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To think Jeremy Corbyn has finally lost the plot, if he thinks Westminster should vote for him to be Prime Minister?

236 replies

hiphopchick · 15/08/2019 09:32

Temporarily for now. (So he says!) So he can call a general election and get the Tories out, and get Labour in (so he can have the job permanently!) And maybe even derail Brexit. Even though he has been very anti-EU all his political life (40-odd years!) he seems to have fallen in love with the EU this past year or two! Wink

Personally, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the news this morning, and saw that he wants Westminster to vote him in as Prime Minister. The man is so deluded, and off the planet, that I'm not sure he should be leaving the house, or holding a hot kettle, or in charge of sharp objects, let alone running the fecking country! Confused

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catgirl1976 · 15/08/2019 19:04

I have been pretty much a life long labour voter with occasional forays to Lib Dem’s. I cannot and will not vote Labour whilst JC is leader and I am clearly not alone. If he cared about the country at all he would step down and let someone else lead and he’d suggest someone neutral head up the care taker government in his plan. But clearly him being in Number 10 matters more to him than anything else and that tells me everything I need to know.

ForalltheSaints · 15/08/2019 19:05

If you want a temporary cross-party government to stop Brexit, then it should not be led by a current party leader. The suggestion of one of the longest serving MPs, or a Labour MP not in the shadow cabinet, seems much more sensible and likely to have a chance of getting enough support.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:05

Agree EllebellyBeeblebrox, that's what I was trying to say, i my rather verbose message. What have we got to lose at this stage? Nothing but our Boris-shaped chains!

BeardedMum · 15/08/2019 19:05

Anyone but Boris Johnson.
I think JC should resign as not electable and needs to put country before himself.
I agree the media has smeared him and they also smeared Brown who was in my view the best PM for a long time.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:07

You see, much as I support the idea of Harriet Harman or Kenneth Clarke, ForalltheSaints there is no precedent for it - that's what JC alluded in his reference to our "non-written constitution" - what is the procedural justification for that? There isn't one and for a country that is inshrined in Common Law that is a challenge.

CendrillonSings · 15/08/2019 19:08

The problem is that there’s no such thing as a “caretaker PM” under our system of government. From Day 1, Corbyn would be taking key decisions on - including many other critical matters - the status of our nuclear defences. That’s not something that I would leave in Corbyn’s hands for a nanosecond.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:08

BeardedMum - YES!! Totally agree on Brown. I also very much like Ed Miliband. The best PM we never had.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:10

No CendrillonSings, there is a constitutional precedence of a government of national unity which is basically a single-issue government. There won't be any decisions taken on nuclear or otherwise. The NUG steers the country towards a resolution of the main issue fced at the moment by the country.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 15/08/2019 19:10

I fear that JC is going to bribe the SNP to support him by promising another independence referendum in Scotland - which would be a betrayal of everyone who voted No last time, having been promised this was a ‘once in a generation’ referendum. He will happily risk breaking up the Union in order to get into No10.

“Politically homeless” - this describes me to a T, @MyFokMarelize - I will never vote Conservative, but despite being raised a socialist, I don’t think I could vote for JC either - I think he has taken Labour too far to the left, and either doesn’t realise that Labour needs to be a broad church and to appeal to the centre ground, or doesn’t care, so I am left with the LibDems, and I am not at all sure they could force the huge upset that would be necessary for them to oust one of the two main parties, under the current electoral system, which pretty much always results in two parties holding the vast majority of parliamentary seats.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:10

Fuck. I miss being a (low grade) politician.

EllebellyBeeblebrox · 15/08/2019 19:11

Definitely Niceradfem, and your insights having worked with him are interesting. I truly believe he is principled and would do the best he could for the people of this country. I also genuinely believe the current lot could not give one fuck about the majority of us.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:12

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius - have you actually read the Labour manifesto? It's a socialist democratic party, following the Scandinavian model - hardly hard core left!!

