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To be “peopled out”

278 replies

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 16:32

Having a down day and I think I’ve realised it’s because there’s someone here ALL THE BLOODY TIME.

I love my family but dear lord what I wouldn’t give for a few hours solitude.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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Rainbunny · 17/05/2020 18:13

I get you OP! It's just me and DH but our house is small and it wouldn't matter if we had a mansion honestly, I desperately crave being TOTALLY ALONE! Also it's perfectly fine to vent here Grin

It's not just a matter of going into a different room, it's having the place completely to yourself that I miss. I love my DH and I know he has the same exact feelings as I do. We're getting along really well to my surprise we've been very self-aware and accommodating of each other.

But... My God I daydream all the time about my years of living alone before we married. This lockdown has made me recognise all the various ways in which I've lost self discipline because I live with my DH. When I lived alone my schedule was completely mine to control, I exercised when it suited me, I cooked and ate precisely what and when I wanted. I was always on top of cleaning and laundry and if I wanted to spend an entire afternoon walking around bookstores or drinking a glass of wine while trying on all my dresses in my wardrobe with different shoes (I feel weird and silly doing that when DH is home) then I would. My time was my own.

My DH is lovely and frankly I can't imagine any other person on the planet that I could live with, but it's so fucking annoying to live with people in the best of circumstances let alone this lockdown.

I know there will be many people who disagree with me and honestly I don't understand you Grin I don't understand people who don't need private time and space (the entire bloody place) to themselves!

Flippinfurloughed · 17/05/2020 18:16

I’ve been furloughed and am a lone parent..... I paid ds £5 to let me have a bath in peace the other day. It was worth every penny!

EveryDayIsADuvetDay · 17/05/2020 18:17

Being on your own 24/7 sucks, but I sure as hell wouldn't want somebody here all the time.

Pasghetti · 17/05/2020 18:17

YANBU. I miss having the house to myself. Then I remind myself about friends who are living alone and really struggling with it and remind myself to be grateful. But still... just an hour. Alone. Bliss Grin

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 17/05/2020 18:19

I share your experience, but on Friday DH and DS (23) went out for a very long walk took lunch and I had the house to myself for 4 blissful hours!
Then on sat DS went fishing with his friend social distance Of course so me and DH had a blissful few hours on our own which has been a bit of a problem while DS is here... all the time and has turned largely nocturnal 🤭

Wingingitsince2018 · 17/05/2020 18:20

On Thursday I told DH the queue for Tesco was massive so I would be a while.

It was actually only about 10 people and I sat in the car for half an hour listening to a podcast and eating half a bag of toffees I found in the glove compartment! It was bliss!

Wingingitsince2018 · 17/05/2020 18:21

I also went the long way home as I realised I bloody miss driving.

lilgreen · 17/05/2020 18:21

We’re all getting on reasonably well( Me, DH, DD19 & DD16) DH working daily , DD1 home from uni but still studying , DD2 is bored as GCSEs cancelled. I’m working at school but on a rota. I soooo enjoy that drive to work once a week. Far less traffic too ,it’s bliss!

lilgreen · 17/05/2020 18:23

DH and I have zero ‘us’ time as teens awake half the night.

AravisTarkheena · 17/05/2020 18:24

YANBU. I miss having the house to myself. Then I remind myself about friends who are living alone and really struggling with it and remind myself to be grateful.

I’m by myself and I totally think YANBU to want to be alone! It’s not ideal for anyone. There are definitely days where I’ve really found it hard to think about how long I might have to go on being by myself every evening but equally I think I would be finding it difficult if there was someone else here 24/7 too!

lilgreen · 17/05/2020 18:25

@PuppyMonkey I get you.Blush

ilovemydogandmrobama2 · 17/05/2020 18:27

DH took it upon himself this evening to cook.

First he broke a bottle of expensive litre bottle of maple syrup and cannot clean the floor properly as the sink is blocked.

He then made it worse my taking apart all of the pipes which are now leaking. FFS.

