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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
couchlover · 22/02/2020 10:58

No. That would be rude and more likely to make me embarrassed if they did that. If you feel that way don't watch anything with sex scenes in with your in laws. Or get up for the toilet when a scene that makes you uncomfortable comes on.

ZagZig · 22/02/2020 10:58

Errrr without question, fast forward @millerjane

Ponoka7 · 22/02/2020 11:02

But once you know whose having sex (so what follows makes sense), why do you need to watch?

My issue is that there is an unnecessary use of topless/ naked women, pretending to orgasm, to get more views.

Sex isn't comparable to any other action, we don't (I hope) do that around our close relatives and children.

Babyg1995 · 22/02/2020 11:07

If the kids are there yes I do Ive started doing in when I'm alone now though think it because my sex life's a but shit ATM 34 weeks pregnant 😭

YolandiFuckinVisser · 22/02/2020 11:11

As a teen I watched Rita Sue & Bob Too so many times with my parents we could recite the lines, the sex scenes were particularly popular for shouting out. Occasionally my mum (aged 73) will still, apropos of nothing much, exclaim "Jesus, it looks like a frozen sausage!" just for effect.

TheMemoryLingers · 22/02/2020 11:15

Ha ha. I love Rita and Sue and Bob Too ... but it stays firmly on the shelf when the parents are visiting.

MaxPaddyandHarry · 22/02/2020 11:16

Yeah whatever I take it you were joking. Not wanting to watch sex doesn't mean you don't enjoy participating in it. Wink

Breastfeedingworries · 22/02/2020 11:17

No but I always nip to the loo Grin

IrmaFayLear · 22/02/2020 11:25

Surely the most absolutely horrendous thing is a coming-of-age sex scene when you're watching with your teens. Terrible silence all round.

My dm used to be dreadful about any affection whatsoever. She'd storm over to the tv (pre-remotes!) and turn it off. Post-remote it would be, "I'm not watching this rubbish!" and a theatrical flounce from the room.

Dh and I do the "Ho, ho, ho!" thing, with much, "Oh, look at his knobbly knees!" or "Her make-up's completely undisturbed!" or "I hope she had time to shave her legs" or "He's forgotten to put his pants back on" etc etc - anything to diffuse the situation!

Tellmetruth4 · 22/02/2020 11:26

I will never forget the pure cringe watching Black Swan with DH and DM. I never realised there would be such a graphic scene. We all went silent and you could see all of us were in fight if flight mode trying our best to not catch each others eyes, absolutely frozen with embarrassment.

DonkeyKong2019 · 22/02/2020 12:49

@EmeraldShamrock They were doing it on the dining room table, it was definitely that that left me traumatised. Funnily enough though it cured me of going downstairs when I should be asleep..m

justasking111 · 22/02/2020 13:13

Bouquet of barbed wire. My DF would find something to do, kids banned. Only DM left in the room.

shinyredbus · 22/02/2020 13:14

what?! why? you're all adults?? Dont be so strange!

justasking111 · 22/02/2020 13:16

I remember being a small child shiny red bus.

jackparlabane · 22/02/2020 13:19

My grandparents had a talent for coming in during the only sex scene in a movie - Dirty Dancing, for example, and critiquing the performances. "Eh, you'll never get her off like that, son!"

Cringemaking at the time but pretty educational!

jackparlabane · 22/02/2020 13:22

I remember my dad coming to join me to watch This Life, and during every sex scene he would comment on the standard of the interior decor. When Ferdy and Lenny started fucking in the shower, my dad burst out with, "That's disgusting! That shade of turquoise tiles and terrible grouting!"

BemidjiMinnesota · 22/02/2020 13:29

No, we have never FFed sex scenes and I think that's really uptight.

However, my (very Catholic) gran was a big fan of the Outlander books, so one year for her birthday I bought her the first season on DVD. She thanked me when she received them but never spoke of it again, which I thought was strange. A few months later I finally got around to watching Outlander myself and. Oh. My. God. There were multiple explicit sex scenes, including a completely graphic 10 minute sex scene of the heroine, full frontal naked, performing fellatio on the hero. The heroine's voluminous curly hair was the only thing blocking the view of his penis and there were nipples and arses everywhere.

The thought of my poor gran settling down to watch that with a cup of tea, with my grandad in his chair reading People's Friend just makes me want to die. We have never spoken of it.

Princessfaffalot · 22/02/2020 15:24

I’ll never get over the horror of my dad taking me to see American pie in the cinema. I was 14 and just me and him. I don’t know what he was thinking! He wasn’t a very involved dad and think he just saw the tag line “teen movie” and assumed it’d be suitable. 2 hours of pure cringe. I must have gone to the loo about 11 times.

About age 19/20 watching “The weather man” with now ex mil and exh, one of the opening lines was “I like eating pussy” (or something to that effect) and the three of us dying. Think exmil jumped up to make tea while exh and I looked at each other in utter horror. But they were a very prudish family, with my own family my mum probably would make a noise like a strangled cat and the rest of us would laugh!

Wheresthesandman · 22/02/2020 15:36

I remember watching a film during an English lesson at school (an adaption of something) and my teacher deciding to FF through the sex scene. But she didn’t pause it and then do it, so the screen went black, she just pressed the FF button.

This was top set Yr 8 so I think we would have been fine if she’d left it, but the missionary position suddenly becomes much funnier when it’s on FF...

TheSandman · 22/02/2020 17:06

I watched Brokeback Mountain with my DD (then 14ish). The scene where Anne Hathaway's and Jake Gylenhall's characters bump uglies in the back of the car was a a bit 'ahhh....ooops!' Until I heard my DD whisper appreciatively, "Mmmm, nice tits!"

sucha · 22/02/2020 17:30

Couple of xmas's ago my mum turned off Love Actually with the Martin freeman bit. Just off. I'm in my 30s and I was unimpressed!

WTF0ver · 22/02/2020 18:14

The funny thing is my parents aren't so bad in these situations if they're not together. They're more inclined to joke about stuff if the other isn't there.

I do however remember going to see the Sex and the City movie with mum and afterwards she declared, "I didn't think there would be quite so much sex in it!" Really mother? The title didn't give it away?!


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EmeraldShamrock · 22/02/2020 21:53

@DonkeyKong2019 🤣👍 Yes it would definitely stop you sneaking down haha

Darbs76 · 22/02/2020 21:55

Just adults, no definitely not. That is weird

sonjadog · 22/02/2020 22:00

No problem watching with my mother, but I do cover the dog´s eyes if it is getting too graphic.

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