millions on contract to friends, and voted down free school meals extension.

Cheeseboardandmincepies · 22/10/2020 08:02

I don’t labour would of had us in lockdown all year and then we’d be ruined. Maybe learn how to spell North correctly too.

chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:02

Yesterday, on the Labour front bench, Angela Rayner called a new northern Tory MP 'scum' in the House of Commons chamber. People do not like Labour's 'kinder, gentler politics

Can't blame her.
Did you hear what he was saying?

Tadpolesandfroglets · 22/10/2020 08:03

Yes, lots of folk regretting it. I live in a sea of blue. Many disgruntled neighbours here.

dolphinpose · 22/10/2020 08:06

I’m amazed so many people think Corbyn was “not viable” and yet BORIS was! Jesus...I’m not even a Corbyn fan by any means.

@Clareflairmare - exactly. Baffling.

chomalungma · 22/10/2020 08:06


No thanks I'm in greater Manchester , Corbyn would have been worse ,and I'm not impressed with Keir Starmer tbh ,yes he whinges and whines an awful lot but I have not seen him say anything constructive ,lots of blame and finger pointing but nothing actually constructive .

I suppose you are one of those people who haven't listened to all the points he was making about:

1) Improving test and trace and getting local people to do it - which the Government have u-turned on

2) Targetting post furlough with local deals and targeted - now being done

3) Talking about a national circuit break for 2 weeks during half term - as the R rate is above 1 in most areas now.

But if you don't listen, then you can't hear.
ItsAlwaysSunnyOnMN · 22/10/2020 08:08

Last election the Tories were direct about getting Brexit done

Labour were not ffs they even had a leader that was remaining neutral on the subject

It’s more right wing of the Tory party that are against lockdowns not Labour. I’m guess many on here who do not support lockdowns are more to the left of politics but are actually at the moment in agreement with many Tory right wingers

But let’s patronise those that live north Of the Watford gap or those deemed uneducated to really understand politics once again Hmm

Tellmetruth4 · 22/10/2020 08:09

She was right to call him scum because he is a weasely scumbag. What he was saying and his tone were pretty rude and hopefully he won’t be an MP for long.


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frumpety · 22/10/2020 08:10

Can you imagine if Corbyn had become PM and introduced the furlough scheme ?

ItsAlwaysSunnyOnMN · 22/10/2020 08:13

No surprise how Angela Rayner responded

Its not what I expect from the DL of the Labour Party. I bet KS is fuming and rightly so

mellongoose · 22/10/2020 08:14


She was right to call him scum because he is a weasely scumbag. What he was saying and his tone were pretty rude and hopefully he won’t be an MP for long.

He wasn't name calling. Dislike personalities and disagree by all means, but name calling in the House of Commons means AR is currently leading a race to the bottom.
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