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To be “peopled out”

278 replies

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 16:32

Having a down day and I think I’ve realised it’s because there’s someone here ALL THE BLOODY TIME.

I love my family but dear lord what I wouldn’t give for a few hours solitude.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Starlightstarbright1 · 17/05/2020 17:27

I had to drive to the other side of the city to collect a prescription for Ds four weeks ago I get to go again this Friday . I am already excited 😆

VioletCharlotte · 17/05/2020 17:30

I hear you OP! DS 20 and 18 have both just gone out separately to meet a friend for a walk and bike ride respectively. I'm sat in the garden enjoying the peace. It's the first time I've been alone in the house for weeks and I'm loving it.

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 17/05/2020 17:36

I went to the supermarket for a wee weep into my mask earlier.

I hear you, OP.

CookPassBabtridge · 17/05/2020 17:42

I am constantly going upstairs to do jobs and dragging them out a bit just to get some peace, I also go on evening walks with my earphones for an hour. I would go insane otherwise! Luckily DP is furloughed so is on hand with the kids and is very good with them and understanding that mama needs alone time before she goes loopy.

CookPassBabtridge · 17/05/2020 17:43

And yes I'm saying FUCK OFF under my breath a lot Grin

Divebar · 17/05/2020 17:44

I’ve been stuck at home with DD8 the entire time while DH goes to work. Home schooling and working from home is not a combination I ever want to experience again. On Friday I met a friend for the first time since lockdown and had a socially distant coffee for an hour in the sun... it was fantastic. Sadly my DH is off in an hour for a weeks residential course and I’m dreading my week trying to stay cheerful while dragging DD away from screens.

Topsy44 · 17/05/2020 17:46

I hear you. I am a lone parent with an 8 year old DD. Usually I get one day off work a week to have some me time. I said to my Mum yesterday when that day comes again, I will be spending it in a dark room just listening to the slience!

Chocolatear · 17/05/2020 17:49

I'm really missing my time alone. DH is WFH, DS should be about to start A levels. We all tick along nicely but it can be quite overwhelming at times.
I usually work part time in 2 jobs but no work at the moment.
DH thinks his office will reopen in September so it's going to be a long old summer.
Hopefully one of my jobs will start up again soon.

speakout · 17/05/2020 17:49

I feel the same OP.

I am an introvert, and as much as I love my family I yearn for an empty house for a few hours.
I manage by getting up early, 6am if I can, do some yoga and have a few hours before everyone else wakes.

Sturmundcalm · 17/05/2020 17:49

yep - when lockdown ends being alone in the house is on my list of things to look forward to. and i know that i'm really lucky compared to lots of folk cause no tiny children and a reasonable-sized house/garden but i really miss the days i'd have the house to myself (I WFH 2-3 days a week normally anyway).

tragically one of the other things i miss is cleaning/tidying a room or surface and then coming back to it a couple of hours later to find it still clean...

ThisAintNoPartyThisAintNoDisco · 17/05/2020 17:52

I know 100% op!

Ive seen people saying ‘ooh I’m an introvert so lockdown is just my thing’. Well I suppose I am too, but lockdown hasn’t given me any space at ALL. 😕 I’m constantly tripping over at least 3 other people. And their stuff.

How I long for the peace of a quiet house. Everyone out. Just me and the cats pottering about 😟

Grandmi · 17/05/2020 17:52

Am with you op 100%.I absolutely love my children to bits and I have all my family at home which I know makes me very lucky but I also really enjoy my own company as well . Luckily I have been working a few hours a week and it has been a relief to get into my car and have a half hour drive in peace and quiet !!!

psychomath · 17/05/2020 17:52

Maybe we should all pair up - those of us who are alone and missing company can take one of your families in for a bit to give you a break Grin

Seriously though I sympathise. Being stuck with people constantly sounds like the only thing worse than being stuck alone!

Starksforthewin · 17/05/2020 17:56

Those of you with a partner, just lock the bathroom door, get in your bubble bath and ignore anyone on the other side of the door.
So what if a child wants you? It’s good to teach them they can’t always get what they want! You’ve got to train the little buggers!

Single parents without this option, I salute you.

KatherineJaneway · 17/05/2020 17:57

Do you want to swap? I'd love some company. Hope you like cats though Grin

Absolutelunacy · 17/05/2020 17:58

Never related to something more. I need solitude to recharge and feel like myself and I’m just not getting any. Actually looking forward to restarting work soon so I can leave the house for a few hours a day

Namesgonenow · 17/05/2020 17:59

Laughing at idea of creating space. Went into lockdown with a 7 week old baby and a 4 year old preschooler who went from 8-6 nursery 5 days a week to FT at home. The baby has not been weighed and I haven’t seen a he TU visitor and not one moment of peace exists. When the 4 year old is done trashing the house the baby begins screaming for witching hour. Night feeds. 5 am - 4 year old wakes up. I could cry. But no time or space to do so.

itsgoodtobehome · 17/05/2020 18:00

Oh definitely. I just want the house to myself to potter quietly and not constantly have people around!!

JemimaShore · 17/05/2020 18:02

Oh god, I hear ya, OP. I'm used to having the house to myself (and the dogs) during the school day. I don't want to moan too much, because we have a big house and garden, and lockdown is pretty easy on us - but just having people around all the time is making me slightly crazy. If I try to go for a solitary dog walk DH pipes up "oh, take child a, b, or c".

"Being stuck with people constantly sounds like the only thing worse than being stuck alone!"

Ha yes! Totally.

Invisimamma · 17/05/2020 18:03

I need some time alone, and not alone as in in kids upstairs, dp in the kitchen and me in the living room. I mean completely alone, everyone just fuck off for a few hours (longer would be great).
I love my family and so thankful we're all healthy so far blah blah blah but I really really need some space!! I haven't even managed a walk alone because dp is working long shifts and I need to take the kids with me, as he's home too late.

AuditAngel · 17/05/2020 18:04

Yesterday I lay in bed reading. DH brought me coffee, the kids were convinced I was sick (I wasn’t). DH sent more coffee and chocolate biscuits. I called a friend and stayed there until noon.

I really needed it.

BelfryBat · 17/05/2020 18:06

I entirely understand OP, but I'm at the other extreme. I'm a complete introvert, but I've been home alone for 10 weeks now, and even when I go out the stress of people who don't bother distancing means I can't enjoy it.

And do you know what? I wouldn't mind if the government had got its act together on testing and isolating people who are positive but it hasn't, so this is all going to be for nothing.


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WhoDrankMyGin · 17/05/2020 18:08

I feel your pain

And even worse, one of my offspring has obviously found my hiding place for the chocolate raisins I was saving for tonight and eaten them all Angry

nervousnelly8 · 17/05/2020 18:08

I'm totally with you. DS is 14 months and has decided that only mummy will do. For everything. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and can't even throw up in peace. I never thought I'd miss my commute!!!

starsinyourpies · 17/05/2020 18:10

I totally get this. I have to go into work tomorrow for the first time in ages (have been WFH) and am tempted to take a LONG detour home. Possibly never returning....

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