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More bashing of mumsnet

595 replies

Ikeasucks · 26/05/2020 10:31

Why are orgs and businesses just capitulating to this bullying?

More bashing of mumsnet
More bashing of mumsnet
More bashing of mumsnet
OP posts:
Pertella · 26/05/2020 11:27

So you admit to being a transphobe then mindy.

After all, you agree MN has a transphobia problem but still enjoy the content.

isabellerossignol · 26/05/2020 11:30

Wonder why it's Mumsnet that is apparently such a hot bed of transphobia? But not Reddit, or Kiwi Farms or any other male dominated site? People want to get Mumsnet shut down because it's predominantly women talking to each other, and the idea of women not adhering to what men demand of them fills these people with violent fury.

Institutkarite · 26/05/2020 11:33

You didn't read it properly either. That post didn't say skipping it, the phrase was skipping to.
If you are going to correct posters then get it right yourself

Destroyedpeople · 26/05/2020 11:33

Poss they know they can hit mumsnet harder because of advertising revenue.

feelingfragile · 26/05/2020 11:35


You might want to read a couple of posts on, ironically 🙄

Institutkarite · 26/05/2020 11:37

its not ironic to type slowly, at least I'm checking my typing, unlike you

feelingfragile · 26/05/2020 11:42

I'm not going to engage with you any more because I can feel you trying to pull me into the sort of argument I used to have with my sister when we were about ten and I've moved on from that.

Have a nice day.

popehilarious · 26/05/2020 11:49

Honestly, I can't be arsed. For one thing, I imagine there are many things I view as transphobic and you don't.

As I said.
Ironically it'd probably be useful to hash out specifically what is or isnt generally considered to be transphobic but that might force people to examine their beliefs a bit too closely.

Ikeasucks · 26/05/2020 12:04

“Ironically it'd probably be useful to hash out specifically what is or isnt generally considered to be transphobic but that might force people to examine their beliefs a bit too closely.“

That’s the whole point of shutting down discussion. We don’t want people thinking deeper into how trans rights and women's rights might clash. Can’t be having that. This journalist writes for Pink News.

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More bashing of mumsnet
OP posts:
TheHeathenOfSuburbia · 26/05/2020 12:13

Rather than singling out individual posts, zscaler, which could be made in bad faith for screenshots or could have since been deleted...

It would probably be more helpful if you could point out what part of MN's posting guidelines is transphobic, that would be more indicative of institutional transphobia, which is really what you're talking about isn't it?

Ereshkigalangcleg · 26/05/2020 12:18

Because away from the so-called feminist sections (ha!),

Standing up for the sex based rights of women and girls IS feminism. I'm sorry you've been badly misled by men.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 26/05/2020 12:20

The problem mumsnet has is men who have a serious problem with women saying no. This is not transphobia. It's (some) men stamping their feet because they won't be getting what they want.

And yes. That.

Onebigfoot · 26/05/2020 12:30

I've used Mumsnet for years. I've seen threads that make me laugh. Threads that bring a lump to my throat. Long running threads helping women get legal advice re nasty neighbours, or escape abusive relationships. I've seen crazy zilla threads and know all about having your house in Mexico pinched.

I've seen many many women say they want to retain the right to safe spaces. I've seen gender critical views expressed.

Whilst I've seen screenshots of transphobic comments from here for use on other platforms, I'm savvy enough to know that these can be planted for just that reason

Hand on heart I've never seen a genuinely transphobic comment. The slur that Mumsnet is a transphobic platform is disgusting, it's generally a very well moderated place.

LastTrainEast · 26/05/2020 12:36

The site has a serious problem with women who don't know their place. That's what they are really objecting to and afraid of.

Ikeasucks · 26/05/2020 12:36

And if you want evidence of the awful transphobic posts Vic Parsons was using, you can check them out here.

OP posts:
Pollydron · 26/05/2020 12:39

One of Mumsnet’s core mission statements is making parenting easier via parents swapping their experiences.

Partners of trans people (some with children) and parents of trans kids sharing stories about the impact on their own lives is a perfectly acceptable part of that imo.

I’ve never read a post on FWR that I’d call transphobic in the way I understand the term, i.e. hating on trans people simply for being trans.

However, if anyone has an example of such a post on this site (that wasn’t taken down) then please do share.

I’d be genuinely interested to see it as I actually think MumsnetHQ does a pretty decent balancing job.

SharonasCorona · 26/05/2020 12:42

People seem to have a real issue with women standing up for their rights robustly and assertively.

RelapsedChocoholic · 26/05/2020 12:44

The feminism section is nearly all anti-trans threads, despite there being many issues of inequality between the sexes to discuss.

It’s a pretty easy link to make: All threads are anti trans = transphobic site

On the few threads I’ve read through there wasn’t much discussion happening, only multiple comments of how correct the op is (imo)

Reddit, for example, has publicly taken action against anti trans sub-reddits, Whereas I’m not what actions Mumsnet has taken- so that may be why the site is a particular target.

Pertella · 26/05/2020 12:46

If they are anti-trans then report them 🤷‍♀️

Acis · 26/05/2020 12:49

Let's just skip to the inevitable bit where you're asked to provide an example of transphobic and you don't and just say "it's everywhere"

You left out the bit where you point out that you can't link to examples because, guess what, they're against site policy and have been deleted, and several jolly souls try to pretend that you must be making it all up.

BringbackLang · 26/05/2020 12:49

If you can provide evidence of being anti trans I'm all ears but it seems that pro-women = anti-trans to some.

Pertella · 26/05/2020 12:50

they're against site policy and have been deleted

So MN does delete transphobic content then

Phew, glad that's cleared up!

Al1Langdownthecleghole · 26/05/2020 12:51

This site has a serious problem with MRAs who can't stand the thought of women standing up for their rights and saying no to them.

There are MRAs who deliberately post dodgy stuff for the screenshots to 'prove' MN is transphobic.

Women must not discuss
Star women's only spaces
Star women's only sports
Star women's only medical experiences
Star women's only sexual preferences
Star women's only definitions.

Olliephaunt4eyes · 26/05/2020 12:51

Wonder why it's Mumsnet that is apparently such a hot bed of transphobia? But not Reddit, or Kiwi Farms or any other male dominated site?

I mean, I'm pretty sure that the advertisers that have quit MN over this don't advertise on Kiwi Farms either. It feels like a lot of posters want to have it both ways. They want to have the cuddly lovely 'all women together' image that brings in the respectable, risk averse advertisers, not to mention the big establishment organisations like GMB to host web chats and the like, but ALSO want to be able to host a bunch of controversial political dialogue that IS on the fringes of what is considered generally acceptable.

AwrightDoreenTakeAFuckinDayOff · 26/05/2020 12:54

I happily support anyone’s right to be who they want to be.

Just as long as they support mine to be a woman, have safe spaces and don’t trample all over my rights so that they can have theirs.

I haven’t seen any truly transphobic posts. I have seen some that tell me I must be transphobic because I would like my rights to remain and my beliefs to be listened to.

Live and let live seems to be fine. As long as you aren’t a woman.

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