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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
MsVestibule · 21/02/2020 22:17

@ImportantWater You watched The Inbetweeners with your parents 😨😨😨???

LEELULUMPKIN · 21/02/2020 22:19

This thread has reminded of my dear old late Dad. Any time anything a bit more than kissing came on the telly, he would be off to make a brew.

He had 3 daughters and it obviously made him feel awkward!

Waterworks77 · 21/02/2020 22:19

We do OP

Have a horrible story about wanting to watch a romcom with my family after Christmas dinner and it started with a rather explicit sex scene and the remote wouldn't work and thankfully my cousin pulled the plug. We all went to bed quite silent, I was mortified🤣🤣🤣

LaurieSchafferIsAllBitterNow · 21/02/2020 22:21

we're a family of sarcky comedians gits here too, so someone will always say something fatuous

did I miss their wedding?
I don't think he's doing that right
she still has her pants on
maaaaaaaaaaaaaking bayyyyyyyyybeeeees!
doing the dance with no pants (stolen from TBBT)
has he even bought the woman dinner?

Queenoftheashes · 21/02/2020 22:21

I only watch game of thrones with my family. Missing any of it would be sacrilege and a lot of plot details are in the sexposition anyway!

MuscatelGrapes · 21/02/2020 22:23

That’s hilarious, OP. We’re you genuinely thinking that not FF was an embarrassingly failure of viewing etiquette on their part, like talking with their mouth full? Grin

@whataboutbob, I saw The Reader on a ME airline with all sex scenes cut. Not having read the novel, large elements of the plot made no sense without them, and one particular scene, where the main character, a teenage boy, just looks more and more embarrassed as he eats dinner with his family, was totally baffling, until years later I saw an uncut version and realised the scenes of embarrassed soup-slurping are intercut with flashback sex scenes. Grin

Saracen · 21/02/2020 22:25

Oh no, we are far too chilled to fast forward. We all make a mad dash for the loo or to make a cup of tea instead.

MsVestibule · 21/02/2020 22:26

@whataboutbob - cutting edge back then, though! That was about 35 years ago.

I've just remembered that my sister watched Lady Chatterley's Lover with my parents (about 20 years ago now) - there was a scene where the gardener was giving it to Lady Chatterley doggy style. Honestly, I would have just died of embarrassment. I'm not repressed with my friends or DH, but just can't get over the mental block of watching sex scenes with Mum and Dad!!

TheOrigBrave · 21/02/2020 22:26

No, we just laugh it off (me and my 20 yo son).

I had NO idea the original Ghostbusters was quite so ermm raunchy! Watched it with my 10 yo and I was Shock

Megan2018 · 21/02/2020 22:27

No FF as adults here!

We watched something quite graphic one Christmas with my whole extended family including my Grandmother in her 90’s. She made some hilarious comments about the sex scenes, had us all in stitches Grin

TweetUsOnFacebook · 21/02/2020 22:28

This reminds me of the scene in Gavin and Stacey where they're upstairs having it away and the bed is creaking loudly while the others are having breakfast and are trying their besr to ignore it. Then the creaking gets faster and more awkward and Pam starts singing 'COME COME COME into my arms' and then realises what she's singing Grin

Saracen · 21/02/2020 22:29

@LaurieSchafferIsAllBitterNow those are good! I'll have to use some of your family's lines.

"Has he even bought the woman dinner?" LOL

ohnooutofdateham · 21/02/2020 22:30

It's more embarrassing to fast forward it surely?

ILikeyourHairyHands · 21/02/2020 22:36

They're not quite old enough yet, but I'd watch The Inbetweeners with my children, I can imagine watching it with my parents and us all finding it funny. Surely you get to an age where you acknowledge the reality and ridiculousness of life and all laugh at the same things?

I know I have with my parents and am on the way there now with my children.

How do you talk to them about sex, relationships and the messy stuff of life if you don't even accept that it happens?

Gwenhwyfar · 21/02/2020 22:37

No, but I make sure I don't watch anything that might have a sex scene with my family. It did happen occasionally when I was a teenager and I survived, but am determined not to go through it again!

Jossina · 21/02/2020 22:44

Definitely not. Though I do remember the first time I sat through a sex scene next to my mother. It was in Dances with Wolves.

Aswad · 21/02/2020 22:45

I fast forward 😂
If my mum’s in the room I make sure to tut disapproving too

PhilomenaChristmasPie · 21/02/2020 22:47

It's not half as bad as your DM telling you about her sex life, trust me. We don't watch films together, but it wouldn't bother me. My aunt took me to see Precious, that was only uncomfortable because it was triggering for me and she really should have known better.

Pigletthedog · 21/02/2020 22:50

My sisters laugh at me. If anything more than kissing is on the tv when I'm with my parents I have to leave the room. I'm 37 and had a prudish and repressed upbringing

Chinks123 · 21/02/2020 22:50

Aw this reminded me of my mum; she always fast forwards if god forbid anything rude comes on screen Grin

I do remember once in a ‘family film’ the couple suddenly started going at it doggy style. She quickly fast forwarded it but it made it look 10x worse Grin cringing at the thought

Babybel90 · 21/02/2020 22:50

🤣🤣🤣 no!

I remember when I was about 13 and staying at my grandmother’s house and I suggested watching Queer As Folk, and I didn’t realise quite how graphic it was going to be. That was the day I learned quite how awkward a silence could be!

longwayoff · 21/02/2020 22:52

No, but if I'm alone I do. Boring, only there for male titillation no matter how "essential to the story" its supposed to be.


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Chinks123 · 21/02/2020 22:52

@Aswad I always tut too, and add a little grimace just to make her think I also find it to be “poor taste”

musicposy · 21/02/2020 22:53

I just don’t understand any of this awkwardness and embarrassment. I watch anything with my DC (one of which is your age, OP) and we have a good laugh over it. Even with my parents who are in their 80s, we’d laugh or make comments or treat it like any other part of the film but no one would be embarrassed or fast forward.

I’m particularly unshockable, though, so I think that helps.

Hotchocolate321 · 21/02/2020 22:53

Err no, it’d be more weird to censor it like you are still 10 and watching something you shouldn’t. How bizarre. We just sit through it feeling awkward whilst my mum laughs and makes hilarious comments “we never did that...” etc I sit hoping the sofa will swallow me up.

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