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To think Jeremy Corbyn has finally lost the plot, if he thinks Westminster should vote for him to be Prime Minister?

236 replies

hiphopchick · 15/08/2019 09:32

Temporarily for now. (So he says!) So he can call a general election and get the Tories out, and get Labour in (so he can have the job permanently!) And maybe even derail Brexit. Even though he has been very anti-EU all his political life (40-odd years!) he seems to have fallen in love with the EU this past year or two! Wink

Personally, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the news this morning, and saw that he wants Westminster to vote him in as Prime Minister. The man is so deluded, and off the planet, that I'm not sure he should be leaving the house, or holding a hot kettle, or in charge of sharp objects, let alone running the fecking country! Confused

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OnlyaMan · 17/08/2019 20:56

OK BeardedMum we disagree. But Jeremy Corbyn as a Prime Minister would make Clement Attlee look like Joseph Stalin.
I seriously think we should grit our teeth, and live with what we have got.

BeardedMum · 17/08/2019 19:38

Really OnlyaMan? I think the same for BJ and his lot.

OnlyaMan · 17/08/2019 19:30

Allowing Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister is the same as giving your toddler your wallet, and a box of matches, and then walking away.
Even the flawed Boris Johnston is better than that.

TheBigBallOfOil · 17/08/2019 17:46

I didn’t say anything about pride Rebecca. Managing not to be the sort of arse head who votes labour these days would seem to be a fairly minimal standard to set for myself, not something to be proud of.
Odd world you people live in.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 17/08/2019 16:54

Yes - I’ve likened Momentum to a cult. I’m glad my dad isn’t around to see his beloved Labour Party become a party of such nastiness, racism and envy. He would be heartbroken.

noodlenosefraggle · 17/08/2019 16:51

lordprof my dh is a Cornyn supporte r and follows other Cornyn supporters on Twitter and facebook. Many of them are like that. There is a lot of abuse of people who criticise JC and people who complain of anti-Semitism within Labour.I have had to massively call him out on comments he's made about Rachel Riley. Things he would never have said in the 20 years I've known him before he got involved in the Momentum cult.

MrsKittyFane1 · 17/08/2019 15:59

Strangely enough, the 2 BJ fans know nothing about his policies. They think he's 'funny' and a good 'laugh'...

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 17/08/2019 15:45

I just know the one Corbyn supporter. Very starry eyed for some reason. He has tried to lecture me on the Labour Party with a ‘well you vote tory’ (I don’t and don’t know why he thought this) - I was brought up in a family that was all very pro-labour and active in the local party. I was doing leaflet drops before he knew what labour was. He went to private school from a priveledged background.

I just look at him like 😐 when he starts his Woolfie Smith rants.

ChristmasCarrot · 17/08/2019 15:41

When I say kippers, it's now basically the "Brexit Party" Biscuit

ChristmasCarrot · 17/08/2019 15:40


Most of the people I know support Corbyn and the others seem to be kippers with the IQ of a bran flake.

MrsKittyFane1 · 17/08/2019 15:30

It's interesting to read this as I know only 2 people IRL that think BJ is a good choice as PM and don't know anyone who detests JC.

Most like Corbyn, some are indifferent & will vote (for him) Labour regardless of who is leader.

I did not seem to have any BJ follower friends at all... I wonder who you all are...

Puzzledandpissedoff · 17/08/2019 15:20

Sadly many people don’t view anti semitism as real racism

Indeed Sad

Even on here, concern seems to be reserved for selected groups only - as seen when antisemitism threads often receive 100 posts at best, while the forum can explode over racism suffered by others

ChristmasCarrot · 17/08/2019 14:00

I'm not sure the msm even know what anti-semitism is. I find it quite weird, because you're allowed to bash Palestinians constantly, which is absolute blatant anti-semitism, but nobody seems to even care. Sad

jewel1968 · 17/08/2019 13:58

Do you think racism exists in any of the other parties? I seem to recall some issues people have with racism and the Tories?

noblegiraffe · 17/08/2019 12:49

Jewish Voice For Labour are riddled with anti-semites so it’s unsurprising that they can’t see a problem with anti-semitism in the Labour Party.

