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Is a teacher sending a personal thank letter to a child's home over stepping a boundary?

282 replies

BoobiesToTheRescue · 14/03/2019 16:39

Or normal?

I was surprised when DS got a thank you card through the post today, hand written from one of his school teachers.

Probably totally normal, I was just wondering really.

OP posts:
thedisorganisedmum · 14/03/2019 16:55

so a handwritten friendly card sent to his house in full view of the parents!

Shocking! Shock

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 14/03/2019 16:56

It wasn’t that unusual at our old school. The ahead would write lovely thank you cards to the children and Christmas cards too. DS got a few nice thank yous from teachers over the holidays and when he left (he gave his favourite teachers little presents). I thought it was rather nice.

icarriedaturnip · 14/03/2019 16:57

We used to get postcards home when we’d done something good. I think it’s quite nice really, but agree that a little bit of context would help

Fazackerley · 14/03/2019 16:57

My ds state secondary does this. He's got loads!

Happyspud · 14/03/2019 16:57

What boundary would that be?

GerryblewuptheER · 14/03/2019 16:58

Both my dds have been sent postcards from school to their home. It was a noc surprise for them both.

I dont get the issue

Unless it was thanking him for paying for a hotel or something 🤔

Milicentbystander72 · 14/03/2019 16:59

I can't believe someone would question this.

At our school it's policy for personal handwritten notes none to the student when they've achieved something great.

We get postcards, letters, and commendations.

My ds Y7 has had 3 History handwritten postcards for outstanding work and 2 letters from Spanish.

My DD Y9 regularly gets personal thank you s from her drama group teacher for the effort, time and enthusiasm put into recent school productions. I don't kid myself for one minute that she's the only pupil who gets one.

What on earth would a parent find 'suspicious' about this?
Teachers really can't win these days can they?

WorraLiberty · 14/03/2019 16:59

Yeah but saaaafeguarrrrding innit?

KurriKurri · 14/03/2019 16:59

I think it is nice. When DD was a school her teacher used to send me thank you letters if I'd helped out at coffee mornings, bakes sales etc. She sent me a certificate once for 'Baking lovely parkin' Grin

Sets children a good example of good manners and being appreciative.

HexagonalBattenburg · 14/03/2019 16:59

Happens a fair bit with our school for end of year thank you gifts and the like - you'll get about a 50/50 split with staff who give handwritten thank yous out in person at the start of the following September and those who'll post ones out to the kids during the holidays. It was a bit unexpected the first time I encountered it but it's lovely and they're absolutely a source of delight for the kids when they've received them!

LesLavandes · 14/03/2019 16:59


WorraLiberty · 14/03/2019 16:59

Unless it was thanking him for paying for a hotel or something

Grin Grin Grin

BuggerOffAndGoodDayToYou · 14/03/2019 17:00

We send handwritten postcards to our children for various reasons. My DCs have received postcards from their teachers in the past.

Not sure what anyone could see as wrong about it to be honest.

Farmerswifey12 · 14/03/2019 17:01

What was it thanking for?

We always get thank yous from teachers for Xmas presents and presents at end of term etc

AguerosAngel · 14/03/2019 17:03

DS primary and secondary school sent/send well done postcards out regularly, DS has a few.

Nothing weird/boundary overstepping about it all! I feel so sorry for teachers/schools, they can’t do right for doing wrong!

legolimb · 14/03/2019 17:03

I don't think OP dare come back to this thread Grin

I think it sounds lovely. A nice way to make the student feel appreciated and valued.

Crockof · 14/03/2019 17:03

We could have some fun here....

Thanking him for giving her the baby her husband can't,......

ForgivenessIsDivine · 14/03/2019 17:04

We have received a few hand written cards at home from teachers. They have always been treasured by the child and really appreciate by me

Meandmetoo · 14/03/2019 17:07

Thank you for a great evening - not ok
Thank you for being a super star today - ok

Whatelsecouldibecalled · 14/03/2019 17:08

Op think it was me?! I send school postcards thanking students when they have done something great. Recently sent one to a pupil thanking him for always offering to read aloud in our group reading sessions and for bringing my favourite book to life. I thought it was nice and boosted his confidence. Nice for parents to see too. We send good news postcards a lot at my school.

Ca55andraMortmain · 14/03/2019 17:09

Teachers really can't win can they? Last summer there was a huge thread where the op was furious at not getting a thank you from the teacher for her end of year gift. Now people are upset to get a thank you card. I personally don't send thank you notes to kids but I think it's lovely that your son's teacher does. (Obviously unless there's a massive dripfeed to come that it was for something really inappropriate.)

lagerthaslovelyhair · 14/03/2019 17:10

Is it for a good piece of work? If so it's perfectly usual.
Which boundaries exactly were you worried about op?


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ArmchairTraveller · 14/03/2019 17:10

OMG, some parents!
Yet somehow schools are supposed to address the mental health crisis in children. Who are surrounded by paranoia and suspicion.

Merril · 14/03/2019 17:11

We received a hand written thank you card sent to our house from a teaching assistant for an end of term gift when he was at primary school. I thought it was a lovely gesture.

Now DS is in high school we get regular postcards (as do other pupils) saying if he's done well in a subject.

Nothing weird about either imo.

rainbowunicorn · 14/03/2019 17:13

FFS really OP. People like you are why there is a bloody shortage of decent teachers in this country. You come across as weird to even question this. I actually can't believe that I am reading this.

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