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Does your family fast forward sex scenes in films?

204 replies

millerjane · 21/02/2020 21:31

If you're sat with your family and a sex scene comes on during a film do you watch it or fast forward it? If you're all adults.

I'm at my boyfriend's house watching a movie and dying of embarrassment as they don't bother ff. We're all adults but it's a bit weird, isn't it? Maybe it's just not what I'm used to with my own family.

OP posts:
ButterbuttSquash · 21/02/2020 22:54

“Carol has another UTI...”
Oh, @grudieabbey that made my night! Hahaaa!

justasking111 · 21/02/2020 22:57

My father would have switched it off. My OH might squirm a bit, it does not bother me.

Flixsfoilball · 21/02/2020 22:57

My parents didn't fast forward, but my dad always got deeply uncomfortable and would go into the kitchen to make a cup of tea 🤣

sessell · 21/02/2020 23:00

Like a PP said, my teenage DD insists we FF! Though if it turns out to be important to the plot we'll rewind! It rarely is though. Wisdom of youth - sex scenes are cringe at the best of times and more so if watching with family. Glad she's assertive enough to not put up with the cringe. We just laugh and eye roll.

MysweetAudrina · 21/02/2020 23:01

I was driving home from visiting family yesterday with my 12 and 10 year old in the car. Ds 10 had my phone and was taking requests from me and dd and playing them using bluetooth and spotify over the car system. It was shuffling some songs and songs he hadn't chosen played now and again. Suddenly the name of a song appeared on the display. It was called let me use your arsehole as a kunt (sic) My kids thought this was hilarious and I was shouting at ds to turn it off before the melody got stuck in their heads. No idea why spotify chose that song for us.

helberg · 21/02/2020 23:01

My Mam used to turn over to another channel for a few minutes if the film was on TV or fast forward a video.

I still fast forward if my cats are watching a film with me as I don't think it's appropriate for them to see things like that - they are only 2.

ButterbuttSquash · 21/02/2020 23:02

I remember tutting and muttering “dear oh dear..” To mimic my grandads disapproval when he unknowingly picked a semi unsuitable film for us to watch once. but when I was younger I used to pretend to be asleep. No one ever fast forwarded though... was there any explanation before the fast forwarding? Like “let’s skip this filth”, or something?

JellyfishandShells · 21/02/2020 23:02

My father used to pick up the paper and start leafing through, noisily, whilst clearing his throat and making hurumphing noises, at anything even slightly questionable. This was decades ago so we’re not talking graphic in any way.

BeardedMum · 21/02/2020 23:02

I always ff sex scenes if they are long even when I am alone. I just cannot be bothered with them.

mumofmany81 · 21/02/2020 23:05

@MsVestibule - I've watched the inbetweeners with my son. We genuinely don't have anything that we won't speak about openly in our house (probably partly due to me being a midwife and reciting anatomy side of my training out loud before exams lol) and so nothing ever seems embarrassing. It never crossed my mind that anyone would fast forward through those kind of scenes unless there is someone who is too young to watch it. Sex isn't embarrassing - it's just a natural thing that pretty much everyone will do at some time or another

Sofonisba · 21/02/2020 23:10

We just all put our hands over our eyes and say "eeeewwww" like most mature adults.

icebearforpresident · 21/02/2020 23:11

This has reminded me of a discussion a friend and I had as teenagers. In the early 00s there was an advert by some public health body in Scotland about safe sex showing animals mating. Something along the lines of ‘they don’t need condoms, you do’. It was nothing worse than you would see on a programme like Planet Earth but every time it came on tv her dad would start talking really loudly, her mum would rush off to make tea and my friend would suddenly need a pee 😂.

Shinyletsbebadguys · 21/02/2020 23:15

My df is particularly repressed to the point when he was reading an essay I had written for English at A level to critique it about bran stokers Dracula which referenced the eroticism he refused to read any further Hmm

I cant truly imagine at this point my DP watch anything that might have sex in it , although they could have been side blinded by midsummer murders I suppose , there is sometimes a suggestive curtain closing as the grounds keeper that may or may not be a murderer but is often randomly blackmailing the vicar shags the girl next door who wears a cardie and researches 16th century thimbles. I rather guarantee my df would instantly need to check the rugby scores on his phone whilst dm nips out to the kettle.

Definite fast forwarders as a child.

If they ever dared to risk a possibly salacious film.

We dont ever risk adult programmes with a 7 year old and 4 year old, especially as we have the type that remember me saying shit 2 years and 13 weeks ago and repeat it to everyone from asda to the doctors. Just not worth the risk.

I do fast forward the annoying bits of paw patrol when ds2 is not looking though ,the closest to salacious we get is the look of guilt on my face when he asks how Ryder managed to do something so quickly as I hide the remote behind my back.

TheMemoryLingers · 21/02/2020 23:16

We don't fast forward - but I cringe inwardly if my parents (in their 70s) are in the room. Fast forwarding would mean acknowledging the embarrassment, so it would be even worse than sitting through the scene.

If it's a film I've seen before, by an enormous coincidence, I might just choose that moment to make everyone a nice cup of tea. Brew Takes ages to boil, does our kettle ...

HotPenguin · 21/02/2020 23:17

Hahaha this is reminding me of the time I accidentally ended up watching Le Weekend with my PILs OMG I sorely wish they had a sex scene fast forward policy it was excruciating!

42isthemeaning · 21/02/2020 23:18

My friend's mum used to rush in and hang a tea towel over the tv screen until any such scene was over! Grin

boatyardblues · 21/02/2020 23:18

DH and I just had a good belly laugh about this. Neither of our families ffwd through sex scenes, but it really tickled us that some families do. Grin

AhoyMrBeaver · 21/02/2020 23:18

No. I once sat with my grandma and watched Basic Instinct Shock

UnholyStramash · 21/02/2020 23:22

No, never done that when all are adults. We usually watch then take the piss. Grin Anyway ffing it just draws attention. You get past it faster by just watching.

MsAnnThropic · 21/02/2020 23:22


BananaBooBoo · 21/02/2020 23:26

I'm killing myself laughing here. My dad or mum used to stand in front of the TV with loud tutting. Seriously just turn it off Dad . Four teenagers on the couch purple with embarrassment!

Spartonian · 21/02/2020 23:29

@millerjane growing up yes, along with bodyform radio adverts meaning the radio station was changed or radio was turned off.

I don't do either and never have.


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Serin · 21/02/2020 23:30

We did once.
Watching love actually with DC aged 13, 11,10 and we had forgotten the porno scenes.
Fast forwarding just speeded them up Grin
Was hilarious actually.

WTF0ver · 21/02/2020 23:31

Mine would. Or change the channel if it was a sex scene on tv.

My grandmother stopped watching Corrie because of all the sex talk (wtf).

ImportantWater · 21/02/2020 23:31

@MsVestibule I didn’t want to! But it was worse to turn it over.

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