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To ask if you’ve ever been flamed on AIBU?

299 replies

Calvinsmam · 09/12/2018 23:16

Just reading AIBU and wondering if you’ve ever been flamed for something you posted?

I once got crucified for sharing that I was tired from geting up in the night to let me cat drink from the tap. Grin It was my first time at the rodeo and I was a bit thin skinned about it.

I’ve been here years now and I couldn’t give a shit anymore.

What have you been flamed for??

OP posts:
triwarrior · 10/12/2018 00:35

I expressed surprise that so many parents on here state that they have absolutely no-one who could ever look after their children in an emergency. No friends, family, acquaintances and either they have no neighbors because they live in a bin, or all their neighbors are almost certainly psychopaths or human traffickers. When I suggested that as a parent, I think we have an obligation to build a support network, I had my arse well and truly handed to me. I can't honestly say I feel differently, though.

sizzledrizz · 10/12/2018 00:37

I have no support network. It's very difficult to do that if you have dc with Sen.

sizzledrizz · 10/12/2018 00:38

I do feel that I should try harder sometimes though. But really, I just don't have the time. What with all the school complaints 😜

triwarrior · 10/12/2018 00:41

I sympathize, drizzle, I really do. I certainly don't think it's easy!

triwarrior · 10/12/2018 00:41


Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:45

Just goes to show it really does depend on the day of the week and the time of day!

Oh 100%!

OP posts:
MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 00:49

@GunpowderGelatine omg I remember that thread. It was proper bat shit.

Not been turned on as such. Was accused of being a troll when I posted about my adult DD having noisy sex.
She's left home now so not a problem for me any more. Although I do pity her neighbours.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:50

Ha I just remembered being told off the other day on a thread about how to keep a shower caddy clean and I said that I could never keep mine clean so I kept my shampoo in a cupboard. And someone got really annoyed at me and said not everyone has a cupboard, they even did this face Hmm

Who doesn’t have a cupboard in their whole house? And even if you don’t keep it on a shelf of the windowsill or the floor.

I couldn’t be arsed saying anything though.

OP posts:
Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:51

I remember that tommy

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MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 00:52

Calvinsmam sometimes there is just nothing to say.

Tessliketrees · 10/12/2018 00:52

I said I didn't want to buy a bedside lamp just for guests

I remember that! It was fucking insane, I felt like I was on drugs reading that thread it was so disproportionate. I think I posted in your defence.

My cat drinks out of the tap and rubs her head all over it to get me to turn it on.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:52

It does make me chuckle though

OP posts:
MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 00:53

Calvinsmam I was really struggling with how to deal with it. I can laugh now.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:54

That’s what my cat does! But she also taps me awake and shouts until I do it in the night. It’s easier to just get up and water her in the end.

OP posts:
MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 00:56

What you need is one of them cat water fountains

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:56

I once had the neighbour come around st tell me should hear me and dh. It was mortifying.
She’s a real busy body too and I know she’s told eeeeeeeeeeeveryone.

What did you do in the end did you tell her?

OP posts:
Tessliketrees · 10/12/2018 00:56

Is it the cat waking you up or the cat drinking out of the tap that's the issue?

Tessliketrees · 10/12/2018 00:56

For the flamers I mean.

SnipSnipMrBurgess · 10/12/2018 00:56

Years ago I posted around Christmas that my purse had been stolen with a large amount of cash, i was pissed off , stranded, and miserable. My battery died and I thought no more of it. Came back home to pages of abuse, calling me a troll, accusing me of being a scammer and a bitch, pulling apart every post I ever made. Reports had been made and MN had commented to say she is a regular and hasn't asked for money, relax. I received PM's telling me my kids should be taken away and I was an unfit mother.

I was shook for a long time.

As I explained, my post was just to vent. Christmas had been sorted, it was rent money that was lost and DP took care of that. I was home, dry and eating cake to cheer myself up. That update made them worse.

Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 00:58

What you need is one of them cat water fountains

She won’t use one, the little buggar.
I actually just think she likes nodding me around because we also keep her food in the cupboard (to stop her obese brother stealing all her food) and she’ll get me up to get her bowl out then look me right in the eye and walk away from it.

OP posts:
Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:00

Is it the cat waking you up or the cat drinking out of the tap that's the issue?

It was the fact that I allowed my cat to rule my life and I should keep her in the kitchen to cry all night or lock her outside.
The thread wasn’t even about that Grin

OP posts:
OverTheHedgeSammy · 10/12/2018 01:00

I posted on AIBU by accident. Had meant to be in Philosophy and Religion. You can imagine how THAT went down....


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Calvinsmam · 10/12/2018 01:01

I posted on AIBU by accident. Had meant to be in Philosophy and Religion. You can imagine how THAT went down....


OP posts:
MrsTommyBanks · 10/12/2018 01:02

Well in the end......
It was last Christmas Day. She was upstairs with her boyfriend.
I was downstairs watching Gavin and Stacey. Serendipity happened.
She and the bf were getting 'happy' as I was watching the episode when the same was happening. I turned the telly up VERY LOUD.
She came downstairs and asked me why was I doing. I said I unfortunately couldn't ask the same.
Never happened again.

holyguaca · 10/12/2018 01:02

oh yes, when I was new, a good few years back, I posted in aibu, about wanting a positive birth thread, they came out like vipers! went on for days too...

oh then there was the Mouldies…….

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