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To think Jeremy Corbyn has finally lost the plot, if he thinks Westminster should vote for him to be Prime Minister?

236 replies

hiphopchick · 15/08/2019 09:32

Temporarily for now. (So he says!) So he can call a general election and get the Tories out, and get Labour in (so he can have the job permanently!) And maybe even derail Brexit. Even though he has been very anti-EU all his political life (40-odd years!) he seems to have fallen in love with the EU this past year or two! Wink

Personally, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the news this morning, and saw that he wants Westminster to vote him in as Prime Minister. The man is so deluded, and off the planet, that I'm not sure he should be leaving the house, or holding a hot kettle, or in charge of sharp objects, let alone running the fecking country! Confused

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JustAnotherPoster00 · 15/08/2019 23:47

people’s perception of Labour

Those that control the narrative have made sure that is the case, especially after promising to increase the tax on wealthy newspaper owners and implement Leveson2

Terriere · 15/08/2019 23:48

People are ridiculous and near-hysterical in their attitude to Corbyn. Compared to Boris and his clapped-out clueless cabinet Corbyn is an oasis of calm and rationality.

bluebell34567 · 15/08/2019 23:53

thank you JustAnotherPoster00

bluebell34567 · 15/08/2019 23:55

*@BMW His alter ego? * Grin

everythingisginandroses · 16/08/2019 00:10

He is leader of the Opposition. He is also known by his real name. Good enough for me. JC4PM.

jewel1968 · 16/08/2019 00:32

NiceRadFem - interesting to hear your experience. I have thought the democratic process in the party must be crippling with a complex divisive issue. So is there another way for the party to develop and agree policy? Was it different in Blair and Brown years?
I also get a sense that there must be one eye on a GE and likelihood of success. Surely if the poll stats and analysis told them backing remain would most likely get a win at a GE they would all shift to that position - or is that too logical?

ChristmasCarrot · 16/08/2019 00:45

I find very bizarre that people are happy to accept obvious smear campaigns, against someone who is the only leader who is actually trying to create change.

It's pretty simple, if you're happy with an idiot like BlowJo being in charge of this country and making things even worse, then vote for him, but don't blame Corbyn.

Bintheredunthat · 16/08/2019 00:47

I would welcome Jeremy Corbyn as PM whatever the circumstances.
I want an equal, caring society with properly funded NHS, Education & Housing.
That is never going to happen with a Tory government who’s aim seems to be to make the rich ever richer and to hell with the poor, elderly or disabled.
The MSM have done an amazing job of ‘smearing’ Jeremy Corbyn, complete falsehoods are now repeated constantly as facts.
The lengths they will go to to discredit him is a measure of how afraid the elite in this country are of Corbyn.
This is well worth a read & shows clearly how MSM can manipulate popular opinion to further their aims.

cheesemumma · 16/08/2019 00:59

God I hope he's successful. For all our sakes. In both the interim and future ge. I absolutely support his policies and his strive to make UK fairer. I think it's middle class people in their tiny comfortable bubbles with no empathy or realisation about what's happening to the working classes or disabled etc that prefer the tories. It's unbelievably selfish to allow them to remain in power even if you do hate corbyn, surely it's better than the current abhorrent situation.

ChristmasCarrot · 16/08/2019 01:01


Charisma over policies, eh? I think it's incredibly selfish to vote for a party that strive to make society a lot less fair. Ooops, but Corbyn isn't wearing a tie... GOD FORBID!

Puzzledandpissedoff · 16/08/2019 01:03

Anyone seriously considering helping that man into power really needs to do a little research

Indeed - and they could start by looking into the margin by which he lost the vote of confidence among his own MPs

Let's be fair though, he probably knows that gerrymandering some deal is the best chance he'll get for actual power … because his party certainly won't be forming a government while he leads it

notangelinajolie · 16/08/2019 01:04

I also laughed OP.

cheesemumma · 16/08/2019 02:23

@christmascarrot. Either I have misunderstood your post or you mine. I'm all for corbyn, and I certainly don't think Johnson is charismatic, I think he's an entitled, selfish, ignorant and dangerous twat to put it bluntly.

ChristmasCarrot · 16/08/2019 02:29

@cheesemumma I was actually agreeing with you! People don't like Corbyn because he's not 'charismatic'. I agree that it's unbelievably selfish. I'm just stating the sort of reasons people don't like him, sarcastically.

cheesemumma · 16/08/2019 02:34

@christmascarrot sorry, didn't detect the sarcasm over text but yes totally agree and find it incredibly depressing more people don't.

akerman · 16/08/2019 03:24

I don't like Corbyn. I wish with all my heart that David Lammy were leader of the opposition. But the idea that Corbyn is as bad, or even worse, than Johnson blows my mind.

Johnson is incompetent, ruthless and utterly callous. I weep for the vulnerable and poor under his regime. Whatever I feel about Corbyn (and it's mostly negative), he's not heartless.

Mileysmiley · 16/08/2019 03:28

He will never become PM and in the remote chance he did he would take the country back decades because he is old labour.

Tellmetruth4 · 16/08/2019 05:46

I can’t stand Corbyn and wish David Milliband was leader but JC as a temp leader is not as terrible as Johnson and his cabinet full of pantomime villains desperate for a no deal Brexit so they can push their ideologies and capitalism on steroids on to the UK. Austerity was just the beginning, they want to complete the job.

Alsohuman · 16/08/2019 09:57

Interesting that the Telegraph, of all papers, reports that some Tory rebel MPs are seriously considering backing Corbyn for a short term avert no deal government. Basically they’re prepared to commit career suicide for their country. I thought that kind of integrity had gone for ever.

Thymeout · 16/08/2019 10:14

But it doesn't have to be either/or, Johnson or Corbyn. Swinson's point is that it would be better if the acting PM of a GNU were not a Party Leader, but someone who is better placed to command the support of the whole House.

Being temporary PM would, in theory, give Corbyn and the LP a political advantage - unless, of course, he totally cocked it up, which isn't beyond the bounds of possibility.

So it would be better to have someone at the end of their career - Clarke or Harman - the Father and Mother of the House. We need someone who's had experience of government and respected by all parties. Neither of which applies to Corbyn.

And there would have to be a cross-party cabinet - the idea of the Labour front bench being promoted wholesale would kill the idea stone-dead.

Alsohuman · 16/08/2019 10:28

Desperate times, desperate measures. Much as I have no respect for Corbyn, I’d put the devil in charge if it would stop the country going down the pan.

jewel1968 · 16/08/2019 11:21

I like the idea of a job share. How about Clarke and Skinner?


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Bintheredunthat · 16/08/2019 12:45

Love the idea of Clarke & Skinner job-sharing the role.

Puzzledandpissedoff · 16/08/2019 17:16

there would have to be a cross-party cabinet - the idea of the Labour front bench being promoted wholesale would kill the idea stone-dead

Yet another reason why JC's proposal will almost certainly never happen … can anyone seriously imagine him working with opposition cabinet members, when he can't even command the confidence of his own MPs?

Jason118 · 16/08/2019 17:21

Isn't the whole point of the GNU just to prevent a no deal, no other business will be transacted before either a PV or a GE? Surely what policies are or who cabinet are is irrelevant? Or am I being too simplistic (as usual).

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