The twitter account JVL_Watch are very instructive on this. E.g.

Alsohuman · 17/08/2019 12:09

The crux of the matter as far as I can see is that the leaders of both the main parties are puppets having their strings pulled by two people for whom nobody has ever voted. Seamus Milne is running Labour, while Dominic Cummings is dictating to the Tories. They’re the two most dangerous men in the country.

alreadytaken · 17/08/2019 12:00

Havent read the whole thread - but while I am no fan of Corbyn and agree with the comments about him keeping the Tories in power it makes sense for anyone wanting to remain/ another referendum to vote him in. There is no danger that he will be able to do more than that because he would not have the votes in the House of Commons to do so. So he would be in power for less time than any Prime Minister in our history.

There is no way the Labour Party will vote in anyone else so it's him or Boris leaves, he really has no choice now but to deliver.

jewel1968 · 17/08/2019 11:07

NiceRadFem - thanks for sharing your insights. I found it very interesting.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 17/08/2019 10:46

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Thymeout · 17/08/2019 10:44

I saw the Marc Wadsworth incident on TV. So did millions of other people. It was filmed because it took place at the launch of the Chakrabati report on anti-semitism. (The irony.) Corbyn stood there like a pillock - present but not involved. Even Shami looked to him to stop Wadsworth, and then had to intervene herself. The conversation between Corbyn and Wadsworth afterwards was also filmed. V matey. Big smiles. 'You've got my number haven't you?' This to the man who had just abused one of his MPs.

I also saw film of a conversation between Corbyn and Willsman - the NEC member whose rant accusing the Board of Deputies of being Trump supporters was also shown on TV. Corbyn was asking Willsman to look at the anti-semitism definition and to highlight anything that 'might cause us difficulties'. Willsman was thrown off the NEC and then voted back on again as part of the Momentum slate.

But the most damning evidence for me was when Luciana Berger was asked in a TV interview when Corbyn had last spoken to her. '14 months ago'. 14 months, during which she suffered horrendous anti-semitic and misogynistic on-line abuse, ending in a court case. And Corbyn never even picked up the phone.

starfishcoffee · 17/08/2019 10:38

I have very few problems with JC track record. Here is his voting history.

I am not a huge fan, but Boris can fuck right off.

NiceRadFem · 17/08/2019 10:14

No problem, and I wish to thank you all for keeping me in check and making sure that my opinions are evidence-based. I used to work with many principled Tory party members and, outside the internet, it is actually very possible to work together find some kind of agreement and compromise, or at least arrive to the agreement that things were complicated. We both just wanted people's lives to get better, even if we disagreed on the way to get there. And I guess that being a Tory member at the moment must be as infuriating as being a Labour member. These are difficult times and we should strive for some kind of unity and work for the principles of peace, justice and kindness that unite us!


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Alltheprettyseahorses · 17/08/2019 10:09

JVL was specifically set up to defend Corbyn and includes an awful lot of people who aren't even Jewish. Corbyn's videos, friendships, letters etc are not my experience - they're his. Labour racism isn't magically better than Tory racism or Brexit Party racism. In fact, it's worse. They are the ones who should be standing against racism. The media's so-called anti-Labour agenda wouldn't get far if there weren't all those racists, would it? Enthusuasm has got it spot on - racism is racism.

RebeccaWrongDaily · 17/08/2019 10:06

Wow, imagine joining the Conservative party and being proud of it.

noodlenosefraggle · 17/08/2019 10:05

To be honest, Jeremy Cornyn is the Tory party's magic bullet. They can do what they like and say 'yeah but look at the alternative'. They should be being a annihilated for the current shitshow. They are sitting pretty while the opposition make a shambles of every proposal they come up with.

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