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To ask if you’ve ever been flamed on AIBU?

299 replies

Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:16

Just reading AIBU and wondering if you’ve ever been flamed for something you posted?

I once got crucified for sharing that I was tired from geting up in the night to let me cat drink from the tap. Grin It was my first time at the rodeo and I was a bit thin skinned about it.

I’ve been here years now and I couldn’t give a shit anymore.

What have you been flamed for??

OP posts:
Balaboosteh · 13/12/2018 00:02

Asked if I should get a cat despite my ASD DS being averse to cats. Got told, no way, don’t do it, you cruel nasty person you. Am laid in bed now cuddled up with one of our two cats. DS coped just fine and it was great for DD to have two furry friends!

Cheerbear23 · 13/12/2018 07:35

I asked what I thought was an innocuous question in style & beauty about nails, and boy did I get pasted!
My nail polish colour was 1990’s ( the horror!), it was unflattering and my nails were far too long at natural medium length, (just over the end of my fingers, never had extensions), and the rounded shape was the most unfashionable thing ever!!
Apparently I should only wear navy polish, nails should be ultra short, and the shape should be something mine aren’t. One poster even mused how on earth did I attend to my sanitary needs or wipe my children’s faces with a baby wipe with nails so long!
I told her I could manage totally fine and I’m not sure my 14 yo teenager wants me to wipe his face for him any more 😁
some posters were actually helpful though!

Canibuildasnowman · 13/12/2018 07:37

For saying I don’t care if trans people use the appropriate toilet regardless of what’s in their underpants.

IHeartKingThistle · 13/12/2018 10:18

@dizzydaisies we call them dippy eggs - why on earth would anyone have a problem with it? Oh God, is it offensive in some way?

dizzydaisies · 13/12/2018 12:15

@IHeartKingThistle it's offensive because it's such a childish thing to say apparently 🤔

akerman · 13/12/2018 12:20

dizzy - I didn't read the thread where you were flamed, but it's a brilliant term, and I adopted it this week when having dippy eggs for dinner, which is one of my favourite meals.

SlightlyCoddled · 13/12/2018 16:29

Not flamed but I was called "highly sanctimonious" on AIBU the other day by someone who just came on just to post that and nothing else, which I thought was a bit odd. I suppose it made them feel happier for the day. Made me feel a bit shit though. Fair enough. But it upset me because I was trying to defend someone who had written something unfortunate in their thread title but their op wasn't half as bad, and poster after poster were piling on to put the boot in (hate those sorts of threads). But it's AIBU so it's supposedly ok.

Far better if I keep off AIBU altogether. I'm ill and waiting for an op. Dh is having tests for a mystery illness. Life is a bit hard-going ATM and silly stuff like this can get you down when you wouldn't give it a second thought in ordinary circumstances.

JudasPrudy · 13/12/2018 16:33

I got long paragraphs from one poster calling me a vile disgusting bully and telling me to go back to eating pot noodles and rocking in the corner Hmm because I laughed at somebody on the Mrs Hinch FB page who had stockpiled about 50 bottles of Zoflora. Makes me laugh remembering it actually, it descended into quite a good discussion about best pot noodle flavours Xmas Grin

ChodeofChodeHall · 13/12/2018 16:44

Started an ill-advised, lighthearted thread about my neighbour opening her curtains naked every morning. Oh my word, I was crucified for it. My DH is a predatory sex pest, apparently, and I am a small-minded harridan who needs to mind her own business.

DSHathawayGivesMeFannyGallops · 13/12/2018 17:31

I'm probably about to be. Just admitted I'm an aisle seat person on trains. There'll be 8 posts decrying me as a selfish cow next time I check, I bet!

SpiritedLondon · 14/12/2018 09:43

I would say sitting on the aisle seat comes somewhere below sitting in priority seats and not standing up for elderly / pregnant ladies etc in terms of selfishness.

Lizzie48 · 14/12/2018 10:12

I'm probably about to be. Just admitted I'm an aisle seat person on trains. There'll be 8 posts decrying me as a selfish cow next time I check, I bet!

No flaming from me, as long as you don't plonk your bag on the seat next to you and refuse to get up to let another passenger get in past you.

CruCru · 14/12/2018 10:12

I started the thread about sitting in the aisle seats.

Philomensapie · 14/12/2018 10:13

I have 2 children. One of us will be in the aisle seat. Sorry. Xmas Blush

CruCru · 14/12/2018 10:18

Well that’s fair enough. I must admit that I was a bit surprised that thread took off as much as it did.

DSHathawayGivesMeFannyGallops · 14/12/2018 10:55

@Lizzie48 my bag is rarely on a seat, and is always moved to let people sit.

@CruCru, I was as well. Weirdly, I was discussing my aisle seat theory with friends the day before. *Goes off to see who's joined MN...

SisterOfDonFrancisco · 14/12/2018 11:06

I was flamed on a thread I started on how more support is needed for carers who also have other jobs, especially those looking after their own family member. I was called entitled by most. I think my mistake was comparing UK to another European country, which some people may have taken personally.

NoParticularName · 14/12/2018 11:24

Oh yes, on my first AIBU Grin.

It was all over sending a Christmas card. I was accused of being uncaring.

I came off MN totally for a while, then rejoined with a brand new email logon and have name changed for every post I've commented on since.

Overkill, I know, but so what?

Oh, and I notice several similar threads on AIBU currently, where the OP is getting a lot of sympathy Hmm.

Lizzie48 · 14/12/2018 13:11

In that case, @DSHathawayGivesMeFannyGallops you definitely don't deserve to be flamed! (I love your username, I'm also a fan of the the Lewis films.)

Lizzie48 · 14/12/2018 13:11

I meant to add an emoji. Grin

DSHathawayGivesMeFannyGallops · 14/12/2018 14:14
Xmas Grin
LeafCutterAnt · 23/12/2018 11:20

I got told off for the same thing. ie. Not liking my mum filling my small house with crap. My mum even bought me curtains I didn't want. I said that if the poster gave me her address I'd send my mum round to drop junk at her house and choose her furnishings for her. She went quiet after that!


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Fluffyears · 23/12/2018 11:36

@leafcutterant we may have met the same I just need to dispose of a light up bottle and a plastic wreath.

LeafCutterAnt · 23/12/2018 12:13
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