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To ask if you’ve ever been flamed on AIBU?

299 replies

Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:16

Just reading AIBU and wondering if you’ve ever been flamed for something you posted?

I once got crucified for sharing that I was tired from geting up in the night to let me cat drink from the tap. Grin It was my first time at the rodeo and I was a bit thin skinned about it.

I’ve been here years now and I couldn’t give a shit anymore.

What have you been flamed for??

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Tessliketrees · 10/12/2018 01:03


Oh I assumed it was a weird hygiene thing. It makes even less sense now, why would anybody give a fuck what you did for your cat? LTCB shes gas lighting you? Your cat will grow up to be entitled? Your cat's typical of todays generation of cat's? I can't imagine the logic.

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:04

Calvinsmam well you are clearly a cat slave. Know your place lol

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:04

That was a great was to deal with it tommy

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NoCanoe · 10/12/2018 01:04

Not a flaming as such.....But a comment was made that I sounded 'a bit strange '.

I was at wits end , so maybe I did sound a bit strange.....but apart from that superb pearl of wisdom, I remember nothing else she said. Wink

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:05

Why - wtf

thighofrelief · 10/12/2018 01:05

I vented that i was tired of my very aggressive neighbour screaming and swearing in the street. I didn't understand about drip feeding and added something on the following page. I actually got banned!

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:06

Oh I assumed it was a weird hygiene thing. It makes even less sense now, why would anybody give a fuck what you did for your cat?

And you know for a FACT if I posted saying that I was going to lock my cat In he kitchen because she was asking me for a drink I’d get pulled over the coals, told i should never keep pets, the works.

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MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:06

One of my finer parenting moments. Few and far between admittedly.

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:08

thighofrelief I remember that one too!
It was savage.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:08

I meant turning the tv up was a great way to deal with your daughter, I can’t imagine how mortifying it must have been for you. tommy

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Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:09

Well I’ve got to ask about the Mouldies now!

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Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:10

I think it’s always reassuring to know that when you’re getting flamed there’s alway lurkers being like WTF?

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MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:13

More uncomfortable than mortifying tbf. Part of my original thread was that I was happy she felt able to enjoy her sexuality. I just didn't enjoy hearing it. I didn't want to inhibit her.
Someone accused her of getting off on me hearing her. Which was crap. She was just, yanno, in her moment.

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:13

Og God. Dont ask about the Mouldies.
No good will come of it.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:14

Oh my giddy aunts why would you say that to someone?


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thighofrelief · 10/12/2018 01:15

Tommy completely savage! I was told rather than judging my aggressive neighbour i should go and see in what way I could help her with her life. Bonkers.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:16


But that could put you in danger.
Why would anybody involve themselves with an aggressive person for no reason.

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Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:17

Hey highly volatile and aggressive person I would like to offer you some unsolicited help.

Yup can see that going well.

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Greensleeves · 10/12/2018 01:17

Sooooooooooo many times.

One poster actually registered with the express purpose of telling me to fuck off. She's still around, I think! She turned out to be quite decent.

I've been chewed up and spat out more times than I can remember. Always swear I won't get into it again. Until i do.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:18

Always swear I won't get into it again. Until i do.


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MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:18

SnipSnipMrBurgess That sounds awful. There are definitely an element of aibu that just live to hurt I think.

thighofrelief · 10/12/2018 01:19

Calvin well exactly! They ripped me to shreds and did it en masse like a Mexican wave.


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Greensleeves · 10/12/2018 01:20

Calvinsmam, I tried ltb, but ended up crawling back like a dog returning to its vomit Grin

MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:21

Greensleeves Flowers

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:22



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