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What is the most spectacular view you've ever seen in your whole life?

444 replies

OhioOhioOhio · 30/04/2020 00:15

I honestly don't know. Possibly a beach in Bali.

OP posts:
pallisers · 02/06/2020 00:02


meant to ping you - sorry

pallisers · 02/06/2020 00:00

@pallisers Did that bridge used to be a rickety old food bridge? I've ofter thought of a place we visited in southern Ireland where we walked over a rickety old bridge. The rocks were really craggy and I was mesmerised by the milky, frothy sea. I was just a kid. We used to stay Baltimore/Bantry area so Mizen may well be it. Thank you for placing it for me., I'd love to go back one day.

yes it was a foot bridge. It wasn't really rickety - it was perfectly safe but it did give a feeling of being dangerously suspended over roaring water and rocks. Go back! when things are better. they now have a fab museum there and the views are still spectacular.

Swiftsseason · 01/06/2020 23:24

Both dd faces when born.
Watering hole, Zimbabwe at dusk.
The Bush at dawn.
Piccadily circus after a long stint in oz.

Tearingmyhairout0110 · 01/06/2020 23:23

Danum Valley. Absolutely cosmic by day. Wild orangutans and elephants. Then could lie on the platform at night and a crystal clear starry sky

PolkaDotsPolka · 01/06/2020 23:23

The Grand Canyon.

Mytimetogo · 01/06/2020 23:18

@pallisers Did that bridge used to be a rickety old food bridge? I've ofter thought of a place we visited in southern Ireland where we walked over a rickety old bridge. The rocks were really craggy and I was mesmerised by the milky, frothy sea. I was just a kid. We used to stay Baltimore/Bantry area so Mizen may well be it. Thank you for placing it for me., I'd love to go back one day.

LMW1990 · 01/06/2020 23:05

The view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge from the boat going towards Alcatraz.

Monument valley - we visited a Native American family there who were so welcoming and lovely.

Yosemite - Glacier Point

The Grand Canyon

Extraterrestrial Highway - Rachel, Nevada (and Little A'le'Inn)

ElGuardiandenoche · 01/06/2020 22:46

The top of Sigirya in Sri Lanka at sunset.

What is the most spectacular view you've ever seen in your whole life?
rosea19 · 01/06/2020 09:36

Grand Canyon at sunset.

Whitsunday islands at sunset just as a large loggerhead turtle swam past our boat.

A view of a coral reef in the cook islands at night with the moon shining down on it and amazing shooting stars.

Punxsutawney · 01/06/2020 09:27

When my boys were 12 and 8 we took them to hawaii. We stayed on Big Island for about a week. One evening we drove up Mauna Kea to the visitor Centre a bit below the observatories. It had been cloudy and a bit rainy all the way up and we felt that it was probably a waste of time. Once up there we were above the clouds and it was clear. We couldn't take the boys up to the observatories, you had to be 16+ because of the altitude but we waited for sunset at the visitor centre.

It was wonderful sight seeing the milky way, everything just felt so close. We didn't have a particularly good camera and our photos of that evening aren't great but it was an amazing view of the night sky and very memorable.

NewtonPulsifer · 01/06/2020 09:22

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Downunderduchess · 01/06/2020 09:21

@Kiwiskiwi92 loved it, very beautiful location and lovely people

squeekums · 01/06/2020 09:10


Uluru. 'Ayers Rock'.

Nothing can really match it (and I've been to 40+ countries). It's purple, it's red, it's yellow, it's brown. It glows. In the space of an hour it's completely transformed. And it is, not to put too fine a point on it, fucking massive. There is nothing anywhere in Australia, miles and miles of nothing, then BAM biggest rock you've ever seen. The problem is no photo does it justice. Because the experience of seeing it is amazing. Plus I was shown around by a lovely knowledgeable guide who respected the spiritual nature of the place. Not allowing people into sacred places. And he told us not to climb (not that I would have). I'm atheist but the disrespect of Aboriginal people's beliefs makes me rageful.

And now the 'ants' have been prevented from climbing it, even better.

Was coming to say just this. The colours change with the sun, it's magic.
I've been to the top, I was only 12 at the time and had no idea it's wasn't ok, it wasn't really spoken about then, it was encouraged, sadly this only 20 years ago too. I'd never climb again and won't be letting dd climb if we go in the future either.
But the view is spectacular, even now it's crystal clear in my head, so wide and vast. Time stands still up there.

The blue lake in mt gambler is gorgeous too, as long as you hit the time of year it's at it's bluest
The flinders ranges is stunning in it's own rugged way. A hell of a hike but worth it. Especially during wildflower season
HoldMeCloserTonyDanza · 01/06/2020 09:09

Totality in a solar eclipse.

I truly can not recommend it enough. Worth every bit of planning and organisation. There’s ones in the US and Spain in the next decade or two and I will be doing everything possible to see it again.

CherryPavlova · 01/06/2020 08:56

Too many awe inspiring places.

Looking down on Derwentwater from the top of Catbells as the evening sun is falling.
Sunrising over the Okavango Delta
Volcano spotting in the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia and feeling the incredible heat.
Pingvella National Park in Iceland and the Aurora
Christmas lights across the Harbour from Kowloon waterfront in Hong Kong
Geese flying over East Head after the crowds have gone home

Suetty · 01/06/2020 08:46

Northern Lights.

Kiwiskiwi92 · 01/06/2020 08:45

[quote Downunderduchess]@Kiwiskiwi92 I stayed at The Moorings on Lake Road in Wanaka[/quote]
Ah it was your photo of the marina that threw me off! I was thinking you must have stayed on the other side of the lake. I hope you enjoyed your time here Smile

Downunderduchess · 01/06/2020 08:37

@Kiwiskiwi92 I stayed at The Moorings on Lake Road in Wanaka

actiongirl1978 · 05/05/2020 07:45

The view across killiney bay to Bray in south co Dublin from the vico road. At 5am in the summer.

Jue01 · 05/05/2020 07:43

Driving from JFK airport to our hotel and seeing the Manhatten skyline - that view is amazing , I still get that same feeling whenever we go to New York.

Seeing the Northern Lights - spectacular.

Helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon.

ChasingRainbows19 · 05/05/2020 07:29

forgot about the snow covered views when travelling in Iceland too.... never been on a snowy holiday so that was special to me.

Man made sights like New York views can also be special. Sunset on Empire State observation deck was beautiful last year.

Sorry I appreciate a lot of nice views..Blush

ChasingRainbows19 · 05/05/2020 07:26

I'm lucky to have seen a few
Blue mountains
Sunset Byron bay
Grand Canyon
Lake District - I love the contrast of fells and water like derwentwater and ullswater.


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Yelllow · 05/05/2020 07:22

View from our suite in Capri 😍

Egghead68 · 05/05/2020 07:16

Grand Canyon, although it doesn’t seem real.

DuringDinnerMints · 05/05/2020 07:15

Being above the clouds in Shimla, India.

A glacier in Iceland.

The complete empty nothingness of the Gobi desert at sunrise.

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