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To be “peopled out”

278 replies

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 16:32

Having a down day and I think I’ve realised it’s because there’s someone here ALL THE BLOODY TIME.

I love my family but dear lord what I wouldn’t give for a few hours solitude.

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lilgreen · 17/05/2020 18:49

I’ve just come upstairs, earphones in, Elbow on.Wink

alphabetspagetti · 17/05/2020 18:49

I couldn't find my book the other day and DH eventually found it in the downstairs loo. He was surprised as no one uses the downstairs loo. I realised a few weeks ago that the loo is actually quite comfortable to sit on and the sink is in a convenient spot for resting a mug on so I occasionally make myself a cup of tea and then sneak from the kitchen and have 15 mins of peace. No one thinks to look for me in there.
I really never thought I would do something like that but it is so nice to have an escape.

Supermarketworker06 · 17/05/2020 18:50

I'm supposed to be away on holiday with my bestie now but obviously that's not happening. Dh has been furloughed and he's been great, washed the car, done stuff round the house, shared the housework etc. I've been working my normal part time hours, so my life has carried on relatively normally. However...... he doesn't like my choice of radio station, he likes different things on the TV in the afternoon (secret Escape to the Country binge watcher here!) How many repeat episodes of NCIS is necessary, I ask?
He's back at work for the first time tomorrow so I'm gonna stay in bed for ages, listen to the Jeremy Vine show in peace, watch Escape to the country until my eyes bleed and do no housework. It's gonna be great.

Mikethenight2good · 17/05/2020 18:50

I hear you. I can't even read this read this thread without MUMMY MUUUMMMMMYYY MUM Followed by same random question to get my attention.

alphabetspagetti · 17/05/2020 18:51

Oh, and the second lockdown is lifted, I am driving the 5 hours home to Cornwall, giving my mum a hug, abandoning the DC with her and going somewhere else for 48 hours. Ideally a luxury hotel where I can be waited on but I think it's unlikely they'll be open ... a tent and a pasty and silence would do.

Whenwillthisbeover · 17/05/2020 18:52

Yeh yeh get that, after working full time for 35 years with only 16 weeks maternity for both children I went 24 hours on 6th April. I haven’t actually appreciated a day of it, it’s just spent here with him hovering wanting to know what I’m doing.

rc22 · 17/05/2020 18:59

I know what you mean. I'm used to having the house to myself for a couple of hours every now and again. Hasn't happened for weeks now!!

NewAndImprovedNorks · 17/05/2020 19:01

The secret is DOGS
Dogs need to be walked...and sometimes they ‘look like they need a wee’ at odd times


Cuppaand2biscuits · 17/05/2020 19:07

I feel like I can't ever get the house properly clean because there are too many people in it all the time!
Even if I send them into the garden they come back after 10 minutes and walk all over my newly mopped floor. I'm feeling like I'm on a constant rotation of emptying the bins, emptying the dishwasher (which goes on 2 or 3 times a day)
Or cooking food!

Notlostjustexploring · 17/05/2020 19:09

a tent and a pasty and silence

That sounds utterly amazing. I can't even shower in peace.

It's a really horrible combination of being lonely as there are so many people I miss, and never fucking being alone.

MilkTrayLimeBarrel · 17/05/2020 19:10

Me too - why does DH have to ask me whenever he sees me after roughly 10 minutes 'are you alright'? I just want to be alone in the house, to do my own thing for more than 15 minutes!

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:10

I have dogs, makes no difference. I either need to take the toddler and his pram during the day or DH needs to come with as I can’t walk both dogs on my own (their issue not mine😏).

OP posts:
Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:12

Ok so what do we want? I want... a bottle of white, some amazing cake, sunshine and silence.

OP posts:
Whenwillthisbeover · 17/05/2020 19:15

Which is fair enough unless your OH decides that walking the dogs with you is a great thing to do when on lockdown. I can’t cope with my daily walk of 20 years, at the time I want, for the duration and distance that I want, at the speed I want, at the time I want becoming HIS walk, which it has now.

Now it is a 7 mile marathon at 6:30 every morning, at 13 minutes an hour or whatever shit he spouts, with me. Just fuck off and do it alone, I’ll do my stomp alone when I want, talking to no one but myself, with my earphones in, at the time and for the duration I want.

Please, GO BACK to work. Leave me the fuck alone.

Ilovecats23 · 17/05/2020 19:18

I completely understand this feeling! I never usually take baths but I’ve started having one every other day after the kids are in bed so that I can have an hour just to relax by myself! I set up my phone to play some old tv programme that I love and honestly I don’t even watch it, I just lay there with my eyes closed listening to it and enjoying my me time 😂

ChilliCheese123 · 17/05/2020 19:20

Why is every fucker on mumsnet shielding?

MarshaBradyo · 17/05/2020 19:20

There does seem to be a high proportion of shielding on here.

Booboodisney · 17/05/2020 19:21

@Sexnotgender why don’t you get wine and cake delivered ? Go to waitrose and buy some ?

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:22

@Whenwillthisbeover urgh, that’s rubbish. Get him told!

OP posts:
Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:23

Oh believe me I have wine! I had a case delivered 2 days ago😂 it’s more the combination of wine, cake, sunshine and bloody peace and quiet that I crave.

OP posts:
Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:24

Why is every fucker on mumsnet shielding?

Sorry that my child’s crappy heart and lung conditions are an issue for you Confused

OP posts:
Booboodisney · 17/05/2020 19:24

Wednesday might be your day. Headphones in, wine, at least 24 degrees up here in the north apparently !!


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Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:25

Wednesday it is! I’ll add cake to my Asda order tomorrow Smile

OP posts:
ChilliCheese123 · 17/05/2020 19:26

@MarshaBradyo literally every thread someone says they’ve been in lockdown since the twelfth of never because someone in their household is shielding... literally in real life I know two people who received the government letter and it’s because of cystic fibrosis for both of them. I know people with heart issues, diabetes etc and they’re not shielding ?

Blackbear19 · 17/05/2020 19:26

Yes to the poster who said Tesco was like a trip to the Maldives. It's the highlight of my week.

It's the constant noise that's doing my head it. OMG its constant and gets louder as the day goes on.
I'm currently hiding but I'd love a dog right now!

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