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To ask if your second baby was as big as your first

275 replies

Cantthinkofausername1990 · 05/04/2019 13:46

So I've heard a lot of people saying that the second baby is usually bigger than the first, what has your experience of this been? My first was 9lb 6oz so afraid this one will be bigger Blush
And did your pregnancies last the same length of time? Ds was born at 38 weeks so hoping number 2 will arrive around the same time and doesn't go on to 40 + weeks.

OP posts:
pansydansy · 05/04/2019 14:29

My second was 3ibs bigger than my first.

Picklypickles · 05/04/2019 14:30

My daughter was 8lb5 born on her due date and my son was 7lb9 born at 37 weeks.

pansydansy · 05/04/2019 14:30

Oh and dc1 was born at 38 weeks dc2 was born at 36 weeks.

MrsMonkeyBear · 05/04/2019 14:33

Dd1 - 8 days late and 7lb 3oz
Dd2 - 1 day early and 7lb 9oz although she did look smaller due to being 3cm shorter in length.

OneDayillSleep · 05/04/2019 14:35

My first (a girl) was 6lb 13 and born at 39 weeks, my second (a boy) was 8 lb 3 and also 39 weeks. I’ve read/heard that boys tend to be bigger as do second babies. I guess it also depends on how long you bake them for too, the longer they’re in there, the bigger they get!

tomhazard · 05/04/2019 14:36

I was worried about this as DC1 was 8lb8. DC2 was 7lb14 and they were born almost exact same gestation

BusySittingDown · 05/04/2019 14:37

First was born at 40+1 weighing 8lbs7.5oz. Second was born at 39+3 weighing 8lbs3.5ozs.

Thurmanmurman · 05/04/2019 14:38

1st 6lb3oz
2nd 8lb6oz
Both full term and healthy so quite a significant difference.

whyhello2 · 05/04/2019 14:40

Mine was bigger, more than a lb bigger, 3rd was very slightly lighter than 2nd but they were early.

Montsti · 05/04/2019 14:40

My 2nd was smaller than my 1st (they were all born at 38 weeks) but my 1st was a boy and 2nd a girl... my 3rd (girl) was my biggest and my 4th (also a girl) the same as my 2nd...

StarTheGirl · 05/04/2019 14:42

First baby, a girl, born at 42 weeks, was 8 lbs 1 oz.

Second baby, a boy, born at 39 weeks was 7 lbs 13 oz.

So, not much in it. DS was measuring big throughout the pregnancy and was my second and a boy, so I was expecting him to be bigger than dd. I obviously don’t know how big he’d have been if we had got to 42 weeks with him.

Crunchymum · 05/04/2019 14:43

DC1 40+9 7lb 8oz
DC2 40+1 6lb 12pz
DC3 38+0 5lb 12oz

BusySittingDown · 05/04/2019 14:44

I'll add that I was in a bit of a panic about DD2 as I'm tiny and with DD1 I had an extensive episiotomy and was put on a drip to stop me haemorrhaging.

I'd read endless info that second children are usually bigger so I asked the consultant if I could have a section. She said no.

Thankfully my second labour was really easy. Worlds apart from the first!

Kpo58 · 05/04/2019 14:44

My first was 4lb 5oz and my second was 8lb 11oz. I dare not have a third incase this sequence continues...

IRememberSoIDo · 05/04/2019 14:45

Smaller by 2oz but she was 9 days earlier.

Palominoo · 05/04/2019 14:48

My son was born first and was 6'2 and my daughter 7'3 nearly three years later.

My son was born in 1995 and at 8 months I had a bleed from the placenta.

My consultant told me to expect a very large/heavy baby. My mother laughed when I told her and said that was absolute rubbish. She was right.

Laiste · 05/04/2019 14:48

6lb 7oz
9lb 10oz
7lb 6oz
7lb 14oz

So: small, BIG, average, average Grin

JellyNo15 · 05/04/2019 14:48

DC1 9lb 10oz
DC2 9lb 12oz

Laiste · 05/04/2019 14:48

All girls, all full term.

MrJellyBean · 05/04/2019 14:51

My eldest is female and was 8lb 13, My youngest is male and was 10lb 5.5

3boysandabump · 05/04/2019 14:52

First 8lb 10 @ 42 + 2
Second 8lb 6 @ 40 + 6
Third 8lb 12 @ 40
Fourth 7lb 8 @ 39

yikesanotherbooboo · 05/04/2019 14:53

My middle ( second) child was the smallest


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GrumpySausage · 05/04/2019 14:57

Second was smaller (9lb1 and 8lb13) and both born the day before their due date. (Natural and planned c section)

Chuffingchuff · 05/04/2019 14:57

My second was smaller.
DS was first, born at 38+2 and 7lb 13oz.
DD was second , born at 40+6 and 7lb 9oz.

GinasGirl · 05/04/2019 15:02

First - 8lb 9 late by 10 days
Second - 10lbs late by 10 days
Third - 9lbs 5 late by 10 days

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