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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
TorkTorkBam · 22/02/2020 22:06

We just all put our hands over our eyes and say "eeeewwww" like most mature adults.

Same here. Silly comments too. Also a fair bit of "can you imagine having to act that in front of the whole crew" and "how do you reckon they rehearse that then?"

EC22 · 22/02/2020 22:32


Gwenhwyfar · 22/02/2020 22:53

"I'm an amateur writer and I tend to avoid including sex scenes in my stories, purely because it's weird to think of people I know, parents included, someday reading them."

This reminds me of my grandmother's insistence that a women we're very vaguely related to who had written TV dramas, hadn't written 'those scenes' but the TV company had added them afterwards!

TheSandman · 23/02/2020 01:25

Also a fair bit of "can you imagine having to act that in front of the whole crew" and "how do you reckon they rehearse that then?"

The only time I was involved in a film when a sex scene was being shot the set was closed and everyone but the camera crew, actors, and director were booted out. The number of crew in the room probably numbered five or six at most. Still more people than I would like to fake bonking in front of but not the hundreds of people you'd imagine. I never saw the rushes from that shoot and it was never released.

Another film I worked on had in it what became a quite famous lesbian sex scene between two relatively well know actors. I saw the unedited footage in the cutting room - both women collapsed in hysterical giggles between takes.

JeezyPeeps · 23/02/2020 02:25

I love that you think its normal to fast forward. Surely if that was the case, nobody would waste their time filming those scenes Grin

This thread is utterly adorable.

ImOnlyHereForTheCapybaras · 23/02/2020 02:30

I do, but the rest of them don't. So if am on my own watching then yes. why? I'm not a prude, nor easily embarassed about sex but I don't think they are neccessary! It becomes obvious when a couple are about to make love, we don't need to watch it. They don't interest me either.

Also, I hate the idea that an actor has to do sex scenes with someone they are not married to. Just seems wrong.

ImOnlyHereForTheCapybaras · 23/02/2020 02:33

no problem watching but I do cover the dog's eyes if it's getting too graphic

I cover my guinea pigs eyes if there is anything on screen about Peruvian cookery.

ImOnlyHereForTheCapybaras · 23/02/2020 02:36

this is gonna sound supid and naive (maybe am both) but as it an anonymous forum, here goes: is the sex just fake or do they really actually do it in sex scenes???

feeling embarassed at my own ignorance Blush (runs)

CarolHasAnotherUTI · 23/02/2020 02:40

Unless you are watching actual porn, the sex is fake. Although there are rumours about some sex scenes in some films maybe being a bit less fake..

FernFurze · 23/02/2020 06:07

A very small minority of sex scenes in non-porn films are unsimulated, usually arthouse stuff, eg 9 Songs, Intimacy, Antichrist. But it’s not always the actors — sometimes they use body doubles for the sex.

Icecreamsoda99 · 23/02/2020 06:45

My parents use to mute the TV or change channel during tampon/period ads, I recenty asked my mum why they did this and she couldn't explain. My mum also use to cover my eyes if an advert for a horror movie came on which made in 10 times worse because I could still hear it and just had my imagination to fill in the visuals, why they just didn't turn over then or distract me I don't know. Sex scene wise it was just a very awkward silence all around Hmm

Riverviews · 23/02/2020 07:22

No. I've never heard of ffw sex scenes. I find the idea hilarious.

To the above poster, they are fake scenes. Just acting!!

SimonJT · 23/02/2020 07:25

@ImOnlyHereForTheCapybaras As much as I would like the sex scenes between Russell Tovey and Jonathan Groff to be real they are very much simulated/fake. Unless of course you’re watching the cheesy porno version of films!

Vulpine · 23/02/2020 07:28

I'd love to know which movie it was. To those saying sex scenes are not a necessary part of the story, i feel the same about violent scenes.

