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To ask if your second baby was as big as your first

275 replies

Cantthinkofausername1990 · 05/04/2019 13:46

So I've heard a lot of people saying that the second baby is usually bigger than the first, what has your experience of this been? My first was 9lb 6oz so afraid this one will be bigger Blush
And did your pregnancies last the same length of time? Ds was born at 38 weeks so hoping number 2 will arrive around the same time and doesn't go on to 40 + weeks.

OP posts:
Oysterbabe · 07/04/2019 10:33

Most people seem to have bigger babies second. However about half the people I know almost had them in the car park because they just popped straight out, no issue.

theonewiththecats · 07/04/2019 09:43

bigger. midwife told me that subsequent babies tend to be bigger. t

CheeseAndBeans · 07/04/2019 09:20

2nd smaller but she did arrive earlier.

DD1- 8lb 6oz, born at 40+5
DD2- 7lb 6oz, born at 37+2

smurfy19 · 07/04/2019 01:21

First (boy) born early hours day after his due date - 6lbs 4oz - 54cm
Second (girl) 2 days late - 6lbs 14.5oz - 52cm
Third (girl) 3 days later - 7lbs 2 - 48cm
So heavier with each child but shorter 😁
Good luck with your next baby

motherlondon · 07/04/2019 00:15

My big babies were born overseas - all these specialists kept coming in

  • 'who are you?',

'I'm the dermatologist/cardiologist/orthopaedics'

'Why are you here??!'

'I just wanted to see the big baby'
motherlondon · 07/04/2019 00:11

ReadySteady, HoldMyGirl an ounce off 13 pounds. 2 weeks early, planned caesarean.

Has grown out, but was a mini Michelin Man for two years!

We were all big and born naturally, I was the smallest at 11 pounds something, I sort of realise why my
Mum is so angry and nuts! Lol

Spicylolly · 06/04/2019 23:58

First 7½ lbs
Second 11lbs 1oz ouch 😣

Februaryblooms · 06/04/2019 23:38

First baby born at 38 weeks on the dot weighing 6lbs 11oz

Second baby born at 38+6 weighing 8lbs 9oz Grin

tablelegs · 06/04/2019 23:32

DS 6lb 14oz
DD 11lb 1oz

MondeoFan · 06/04/2019 23:22

2nd was bigger and 5 days later 40+4

Thehop · 06/04/2019 23:21

Dc 1 8lb 6
Dc 2 10lb 2
Dc 3 9lb 9
Dc 4 7lb 8

Member984815 · 06/04/2019 23:20

I have too add iwas 9 lb 13 and today am 5 ft 2 smallest of my siblings biggest at birth

Proseccoagain · 06/04/2019 22:34

First, DS 8lb full term
Second, DD 9lb 3oz. 39 weeks
I was and still am, 5ft nothing! DH 6ft 2.....

Lelelel26 · 06/04/2019 22:21

Dd1 9lb 3oz 42wks
Dd2 8lb 39wks

MadameJosephine · 06/04/2019 22:18

Not in my case. My first was 8lb 12oz at 38+5, second was 6lb 13oz at 39+6.

EmeraldShamrock · 06/04/2019 22:14

My second was 3lb heavier, it was the fastest labour, no pain, no edipural, plenty of gas, I had him on my knees as he was distressed when I lay down, the perks of no epidural, I actually couldn't believe it when thr midwife said he is here, Now he is here he still has no patience.
First was 5.14lb. I had every drug available, took 14 hours, it was awful.

BlueSlipperSocks · 06/04/2019 22:08

1st - 7lb 2
2nd - 8lb 4
3rd - 8lb 9
4th - 9lb 7

SpeckledyHen · 06/04/2019 22:02

Second son was an ounce bigger @ 8lb 1oz

Weepingwillows12 · 06/04/2019 22:00

Second was bigger but it was still a lot easier.

ShellieEllie · 06/04/2019 21:58

My first (DS) was my biggest and was 5 days late. My second (DD) was my smallest and was a week early.

Stravapalava · 06/04/2019 21:49

1oz between mine! Second was smaller!

Member984815 · 06/04/2019 21:43

My first a girl was also 9 6 second a boy was 7 4 , third was girl 7 14 . With first they measured said probably be a 7 lb baby and with second they said he'd be big . Don't worry about the baby being bigger . I went over with the first 2 and 3rd was week early


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Soosiesoo · 06/04/2019 21:39

My first was 9lb 6oz too and born at 40+5. Second was 8lb 9oz and born at 40+4!

wincarwoo · 06/04/2019 21:35

Planned 39 week caesareans that is

DragonMamma · 06/04/2019 21:35

Both were exactly the same weight 😁

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