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Is a teacher sending a personal thank letter to a child's home over stepping a boundary?

282 replies

BoobiesToTheRescue · 14/03/2019 16:39

Or normal?

I was surprised when DS got a thank you card through the post today, hand written from one of his school teachers.

Probably totally normal, I was just wondering really.

OP posts:
lagerthaslovelyhair · 14/03/2019 17:14

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for setting off the fire alarm during period 2. I was taking year 10 R.E set 5 at the time and they are a fucking nightmare,
Kind Regards
Miss Jean Brodie

WhenZogateSuperworm · 14/03/2019 17:16


Dear Kevin,
Thank you for setting off the fire alarm during period 2. I was taking year 10 R.E set 5 at the time and they are a fucking nightmare,
Kind Regards
Miss Jean Brodie

Love this! The amount of times I wish I could have sent it as a teacher!

SleepingStandingUp · 14/03/2019 17:19

Assuming there wasn't a return address so DS could write back, and it wasn't exacy a covert note slipped into his pocket
What do you think is inappropriate about it @BoobiesToTheRescue?

ChrisPrattsFace · 14/03/2019 17:21

lagerthaslovelyhair 😂😂😂 that was definately what it said!

Verbena37 · 14/03/2019 17:26

Our primary used to do this.
Our secondary school does this all the time (usually at the end of a half term).
It comes through the post usually.
I think it’s sweet and a personal touch.

IthinkIsawahairbrushbackthere · 14/03/2019 17:34

When my daughter left infant school she gave a present to the head and had a lovely letter from her during the holidays.

The secondary school frequently sends postcards signed by the subject teacher but after out of hours events (especially music and community events) individual pupils had personal letters from the music teacher or the teacher who had organised the event. I remember my son having a letter to thank him for reading a poem in the school Remembrance Service - not a note in school but a personal letter to the home.

AuntieCJ · 14/03/2019 17:36


LilyTheSavage · 14/03/2019 17:36

When I was teaching in a primary school I gave out (discreetly) little handwritten thank you cards for gifts received after Christmas. The headteacher Bastard-Prince-Of-Darkness took exception to this and told me off. He was a knob. The children were thrilled though.

truthisarevolutionaryact · 14/03/2019 17:37

A Year 9 once came up to me and said - "you sent my Mum a postcard telling her I'd been good. No one's ever told her that before. Thanks Miss - she gave me a fiver " Grin

Unexpected praise can be really powerful.

FullOfJellyBeans · 14/03/2019 17:37

My DC's teachers sent personal thank you notes in the post to thank us for their gifts (which were from the entire class). I was surprised they wrote them all out but thought it was nice.

Mummyoflittledragon · 14/03/2019 17:37

Genius. 😂😂😂

ChicCroissant · 14/03/2019 17:38

My DD's secondary school sends postcards when they hit a certain number of reward points - supposedly, she's never had one despite reaching the numbers required Grin although she has had a letter from the head of year congratulating her on something.

She was also invited to a celebration/event in school after volunteering for something - they do like to celebrate the successes.

LagunaBubbles · 14/03/2019 17:39

How do some people manage to see something suspicious in everything??!

HonestTeacher · 14/03/2019 17:42

I posted a get well card to a child in my class last year. Call the police.

Lonecatwithkitten · 14/03/2019 17:46

We have had thank you cards from teachers for end of year gifts, gifts for babies and Christmas gifts. Good luck cards from the head for senior school exams, welcome to school cards from head, sixth form mentors and class teachers. Well done cards for National selection and Get well cards when in hospital.
Every single time I have thought how kind and thoughtful. I love that the teachers show such a good example of manners.

pasbeaucoupdegendarme · 14/03/2019 17:49

I once received a John Lewis voucher for £25 from a class at the end of term. I sent hand-written thank yous to everyone... by the time I’d bought stamps and enough note paper that they could all have the same (rather than raiding my stack of posh notelets) I’d actually spent almost as much on postage as the voucher was worth. Not to mention the time it takes to write 30 thank you notes!

Glad to know it was overstepping the boundaries 🙄

Adversecamber22 · 14/03/2019 17:50

We had a lovely letter home from DS teacher, she had enclosed a packet of dreamies for our cat as our cat had featured in a short film he had made with his friends for a project. I thought it was a lovely gesture.

LarryGreysonsDoor · 14/03/2019 17:50

Oh hell. I’ve taken things to the door of my pupils before when they either live near me or very close to school. (Forgotten lunch box on the last day of term for example).
I had no idea it was such a faux pas.

Playmytune · 14/03/2019 18:01

I don’t see an issue with this and think it is lovely, as long as they are not using limited school resources (paper, stamps, envelopes) and are writing the thank you letters in their own time.

ahtellthee · 14/03/2019 18:02

I think it's lovely. I bet it has done wonders for your child's morale. Well done teacher!

Nannewnannew · 14/03/2019 18:04

Not unless your son is called Jacob and the teacher is Maya!

Chickychoccyegg · 14/03/2019 18:05

teachers at my kids school send a thank you note for any gifts received eg end of term/summer and christmas


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ScarletBitch · 14/03/2019 18:08

Wow, the teacher sent a nice card to say thank you, so you come on here asking if this is ok?

FriarTuck · 14/03/2019 18:13

We had a lovely letter home from DS teacher, she had enclosed a packet of dreamies for our cat
Report her to the police - she's obviously planning to groom your cat Grin

cushioncuddle · 14/03/2019 18:14

You're wondering if it is overstepping boundaries !!

How about it teaches about writing and receiving letters.

How to be polite and say thank you.

That they did an exciting thing for the children. I expect your child was over the moon to receive a letter.

How about thinking how nice it was for the teacher to take time out to do this and fund it herself. Adds up when you have 30 in your class.

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