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To ask if you’ve ever been flamed on AIBU?

299 replies

Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:16

Just reading AIBU and wondering if you’ve ever been flamed for something you posted?

I once got crucified for sharing that I was tired from geting up in the night to let me cat drink from the tap. Grin It was my first time at the rodeo and I was a bit thin skinned about it.

I’ve been here years now and I couldn’t give a shit anymore.

What have you been flamed for??

OP posts:
Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:56

Also who wants strangers touching their baby on a bus?

OP posts:
Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:57

I want the pp’s to come back and tell me what they did to get flamed in style and beauty.

OP posts:
Pinkyyy · 10/12/2018 00:00

I think you should have to take some sort of endurance test to post in AIBU, I've seen so many people take it far too badly when told they're being U

incallthebloodytime · 10/12/2018 00:02

Ha! OP try it.. "aibu to be angry that a stranger on the bus touched my baby"

Nobody wants it, but you are destined for hellfire on AIBU if you are cross about it!

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:02

Shall I then reveal that my baby is a cat?

OP posts:
incallthebloodytime · 10/12/2018 00:04

Drip feeding like that will gain you many hairy handed comments and a thread deletion... and you'll likely get Reddit fame too!

SpiritedLondon · 10/12/2018 00:05

Oh I got flamed on a trans thread by a whole pack of GC feminists.... it was like the scene in David Attenborough where the hyenas attacked the poor solitary lion.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:07

Shall I say my baby cat is also vegan?

OP posts:
Fluffyears · 10/12/2018 00:09

I got one poster who wouldn’t let it drop. I said I was sick of tat from mil that we neither need nor want and haven’t the time or rubbish space/house space to get rid of the shite she buys. She kept going on that I should be fucking grateful over and over so I offered to post the latest offering of shire (2used chipped mugs when I have tons of them), a wooden lighthouse.....dear god other people were giving good ideas, this one shithead would just not let it drop that I was awful and should be so grateful for the influx of shite when I worked two jobs plus overtime and have limited storage! Our bin is also a three week collection rota so
I try not to fill it too much!

PositiveVibez · 10/12/2018 00:09

Can't remember my exact thread, but I conceded after about 5 posts that iwbu and I took it on the chin, bit fuck me, did everyone go in on me after I said okay, iabu.

I name changed after it, but that is the 'beauty' of aibu.

It's all part for the course and I think if you post on this board, you're fair game.

If I wanted responses that I agreed with, I should have posted on another board 🤷

PositiveVibez · 10/12/2018 00:10


Gwenhwyfar · 10/12/2018 00:11

I said I didn't want to buy a bedside lamp just for guests (have guests less often than once a year and have a small flat with no space for extra things). There is now a thread about me on Reddit and this thing is one of the complaints they have about me. It's used as partial evidence that I'm disablist even though the discussion about bedside lamps had nothing to do with disability.

I've also been criticised for not liking any of the suggestions people made in answer to a question.

Nonomore2 · 10/12/2018 00:11

I am shocked most days by what I see on here. BUT i also see a lot of kindness and wisdom shared. I started a post on AIBU a few months ago. I wanted desperately to keep breastfeeding my baby but needed urgent advice. I got so much support and a few people gave me some advice that was invaluable to me. I’m breastfeeding now as I type this (I get breastfeeding isn’t for everyone but it is what i wanted)

Pinkyyy · 10/12/2018 00:11

Calvinsmam only if it's a gender non conforming vegan

TheDarkPassenger · 10/12/2018 00:12

I’ve had people argue my points so pathetically it wasn’t worth responding. I enjoy a good debate but I think some people on here basically just copy what they read in another thread with absolutely no reasoning as to why they believe it to be true!

I got flames on another similar site for asking if a job i had applied for were just trying to get free work out of me (my ‘job trial’ was to leaflet drop for a full day for free even though the role was nothing to do with leaflet dropping) they told me I was disgusting for considering not going, that I was making a mockery of the benefits system, I was ungrateful, I was basically starving my children to death etc. Etc. I didn’t even bother my thumbs to tell them I was already working in a fairly professional role and this was going to be a bit of extra pocket money and that I’d never even so much as signed on in my life.

I came off that site in the end because it made me so unwell reading the constant nastiness day in day out, I went on looking for support at a bad time. Now I’m strong and realise that these people tend to lead their own pitiful lives and it makes them feel better to put others down. Something I see often on here too.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:12

She kept going on that I should be fucking grateful over and over

Did she say that one day your mil will die so you have to never get annoyed with her ever now? Grin

OP posts:
tolerable · 10/12/2018 00:13

i had an opinion..a lousy stuck in house weekend-and poor abilty at use of punctuation n stringing sentences together-despite being capable of disapproval to what i said. ..fairy nuf. aibu for me too. like it or not.merry christmas ;)

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:14

There is now a thread about me on Reddit and this thing is one of the complaints they have about me.

There’s Reddit threads where they complain about the standard of your posting? And they complain that you don’t have lamps for your guests despite having never met you or been invited to your house.

Shock I don’t really know how to respond to that. There’s nowt as queer as folk.

OP posts:
Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:16

What if it’s a cis vegan but I wean it at three months

OP posts:
LittleLifeRaft · 10/12/2018 00:18

My first ever post went downhill quickly due to an omission of my part (hadn't heard of drip feeding due to being a newbie) and it rapidly went downhill. Fortunately this was back in the day and a sympathetic MNHQ deleted my post because I was getting a real spanking!
I've never started an AIBU since Blush

IHaveBrilloHair · 10/12/2018 00:21

Many years ago I didn't go to one of Dd's school shows for a very good reason, (to do with my Dad being ill who subsequently died), it was the first thing Id ever missed.

I was told I was a terrible mother but Dd was probably used to me never being there for her.

PyongyangKipperbang · 10/12/2018 00:22


I posted about the midwife examining me when I was due with DC6. She took off her gloves and went into the kitchen. Instead of putting them in the bin (or asking me where the bin was), she put them on the top basket of the dishwasher, which was open, on top of the pots.

I was told I should get over my fear of my own body, that I must think my vagina was fetid and disguting....blah blah. A couple of weeks later I mentioned the issue in another thread and the very same people went on about how disgusting she was to do that! Just goes to show it really does depend on the day of the week and the time of day!


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ASAS · 10/12/2018 00:25

I once talked about church (likened it to a spa day), donuts, jeans and used the word "crunchy " to describe my parenting. 14 pages later I was both pissing myself at how worked up people could get about my life and shitting myself I'd end up in the Fail.

Still love you bastards though. Google sent me here in my darkest hour.

sizzledrizz · 10/12/2018 00:34

I posted a thread about removing my dd from her school not long ago, probably still there. There are a lot of issues, but I got called a liar, told I had MH issues, etc. To make it worse, I went to see the SLT about my complaint and they found my thread and asked me not to post on social media. I named no one on the thread and made up details to hide my identity, so fuck knows how they found me. Now wonder if I'm being stalked. Of course if I was to post about Bing stalked, pretty sure I'd get flamed for that

akerman · 10/12/2018 00:35

Oh God I remember you getting slaughtered for using the word 'crunchy'!!!

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