CendrillonSings · 15/08/2019 19:14

hardly hard core left

In your opinion. But in the opinion of the majority of the electorate...

Jsmith99 · 15/08/2019 19:17

Corbyn hasn’t ‘lost the plot’ because he never had it in the first place.

He supports Brexit and he is doing everything he can to enable it while desperately trying to dump 100% of the blame on the Tories. After all, it’s nothing to do with him whipping his MPs to vote for A50, is it?

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:20

CendrillonSings - no, not in my opinion but looking policies, a measurable factor.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 19:21
  • looking AT policies, apologies for the typo.
CendrillonSings · 15/08/2019 19:25

That must be why the champion of those policies has been in the power after winning the last election and is ahead in the polls now ... oh wait a minute - no he hasn’t, and no he isn’t.

bellabasset · 15/08/2019 19:30

I am not against the proposal for s temporary govt provided there is a choice of leader. It has to be someone who can both negotiate with the EU and bring Parliament together.

Boris wasn't elected, did we vote for No deal? I am just hoping to see more MPs leave the Tory party so he doesn't have a majority! Jo Swinson has suggested Ken Clarke or Harriet Harman to lead it perhaps it could be a joint leadership.

noodlenosefraggle · 15/08/2019 19:43

Niceradfem your insight has indeed been helpful and measured. I agree that Momentum have been good at social media and did in the past mobilise the youth vote but their lack of clarity on Brexit mean that everything else they say is irrelevant. Their ability to carry out virtually everything in their manifesto depends on what form of Brexit we have. As an aside, my DH is a member of the Labour Party and a Corbyn supporter. The energy expended by some of his fellow Corbynites to abusing members of the Labour Party who are critical of Jeremy Corbyn is ridiculous. The merest utterance from Jess Phillips leads to a barrage of comments, trawling her voting record, picking apart of what she has said etc etc. If they are looking to engage people, making Labour some sort of Corbyn cult is not the way to go.

HeresMe · 15/08/2019 19:53

Labour party voters are majorly pro remain people keep saying

Are you sure about that as vast parts of labour heartlands voted leave especially in the mids to North, the majority of party member ship is remain, but most labour voters aren't members.

Labour is and will lose votes at next election.

Momentum and Corbyn are a scary cult like group and aren't helping the party at all.

HeresMe · 15/08/2019 19:57

Oh and I live in a predominantly labour area with huge reasons why noone should vote labour ever again in any election but they still do from council to MPs that area is Rotherham.

NiceRadFem · 15/08/2019 20:31

noodlenosefraggle - thank you for your kind words and I agree completely with your analysis - it is axshame and feel that if Labour had been more Keir Starmer and less Jeremy Corbyn now it would be in a different place.

CendrillonSings, my esteemed friend, I totally see your point about the 2017 election, but I thought that we were debating if JC's policies were 'far left' or not, weren't we? I have evidence that they are not; in fact, one of JC's advisors, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato from the University of Sussex is an economist who works on the interaction between public and private force and the important role that the state has in supporting private initiative, and o the important role that private initiative has within the state (see: - there is quite a bit I do not share with Corbyn but much criticism of him, such as the 'far left' argument, is unfounded.


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Abraid2 · 15/08/2019 20:34

I glanced at my phone this morning and saw he was offering to be a caretaker and thought what a brilliant job of it he’d do.

If it was a village hall or small
Primary school.

jewel1968 · 15/08/2019 20:48

NiceRadFem - interesting to hear your insights. A question - is the Labour reluctance around supporting Remain to do with a fear or belief that it would mean a certain loss at a GE?

EllebellyBeeblebrox · 15/08/2019 20:58

This may sound overly simplistic and I apologise for that, but frankly at this point any remainers/anyone who want the Cons out need to rally together in whatever form that takes. This current government have shat on the country from a great height, and will continue to do so, and they have to be stopped. As I said I know JC isn't perfect but it's a starting point. As Malcolm tucker might say id get behind his left bollock with a smily face drawn on it right now.

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