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To think MrsHinch uses a hell of a lot of chemicals

347 replies

tinkywinkyshandbag · 12/01/2019 23:38

All that many chemicals...can't be healthy??

OP posts:
loolooskip · 16/01/2019 18:28

I'm so happy people do community reach out service to try and teach us harpies how to behave. Grin

DaedricLordSlayer · 16/01/2019 19:13

Well these couple of recent threads have been very entertaining Grin

The invasion put me in mind of the being back at school, only unlike school were the clingons turned on one poor sap at time, they are trying to brow bear an untold number.

"did you say to Beccy, you didn't like Jenny's new hair colour?" "why would you say that?" " now Jenny's really upset" " it's all your fault" "you're so nasty" "think of Jenny" " Jenny's amazing, she has hair mascara! and lots of different colours" " you're just a jealous bitch because you dont have green hair mascara!" "don't come anywhere near Jenny again" blah blah blah....

GrinGrinGrin sorry got carried awayGrin

as you where.......

DaedricLordSlayer · 16/01/2019 19:14

*brow beat

clairebear31 · 16/01/2019 19:38

I really like her and her stories! I think she’s fun, and just a generally nice person. If you don’t like then don’t follow her and watch her Instagram 🤷🏽‍♀️

NurseFranklin · 16/01/2019 19:42

This isn't about her being nice or funny though, the point is she is very irresponsible in her use of chemicals, mixing them and over using them and influencing so many other to do the same when it's terrible for the environment and their health - all so she can get her affiliate cheques.

I don't follow her, but I still see her on my social media because of my friends who do and post about her.

WhyDontYouComeOnOver · 16/01/2019 19:48

Nah, sorry Cuntess. I'll stick around to call out ableists and those who slate others nastily for ridiculous reasons, if it's all the same.

ResistanceIsNecessary · 16/01/2019 21:05

If you don’t like then don’t follow her and watch her Instagram

I don't. That doesn't stop me being able to criticise her for using huge quantities of chemicals, mixing things together which are toxic and dangerous and encouraging people to buy unnecessary amounts of cleaning products. Nobody needs 17 bottles of Zoflora. The amount of plastic waste this is generating, and the litres of toxic crap going into the drainage system, is hugely irresponsible.

clairebear31 · 16/01/2019 21:35

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ResistanceIsNecessary · 16/01/2019 21:42

Funny how I am the nasty bitch when you are the one swearing at me...

How exactly is it "nasty" to disagree - on perfectly rational grounds - about someone's environmental choices?

HebeMumsnet · 16/01/2019 21:45

Again, ahem.

If we don't get this thread back on track soon, we're afraid we're going to have to delete it. It's turning into a bit of a bunfight.

Ginmakesmecry · 16/01/2019 21:48

Littlemissmops on insta is great if you want motivation. She’s a professional cleaner and does end of tenency cleans that she works wonders on.

PattiStanger · 16/01/2019 21:52

Clairbear you're going to have to ex plain why caring about the environment makes someone nasty? That just doesn't make an sense, it's ok to disagree with a person's overuse of chemicals and still be perfectly pleasant and not bitchy in the slightest

GlitterStick · 16/01/2019 22:03

Oh come off it, has anyone said that caring about the environment and discussing people's environmental choices is nasty?
It's the rest of it. Everything from her looks onwards has been fair game on this thread so bit strange to be saying it's only about environment concerns.
It's a bitch free for all.

tabicat14 · 16/01/2019 22:07

Mumsnet isn't empowering - it's the complete opposite 

It's a nest of snarky women with a false sense of superiority who bitch about anyone who does anything differently to them. From playing computer games to claiming benefits. It's actually frightening that these people live among us.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Most of the comments I've read on this thread remind me of why I stick to my few loyal female mates but in general I'd choose male mates all day long.

What a bitchy, judgemental vipers nest of women, you make me feel a bit ashamed to be female.

NurseFranklin · 16/01/2019 22:07

@HebeMumsnet quite right, back on topic!

So in terms of MrsHinch continuously cleaning her already very clean house - what effect does that have on building up immune systems, especially for a baby? If people kill 99.9% of bacteria in their home by over cleaning, surely those occupants are going to be much more susceptible to allergies and bugs when they leave there 'sterile' environment (their home)?

NurseFranklin · 16/01/2019 22:08

@tabicat14 I think you'll find the correct term is 'nest of vipers'

clairebear31 · 16/01/2019 22:11

Oh I can’t be bothered anymore don’t why I commented really.

tabicat14 · 16/01/2019 22:14

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TheDowagerCuntess · 16/01/2019 22:32

I don't think I've ever called someone a 'bitch' in my life.

Say classy, and try not to get deleted when telling people how awful they are. You couldn't make this up.

tabicat14 · 16/01/2019 22:33

@NurseFranklin I think you'll find that the phrase I used wouldn't have made sense worded like that... stick to nursing eh Wink

tabicat14 · 16/01/2019 22:36

GrinGrinGrin this comment coming from someone named 'thedowagercuntess' 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Absolute classic! Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up! Stay classy eh 'cuntess' 🤣

tabicat14 · 16/01/2019 22:38

And you've never called someone a bitch.




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TheDowagerCuntess · 16/01/2019 23:12

I'm not name-calling, nor being deleted. Smile

peepholepringle · 16/01/2019 23:19

Not adding anything constructive but I've not seen a bunfight like this in aaaaages!

TheSuperBitch · 16/01/2019 23:26

So I'm genuinely interested in whether or not your house can be 'too clean' and what effects it could have on immune systems and health? I noticed on her live she wasn't happy her dog has been and drink puddle water from a flower pot when she had poured it out some filtered water inside to drink. You can't stop all germs and bacteria all the time and filter filter filter, surely people and animals need a bit of exposure to the crappy stuff too so they can fight the bad bugs off ?

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