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What is the most spectacular view you've ever seen in your whole life?

444 replies

OhioOhioOhio · 30/04/2020 00:15

I honestly don't know. Possibly a beach in Bali.

OP posts:
MrsEricBana · 30/04/2020 00:58

Canadian Rockies for me.

pallisers · 30/04/2020 00:58

The Mizen pennisula in west cork.

I've travelled a fair bit in some lovely places but the only other place I have ever felt as strongly about was Maui in Hawaii - looking up at the mountains/volcanos from the sea was stunning.

blueshoes · 30/04/2020 00:59

Swimming into a school of manta rays. I was drifting with the current and they were swimming up current. I was drifting into their open 'mouths' and just at the last minute, they would dive down to avoid me.

Others are diving related - school of hammerhead sharks, schooling barracuda, lake of prehistoric jellyfish, amazing coral and reef fish all around an atoll
Lellochip · 30/04/2020 01:01

Plitvice lakes in Croatia or Lake Louise in Canada for me I think

Giggorata · 30/04/2020 01:05

Total solar eclipse.. is that a view?
If not, either Niagara Falls or a Scottish loch in the early morning, with trees, clouds and mist perfectly mirrored.

GrumpyHoonMain · 30/04/2020 01:09

Driving to the Lake District. Best views I have ever seen.

DdraigGoch · 30/04/2020 01:11

Loch Nam Uamh

magicstar1 · 30/04/2020 01:17

Sunrise in Monument Valley...absolutely glorious!
(This is not my photo though)

What is the most spectacular view you've ever seen in your whole life?
Tolleshunt · 30/04/2020 01:17

Boat ride up the coast of British Columbia. Spectacular views of the coast, plus whales.

Lemonlady22 · 30/04/2020 01:27

So many places around the world....but the most amazing sight was my newborn granddaughter...miss her like crazy as I'm shielded atm 😥

MrsMop1964 · 30/04/2020 01:33

Mount Fuji on a beautifully clear spring day. Forever kicking myself for not taking photos, but it was in 1989 and if you didn't remember to carry your camera you couldn't just whip your phone out like today.

Mimishimi · 30/04/2020 01:35

Sunrise at Alishan mountain in Taiwan.

BoomBoomsCousin · 30/04/2020 01:36

Active volcano in Hawaii, from a small plane. Lava pouring into the sea and creating new land. Sunsetting in the distance.

Winnietheshit · 30/04/2020 01:38

I’d have to name change to go for the full details but it involves the second row of London Welsh RFC.

LouLouLoo · 30/04/2020 01:40

The biggest wow for me was saying the Las Vegas strip! I’d seen lots of pictures but the scale of it was something I didn’t grasp until I was there.

I’ve been to many places that I’m sure I should have found more impressive and I’ve loved many of them but LV is my honest answer!

bananafish · 30/04/2020 01:40

My top 3

Coming round a bend and watching the temples at Angkor in Cambodia come into view as the sun started to set behind them. It was jawdroppingly beautiful.

Rows of chinese fishing nets outlined against the rising sun in Cochin, Kerala

The view from the top of Table mountain. I hate heights and I hate cable cars but it was absolutely worth it.

LouLouLoo · 30/04/2020 01:41

Seeing not saying!

Guylan · 30/04/2020 01:41

I have been fortunate to visit a lot of beautiful places around the world but the view I always remember the most is Rhossili Bay in the Gower.

MrsTerryPratchett · 30/04/2020 01:46

Uluru. 'Ayers Rock'.

Nothing can really match it (and I've been to 40+ countries). It's purple, it's red, it's yellow, it's brown. It glows. In the space of an hour it's completely transformed. And it is, not to put too fine a point on it, fucking massive. There is nothing anywhere in Australia, miles and miles of nothing, then BAM biggest rock you've ever seen. The problem is no photo does it justice. Because the experience of seeing it is amazing. Plus I was shown around by a lovely knowledgeable guide who respected the spiritual nature of the place. Not allowing people into sacred places. And he told us not to climb (not that I would have). I'm atheist but the disrespect of Aboriginal people's beliefs makes me rageful.

And now the 'ants' have been prevented from climbing it, even better.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 30/04/2020 01:47

So many!
One of my favourites was full moon over the ocean at Cape Tribulation, QLD.
Another was seeing the full circle rainbow out of a plane window (but being unable to photograph it because of the angle)
Kings' Canyon (like the Grand Canyon only smaller and in Australia)
The autumn trees in New England, USA

MrsTerryPratchett · 30/04/2020 01:50

Kings' Canyon Isn't that cock in a frock on a rock?

DontTellThemYourNamePike · 30/04/2020 01:52

I have lived in NI my whole life, but the drive through the lower slopes of the Mournes to get to Silent Valley last year was spectacular.


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Womanlywiles · 30/04/2020 01:53

Magicstar1 I came here to say Monument Valley! We were driving across the states 25 yrs ago and came over the top of a hill and suddenly we were driving down into Monument Valley it was deserted, no other cars or people. I just couldn't believe it, I felt I was in the middle of a famous western and John Wayne would appear any second. It was vast, the whole experience was spectacular and definitely worth the trek.

DramaAlpaca · 30/04/2020 01:58

The Taj Mahal at dusk took my breath away. Just magnificent. I've loads I could mention, but that particular occasion, the way the light played on the building, was just beautiful. And it wasn't busy, we were so lucky.

My2centsare · 30/04/2020 02:03

Lake Louise. We were gifted a room at the Fairmont with a view of the lake. Most stunning winter wonderland view of Rocky Mountains, lake, people skating, ice bar, ice sculptures, horse-drawn sleighs. I will never forgot it.

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