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To ask if your second baby was as big as your first

275 replies

Cantthinkofausername1990 · 05/04/2019 13:46

So I've heard a lot of people saying that the second baby is usually bigger than the first, what has your experience of this been? My first was 9lb 6oz so afraid this one will be bigger Blush
And did your pregnancies last the same length of time? Ds was born at 38 weeks so hoping number 2 will arrive around the same time and doesn't go on to 40 + weeks.

OP posts:
MyPatronusIsAnOrca · 05/04/2019 16:05

8lb 15oz - three days early
8lb 2 oz - 8 days overdue

AirBiscuit · 05/04/2019 16:06

My first baby is much bigger than my second. She is 2 years older though

listsandbudgets · 05/04/2019 16:06

Both of mine were the same 7lb 10oz - one girl one boy

FudgeBrownie2019 · 05/04/2019 16:09

Second one was much heavier but born on exactly the same day in my pregnancy.

DippyAvocado · 05/04/2019 16:09

DD1 9lb9, DD2 9lb3. Both 40+5 so not always that the second is bigger. I did make more of a conscious effort not to gain as much with DD2 as DD1 was large and she was a bit smaller but not much.

outpinked · 05/04/2019 16:18

Second was smaller than first but third was the biggest and fourth was the smallest.

TiredTodayZzzz · 05/04/2019 16:20

7lb 3.5oz 40+5
5lb 4oz 37+3

genome · 05/04/2019 16:22

My second was my smallest, although I'm expecting dc4 so don't know about this one yet! All mine were around a week overdue; 8lb3, 8lb1 and 9lb3.

FrenchyQ · 05/04/2019 16:24

Both 7lb 11oz first 3 days late, second 4 days early

Friendabc · 05/04/2019 16:26

Smaller, quicker and earlier.

CaptainJaneway62 · 05/04/2019 16:27

First DS 7lb 12oz - 2 weeks late

Second DD 7lb 5oz - 10 days early

MrsSiriusBlack1 · 05/04/2019 16:29

dd1 3days early 7lb 11.5
Dd2 on due date 7lb 11.5 (yes exactly the same!)
Dd3 4 days early 7lb 6

PandaCat · 05/04/2019 16:30

My second was smaller, but only by a few ounces and only because she was born 3 weeks before her due date.

I assume she would have been at least 1 or 2lbs bigger if she'd reached her closer to her due date. That's if she was actually growing still as I was booked in for a growth scan to check a week after she was born.

Heathcliff27 · 05/04/2019 16:37

First 7.3 1 week early
Second 7.10 on due date
Third 7.35 2 weeks late

SuddenlyISee · 05/04/2019 16:38

My first (DD) was 3 days late and was 8lb9oz compared to DS who was a day early and was 8lb5oz.

Heathcliff27 · 05/04/2019 16:38

7 3 and a half thats meant to be

motheroftinydragons · 05/04/2019 16:38

My second was 2oz smaller, but born six days earlier. So I expect she'd have been pretty much bang on the same if born at the same time!

Marmite27 · 05/04/2019 16:40

1st was 6lb 13oz at 38 weeks, 2nd 6lb 11oz at 35 weeks. Would more than likely bigger than her sibling after another 3 weeks.

OhMyGodTheyKilledKenny · 05/04/2019 16:42

My second one was about 1lb 8oz bigger

kelly14 · 05/04/2019 16:44

2nd was smaller by just shy of 3lb

1st DD (14) 9lb 6.5oz emergency c section @ 42 weeks
2nd DS (1) 6lb 7oz elective c section 39 weeks

HoldMyGirl · 05/04/2019 16:44

My 2nd was my smallest.
My 3rd was the heaviest

happyhillock · 05/04/2019 16:45

1st DD 5lb 9oz two weeks early
2nd DD 5lb 15oz two weeks late


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Grumpbum123 · 05/04/2019 16:47

First 2/52 late - 7lb 11oz
Second on due date - 5.10oz

Stressedmummyof4 · 05/04/2019 16:50

1st was 8lbs 4oz girl
2nd was 10lbs 6oz boy
3rd was 8lbs 14 oz girl

Kaykay06 · 05/04/2019 16:52

2 weeks early 9lb 5
9 days early 7lb 9
5 days early 7lb7
2 weeks late 8lb 12

All boys they are what they are I don’t think it makes any difference to be honest

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