TheSandman · 23/02/2020 12:13

I do, but the rest of them don't. So if am on my own watching then yes. why? I'm not a prude, nor easily embarassed about sex but I don't think they are neccessary! It becomes obvious when a couple are about to make love, we don't need to watch it. They don't interest me either.

You could say that about so many things in so many films. "It's obvious there is going to be a car chase we don't need to watch it.", "It's obvious that because she's walking backwards down the dark corridor she's going to meet a horrible and bloody end ...", "It's obvious that they are going to fall in love..." , "It's obvious the police aren't going to believe our hero's version of events ...", "It's obvious the Allies won WW2..."

Films would be very short if we did that.

And why restrict it to couples? I recently watched the 2017 biopic Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (which I can thoroughly recommend), a true life polyamorous romance about the real-life inventors of the Lie Detector and creators of comic book character Wonder Woman. It's a slow thoughtful film and the sex scenes are integral to the story. There were plot points and foreshadowing dropped into the (very artily shot) fucking. FF though them, or leave the room, and you'd miss so much.

TheSandman · 23/02/2020 12:17

To the above poster, they are fake scenes. Just acting!!

Unless it's a Gaspar Noé film.

Do NOT watch Love with your Aged Ps!

AlphaJura · 28/02/2020 09:49

My dm has always been fine. But I remember her saying she could never watch anything like that with my grandad. She said he was just cringeworthy watching wildlife programmes. She'd have to leave the room because if any animals started mating his eyes would literally be popping out of his head ShockConfused. It happened once when I was there, we were watching a programme about lions. my mum got up and walked off and I was in hysterics! 🤣🤣.

4cats2kids · 28/02/2020 10:05

I’m surprised so many don’t fast forward when watching with family.

Do you all just sit there politely pretending not to notice that grandpa has a boner?!

mrsBtheparker · 28/02/2020 22:27

I recall one Christmas watching some film on TV, Kevin Costner I think, where he started to get down to it in the back of a chauffeir-driven car round Washington DC, the girls were about 14/16 and MIL said Oh Mummy we don;t want to watch this, do we? and she picked up the remote control to change the channel. The girls quickly managed to press record for it.

AlphaJura · 29/02/2020 07:55

I'm starting to think that watching tv or films is not really a group activity! Either someone keeps talking so you miss everything, or people keep pausing it to go to the loo/get a drink or snack or there's awkward scenes where no one knows how to behave! Tbh I might watch a kids film with them but adult/family stuff I tend to watch on my own. We don't all sit around the tv in the evenings like we used to do in the 80s/90s. The older dcs are usually in their rooms on their own devices, dp doesn't sit and watch tv, he's more likely to be listening to podcasts or music whilst doing something round the house or in the shed. Do people still all watch tv and films together?

Guacamole · 29/02/2020 08:03

No. I have never heard of people doing that. How strange (and a little bit funny).
I’m sorry you were embarrassed OP but No it really isn’t normal to fast forward sex scenes to spare embarrassment amongst adults.

MightyMile · 29/02/2020 08:09

My family did when I was a kid.

Now I'd just make tea or suddenly remember I had a text to reply to.


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londonrach · 29/02/2020 08:14

No not as a family but inff if it goes on too much on my own...i want to see the story

ByStarlight · 29/02/2020 08:37

The thought of my poor gran settling down to watch that with a cup of tea, with my grandad in his chair reading People's Friend just makes me want to die. We have never spoken of it.

Just reading this thread sitting on the sofa with 9-year-old DS while he watches cartoons, and I nearly choked on my cup of tea while laughing out loud at this post.

DS then asks what I’m reading (usually I tell him I’m reading the news) and what is so funny. I said just a funny story about a girl and her grandma. “Tell it to me mummy” he asks ConfusedBlush

Symbollove · 29/02/2020 08:42

Op am with you! I thought FFwing was a thing! We have always fast forward, I remember the younger days when my siblings and I would have movie night, it would so awkward, we FF and the Silence in the room Blush til this day we Ff
Even when am watching on my own I FF, as I have no interest watching it

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