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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
DryHeave · 21/02/2020 21:48

No. We all sit there with my parents thinking there’s nothing to be embarrassed about and us thinking there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. All thinking there’s nothing to be embarrassed about but still wishing it wasn’t happening.

TweetUsOnFacebook · 21/02/2020 21:48

We all suddenly have something urgent we need to check on our phones and start coughing loudly.

The worst one was 'You' on Netflix where she was.... er.. pleasuring herself. I think the dcs are more embarrassed than us adults though!

ILikeyourHairyHands · 21/02/2020 21:48

Not in my family. Although when I sat down to watch a film with my first husband and his father, who was a conservative man in his 80's it quickly became apparent to me the Mulholland Drive was a bad choice on my part.

ILikeyourHairyHands · 21/02/2020 21:49

What were you watching? Society?

AlphaJura · 21/02/2020 21:50

Well it's been a long time since I've watched anything like that with family, but no we wouldn't. It's part of the film! Seems a bit strange to ff it tbh, draws attention to it more.

StillNotANewUser · 21/02/2020 21:50

Grin how old are you, OP?

To be fair FFing sounds like something my mum would do, but I can’t imagine being that coy about sex with my DC.

FizzyIce · 21/02/2020 21:52

nope , bit weird and will surely make it more awkward

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:54

I'm 24 (parents are in their 60s).

It was the awkward silence which was unbearable tbh

OP posts:
Banana0pancakes · 21/02/2020 21:54

I've got your back op. I'm 30 and my mam would still fast forward the shit out of anything more than a pack.

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 21/02/2020 21:55

A friend at uni used to fast forward through any unforeseen sexy bits of films that we'd rented from the shop next door, but.... he would fill in with the exaggerated sound effects (accounting for the speed of the film whizzing by) - grunting for the man and high-pitched 'ooh-ahhs' for the woman - it was far more entertaining than any part of the films Grin

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:56

Boyfriend and I both live with our parents (saving for a deposit), Can't wait to have my own place!

Yes FFing definitely makes it awkward, no denying that.

OP posts:
LaurieSchafferIsAllBitterNow · 21/02/2020 21:58

what were you watching??

it must be even more cringey in fastforward though surely? All those ridiculous faces!

Wildthyme · 21/02/2020 21:58

I ff sex scenes in films and TV because DD16 asks me to. We watched The Witcher together over New Year and she was very uncomfortable with said scenes despite them being brief (apart from the orgy). She'll never watch Game of Thrones in full for this reason.

ShirleyPhallus · 21/02/2020 21:59

I took my mum to watch Black Swan without realising there was a rather graphic scene. Neither of us said anything but just felt both of us sitting rather still and tense. Very awkward.

lottiegarbanzo · 21/02/2020 22:03

But it's part of the storytelling (if it's a good film), so you'd miss plot and character development.

Maybe better not to watch films that include sex?!

Etinox · 21/02/2020 22:03

Gosh yes- I ff if I’m watching alone!

Winterwoollies · 21/02/2020 22:06

I have to know, what we’re you watching?!

Butterymuffin · 21/02/2020 22:07

It would only make it worse! Just stare at the floor or fireplace like normal people Wink

Why would you ff if watching alone? With no one else there there's no awkwardness!

ImportantWater · 21/02/2020 22:10

No. Then again we didn’t get a video until I was about 17. But no. That would be weird. If something is inappropriate for a certain age, that age doesn’t watch it.
Having said that, DH once thought it would be a good idea to watch the Inbetweeners with my parents while they were staying over. That was awkward...

anotherlittlechicken · 21/02/2020 22:12


whataboutbob · 21/02/2020 22:14

I grew up in a Muslim country where even kisses were edited out. It was quite funny, hero and heroine move in for a snog, but then suddenly move away, like two same- charge magnets. My dad was also a prude so when we came back to England and there were sex scenes, the sound of his complaining was louder than the on screen action.

MsVestibule · 21/02/2020 22:14

I'm middle aged and yet I was absolutely MORTIFIED when I went to the cinema with my Dad to watch Parasite last week and there was a sex scene. I actually stared off into the corner of the cinema.

When I was a teenager, I was watching an advert with my parents and grandparents when this advert came on:

We all sat in horrified silence. Prior to that, my mum tells me that she'd been watching TV with them when an advert for tampons was shown. My grandad (born in 1912, ex-RAF in WW2) just suddenly switched it off.

We're clearly a very repressed family.

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AnneOfTeenFables · 21/02/2020 22:15

This is so funny. It reminded me of being at high school,living with my parents and they always turned the TV over during sex scenes or called me into the kitchen to help with some random tea making or getting biscuits Grin

Shodan · 21/02/2020 22:16

This reminds me of the time I first met XH's parents. We were staying there and decided to watch one of the Scary Movie films- the one where Tori Spelling is having sex with a ghost. Not even a 'real' sex scene but there was definitely tension in the air Grin

It was made worse for some reason by the fact that XH thought it appropriate to sit in just his boxers, which I already found very uncomfortable.

Never been so glad to go to bed!

whataboutbob · 21/02/2020 22:17

@MsVestibule. I remember that add. Seems really dated now.

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