Everything was fine when I went upstairs to hide

Rainbunny · 17/05/2020 18:29

DH mentioned today that there's a good chance he'll have to go into his office for a day next week. I'm practically planning a festival for myself in my head!! Glitterball

It's not certain but I'll be not so secretly devastated if the plan changes!

Shinyletsbebadguys · 17/05/2020 18:30

I feel your pain to the depths of my soul. Please don't misunderstand me , I love DP, DC and ddog with all my heart but they are always there ! There is always someone underfoot , there is always someone talking (usually at least 2 at once).

For DP and I, alone time (including away from the other one) has now become a marketable commodity , we have been known to complete negotiations under business conditions , we've drawn the line at sliding pieces across the table with numbers on, but it won't be long.

Mind you, yesterday for the first time in 9 weeks (we were isolating a week before lockdown as we were really unwell) DC went out for a walk with exdh for 1 hour as they hadn't seen himnfor 9 weeks and we checked if it was allowed. We thought we would love it.

We did ....for ten minutes....then we both hovered by different windows worrying about them.

megletthesecond · 17/05/2020 18:34

Yanbu. I'm sick of them.
I just had a lovely drive around the dual carriageway by myself to keep the car ticking over.

Someone1987 · 17/05/2020 18:36

I agree. What id give for a day alone in peace, under a duvet, watching something other than the Bl**dy news, cleaning and worrying about others.

TW2013 · 17/05/2020 18:37

I hurt my ankle on a walk today - hobbling but old injury, it will be fine. Sadly it will mean that dh will be in charge of walkies for a while- empty house bliss. I sometimes go and work in the garden for some peace!

Whenwillthisbeover · 17/05/2020 18:38

Yes yes just fucking yes! You are being so reasonable. DS adult and left home, DD is a HCP and out lots So it is DH driving me insane. 25 years married and he has worked away LOTS plus has lots of hobbies, we are independent, we get along great usually, I don’t need a man here all the time.

He is here all the time and I am screaming. Let me be alone.

Golf course opened Wednesday, DD is on nights, today I had five hours alone. OMG what a joy.

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 18:42

It's just me and DH but our house is small and it wouldn't matter if we had a mansion

Honestly we’re very lucky and whilst not a mansion we live in a very large house. It makes bugger all difference. I just want to be ALONE for a whole day. I want to potter about and go into rooms and there be nobody else there.

OP posts:
WaxOnFeckOff · 17/05/2020 18:44

I feel ya OP.

Over a year ago I changed my work pattern to work a compressed week to get a day off every two weeks. After working full time since I was 17 (37 years working!), a total of 10 months mat leave for 2 DC (13 months apart), years of squeezing in everything, no help from relatives, no regular childcare apart from 4 months when DC1 was a baby and then a few years of breakfast club and summer club, I just wanted time to do stuff for myself as well as get the house in order. Well, in nearly 14 months (about 28 "off days"), i've had 2 of those days to myself, the first one and one other and on that 2nd one I had a migraine!

It's not that anyone is a bother, I just want the house to myself occasionally :(

WaxOnFeckOff · 17/05/2020 18:45

It's not like I am working any less hours either..:(

Macncheeseballs · 17/05/2020 18:46

I live with my family but feel i get enough alone time as I just go off on my own, either in the house or out


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WaxOnFeckOff · 17/05/2020 18:46

...and I'm in Scotland so we are still more restricted.

Rainbunny · 17/05/2020 18:47

I mentioned above that I keep daydreaming about being back in the days when I lived alone before marriage and how much I miss it right now, but I also remember being at home alone some evenings wondering what other people were doing and we're they having out having fun - I definitely had those FOMO feelings (fear of missing out).

Of course if I was living alone currently there'd be no FOMO as we're all stuck at home! Anyway, it seems like it's all or nothing doesn't it.

Devlesko · 17/05/2020 18:48

There's only me, dh, and 16 year old dd. We have got on surprisingly really well these past 8 weeks, but everyone needs their space.
Do you have a park nearby, we can sit on a bench now, whoopee - doo. Grin Or go for a long walk, or a bit of a walk and a sit on a wall?

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