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To ask if your second baby was as big as your first

275 replies

Cantthinkofausername1990 · 05/04/2019 13:46

So I've heard a lot of people saying that the second baby is usually bigger than the first, what has your experience of this been? My first was 9lb 6oz so afraid this one will be bigger Blush
And did your pregnancies last the same length of time? Ds was born at 38 weeks so hoping number 2 will arrive around the same time and doesn't go on to 40 + weeks.

OP posts:
QuarterMileAtATime · 05/04/2019 15:03

First baby: due date, 7lb 10oz
Second baby: 8 days early, 8lbs
Third baby: 1 week over, 9lbs

Bythepath · 05/04/2019 15:05

First on due date 8lb 5
Second 2 days early 9lb
Third 4 days early 9lb 5

All girls.

irnbruxtra · 05/04/2019 15:07

DS1 was 8lbs 13oz at 39+4
DS2 was 9lbs 3oz at 38+2 (I was so glad he came early!!)

steff13 · 05/04/2019 15:10

My babies went like this:

#1 son - 7lb 15 oz (1 week late)
#2 son - 9lb 8oz (2 days late)
The Girl One - 8lb 6oz (1 day early)

AragonsGirl · 05/04/2019 15:10

Thankfully my second was smaller (8lb1oz v 9lb13oz!) as I had an unplanned home birth!

VampirateQueen · 05/04/2019 15:11

My first was 6lbs 4oz and my second was 6lbs 10oz. My second was born 3 days earlier than my first.

MrsMS · 05/04/2019 15:15

My second (girl) was smaller. My first (boy) was 9lb 7oz and a complete surprise size wise. Docs were convinced the second one would be of a similar size or bigger and so booked me for a section. She turned out to be the smallest of my three around 7.5lb!

DrWhy · 05/04/2019 15:15

Nope DS was also 9lb 6oz and at 40+6, DD was looking to be 10lb+ and they were starting to fret about a home birth but I developed ICP and she was born at 38+0 at half an oz under 8lb. I thought my first birth was fairly straightforward but she practically flew out!

dustarr73 · 05/04/2019 15:18

No my 2nd was smaller, but my only 2 oz he was 8lb 10 and a week early.
But he was the smallest out of the lot of them.

elliejjtiny · 05/04/2019 15:21

Ds2 was 3oz lighter and 5 days earlier than ds1.

Strokethefurrywall · 05/04/2019 15:23

DS1 - 6lb 5oz @ 37+5
DS2 - 6lb @ 38+2

I think it's pretty anecdotal though as I was the heaviest of my mum's babies, DSis was 6lb and 10 days early, I was 6lb 6oz and was 4 days late(!!) and DBro was 6lb 4oz (4 days early)

We just breed them on the small size.

PomBearWithAnOFRS · 05/04/2019 15:25

My first two were both ten days late with the second being half a pound smaller.

Gatehouse77 · 05/04/2019 15:25

Mine went

7lbs 4oz - 9 days early
6lbs 9oz - 3 days early
6lbs 11oz - due date

I don't think there are any givens when it comes to pregnancy and labour. My third labour was much more like they described a first labour to be!

Babyfoal · 05/04/2019 15:26

Exactly the same weight

BarbarianMum · 05/04/2019 15:28

Ds1 8lb 10 oz
Ds2 10lb 8oz

Both OP. Ds1 was a much harder birth. I was told if I had a third they would induce at 38 weeks.

DreamInDreamer · 05/04/2019 15:28

First was 8lbs 13oz - a few days late. 2nd was 8lbs exactly and a few days early.

moleeye · 05/04/2019 15:30

First born 38+3 7lb 13oz (girl)
Second born 38 8lb exactly (boy)

AyoadesChinDimple · 05/04/2019 15:31

Second was 1lb13oz bigger than first

PlatypusPie · 05/04/2019 15:37

2nd was bigger by 1 1/2lb and two weeks late and both late .

NDN, tiny, had 9lb, then 10lb, then 10 1/2 lb - last was quite complicated. All boys and the look on her face when her DH said to me that they would, in time, like to try for a girl !! (they didn't).

Hadjab · 05/04/2019 15:39

First was 8.5lbs, second was 10lbs, third was 11lbs, needless to say, I’m not having anymore?

kimlo · 05/04/2019 15:41

1st 38 weeks 7lb 4
2nd 39+3 7lb 5.

Strongecoffeeismydrug · 05/04/2019 15:48

First girl 9.3 41 weeks
Second boy 10.7 41 weeks
Third girl 9.14 37 weeks


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frugalkitty · 05/04/2019 15:51

DS1 8lb 14.5oz
DD 8lb 9oz
DS2 11lb 8oz

Of the three labours, DS2 was the quickest and most straightforward (DS1's was extremely traumatic), but I think once gravity got him there was no stopping him! I would have been worried had I known how big he was beforehand but once labour was underway it was relatively quick and just gas and air, no time for an epidural.

MenstruatorExtraordinaire · 05/04/2019 15:52

7lb 14, 7lb 14, 8lb 6.

Cwtches123 · 05/04/2019 15:56

Both born on due date,
7 lb 1 oz
7 lb 4 oz

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