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To ask if you’ve ever been flamed on AIBU?

299 replies

Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:16

Just reading AIBU and wondering if you’ve ever been flamed for something you posted?

I once got crucified for sharing that I was tired from geting up in the night to let me cat drink from the tap. Grin It was my first time at the rodeo and I was a bit thin skinned about it.

I’ve been here years now and I couldn’t give a shit anymore.

What have you been flamed for??

OP posts:
MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:23

We are still all here though Grin
Sticking it to the vipers lol

Greensleeves · 10/12/2018 01:24

Too bloody right Flowers

Whyarealltheusernamestaken · 10/12/2018 01:26

AIBU is a scary place, only post after at least two glasses of wine and a shit of tequila :)

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 01:27

There is a definite pattern to AIBU.

If the first person to reply is being a vicious bitch then the next lot will all pile in in a "Oh arent we all great in our gang!" kind of way. But if the first response is considered and fair (even if it is YABU in intent) then most of the replies will be the same, like the savages can see there is no fun to be had.

However, if you call out the vipers then usually some more sensible MNers will feel able to post too, as they wont be a lone voice who is also to be flamed.

halfwitpicker · 10/12/2018 01:27

Oh god yes a totally flip, off the cuff thread that just descending into me feeling like a Bitch.

Utterly mortified. Nearly flounced. So close to packing up and starting the bestseller.

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 01:28

a shit of tequila


Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:28

Yeah that’s definitely true.
I know I’ve looked at posts before and thought ‘no point posting there’ and then given a wry smile to the op as they drift out to sea.

OP posts:
incallthebloodytime · 10/12/2018 01:29

Blimey time for bed when aibu has talk of shitting tequila!

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:30

Wanting to flounce is so frustrating.

You want to say it but you know it’s like adding petrol on the flames.

OP posts:
thighofrelief · 10/12/2018 01:30

Another one I got battered over - an acquaintance who I was at best neutral about was pressuring me to attend a relative of hers funeral. I hadn't met the relative as i barely knew the acquaintance. For context, I'm not Irish and live in London. I was told what a horrendous person I am.

Must say MN has changed very, very much for the better.

InSightMars · 10/12/2018 01:33

Frequently. Meh. It's usually because I voice an unpopular opinion on a given thread. By the next day I'm seeing my own words paraphrased in arguments on other threads by the very people who violently disagreed with me! I take a certain satisfaction in leaving them hanging on the thread at hand when they get frothy at the mouth. I fondly imagine my lack of interest in even acknowledging their posts let alone engaging with them frustrates the fuck outta them. I picture them, like that legless and armless knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, screaming after me to come back and fight. Grin

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 01:34

I know I’ve looked at posts before and thought ‘no point posting there’

You see I feel the opposite. Even if I have no experience or help to offer, I cannot just sit back and watch the bullies rule the roost. Some of the comments I have seen on here have been absolutely beyond the pale and should not be allowed to stand.

I started an AIBU thread recently questioning whether some men actively seek out women that are perceived as strong and independent in order to abuse them and "take them down". There were several responses that said I had had an abusive past and when I said I had I was told I probably didnt understand what counts as abuse. There were several posts (and one in particular) that blamed me for being in an abusive relationship and not my ex for abusing me. I didnt take that shite either!

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 01:38

when I said I hadn't.......


halfwitpicker · 10/12/2018 01:47

God I'd NEVER admit to wanting to flounce on here! You vipers will not beat me! Grin

Whyarealltheusernamestaken · 10/12/2018 01:50

Damn I’m it should have said shot, but maybe my autocorrect knows me too well!!! 😂😂

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:53

Yep remember that one too.
I felt bad at the time, and still do for not backing you up. Sorry about that. But honestly have to much going on atm to put myself above the parapet.
You were definitely right though.

SpamChaudFroid · 10/12/2018 01:55

Many years ago I got told I was mean for saying Cai from the Voice had silly hair. There was a recent thread by someone about how shockingly awful a particular female celebrity's hair was. Oddly, that one was v. popular.

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:56

So do we have a collective here then ..?

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 01:59


Dont apologise! I posted for my own reasons, you didnt post for yours :)

I am going through it a bit too, so I have avoided threads that I know will be too much. May we both have better times to come Flowers

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 02:01

So do we have a collective here then ..?

Or a clique?!

What is the opposite of a nest of vipers? A cuddle of kittens? :o

Whyarealltheusernamestaken · 10/12/2018 02:10

i suggest we have a shit of tequilas 😂

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 02:10

Oooh I'd love to be part of a cuddle of kittens

PyongyangKipperbang Flowers


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MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 02:11

Need to go to sleep. I shall return...

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 02:15

A Shit of Kittens or a Cuddle of Tequilas? :o

steff13 · 10/12/2018 02:16

I once made a comment that I wouldn't want to be a SAHM if I wasn't married. Because marriage offers legal protection you may not otherwise have.

Another poster picked on that comment, asking if I thought she was unwise to be a SAHM (she WAS married), and every time I tried to explain myself she would harp on everything I said as though it applied to her. And other people had made similar comments, but she only picked at mine. It was bizarre.

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