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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
2020newme · 22/02/2020 09:38

OP don't worry you aren't weird Grin

I FF sex scenes even if I am watching them alone!

If I am with my adult DC I would probably leave the room but would make a big scene about it, to be funny. You know - running around the lounge before leaving shouting "My eyes! My eyes!"

Thisisworsethananticpated · 22/02/2020 09:38

I fast forward any torture scenes Sad

But my
Kids are younger

I don’t mind sex , do
Mind violence

Upherefordancing · 22/02/2020 09:39

That sex scene in Parasite was rude! Me and my DH came away thinking South Koreans probably have better sex than the average Brit!

Pringlesonthetable · 22/02/2020 09:40

Sex scenes in films show lack of artistic ability on behalf of directors/writers and actors. I turn them off altogether. Less is more Wink

Nowayorhighway · 22/02/2020 09:40

No way but my Grandma does walk out if people so much as start snogging on TV. I remember watching The Notebook with her and she stormed out during the sex scene ‘to make a cup of tea’ Grin. She loved the film otherwise fwiw, she’s just quite prudish.

okiedokieme · 22/02/2020 09:42

No, kids are over 18. But would avoid such a film if my mother was there!

EverythingChanges321 · 22/02/2020 09:44

I’m more likely to make a cheeky comment but I would never FF the film, that’s seems more weird to me.

millerjane · 22/02/2020 09:51

but what made me laugh is that you seem to think someone not FFing is strange and unusual, like, of course everyone FFs! Wait... they don't?

Exactly. I genuinely thought all the comments would be on my side.

Makes me wonder what other weird things we do that I consider normal

OP posts:
Smidge001 · 22/02/2020 09:51

@millerjane I really want to know what the film was! Please tell me

chipsandgin · 22/02/2020 09:53

I had no idea this was a thing but it’s made me laugh, the thought of sitting there in silence watching super fast sex which must make something that might have been mildly awkward into a Benny Hill moment is very funny!

I did take my then 7 year old to the cinema to see Passengers which was fine but has a scene where the characters end up in bed, I turned to see DS2 with his hands over his eyes - asked him afterwards about & he said he loved the film but there was ‘no need for that inappropriate scene with the kissing was there Mummy’! Love the fact he censored himself (it wasn’t graphic and he has no lasting trauma I promise!!). Now several years later and he’d probably just laugh or say ‘eww’ like the rest of us!!

EmeraldShamrock · 22/02/2020 09:56

No though as DC if anyone kissed my Dad would shout close your eyes more in jest. God I remember watching fatal attraction with my Aunt and Uncle I was 19 completely mortified.
I don't watch movies now. Grin

Nirvana1979 · 22/02/2020 10:05

I'd ff too. The awkward silence is too much. 😳

SimonJT · 22/02/2020 10:11

They don’t usually bother me.

The only time it has been a bit cringe was when we were watching Looking which is a follow up film to the series at my then boyfriends house with his mum and grandma.

Theres a fairly graphic sex act and sex scene, which normally I’d enjoy watching, but it was a bit awkward. But when said scene was over his mum and grandma just turned and stared at us.

Minai · 22/02/2020 10:14

I think it would be more awkward to ff to be honest!

DonkeyKong2019 · 22/02/2020 10:15

As a 9/10 year old I walked in on my parents themselves. Funnily enough a film with a sex scene is not awkward seeing as they traumatised me in far worse ways

corythatwas · 22/02/2020 10:15

Same as Thisisworse- it's the violence I mind.

And tbh that was what I worried more about my dc being exposed to when they were young. Normalising sex- where is the problem? Normalising extreme and graphic violence- not sure I want to go there.

FourTeaFallOut · 22/02/2020 10:18

I love that your 'fast forward' button is essentially a 'fucking faster' button Grin

FearOfTheDuck · 22/02/2020 10:27

I think that in my family, fast forwarding it would be more embarrassing, as it's drawing more attention to it! When I was a child, I'd be told to close my eyes if a scene showed a couple in bed - not sex scenes, that I recall, just literally a man and woman in a bed, fully covered by a duvet, talking about getting up for work in the morning or whatever. That was a bit odd.

I'm an amateur writer and I tend to avoid including sex scenes in my stories, purely because it's weird to think of people I know, parents included, someday reading them. But if the scene came from someone else's imagination it's not nearly so embarrassing!

JustForTheTasteOfIt · 22/02/2020 10:35

Unless he says "ooh we should try that later!" to you during, you need to chill out Grin

EmeraldShamrock · 22/02/2020 10:39

@DonkeyKong2019 Sorry your post was unclear. Was it just walking in on them at it that traumatised you or other stuff. asking incase my DC walk in I walked in on my folks as a child I left immediately I didn't understand it, I knew by their face I needed to leave. Grin

TheCountessatHotelCortez · 22/02/2020 10:41

Unless you were watching 50 shades of grey yes weird

Rebellenny · 22/02/2020 10:42

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Ponoka7 · 22/02/2020 10:43

I watch a lot of films with my youngest who is now 22, I always ff through sex, she's happy with that. We watch a lot of horror and I won't watch any films with sexual violence in it.

My Mother used to watch 'Rome' and if I was around I'd die of shame.

AhNowTed · 22/02/2020 10:49


My parents didn't either.

I might give off the odd "oh for gods sake" (Basic Instinct was on last night and the sex scenes are a tad dramatic), but no it's part of the film and life.

Mummyshark2019 · 22/02/2020 10:51

Yes we do.

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