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Tattooed nurses

665 replies

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 15:28

Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse? At the moment I’ve only got them in places a patient would never see but I do plan to add some to my upper arm in the near future.

Just want to hear your thoughts and reasons!

OP posts:
user1473069303 · 23/05/2018 17:03

No, not at all. I want a nurse to be caring and compassionate, I don't care what they look like. A friend of mine probably raises eyebrows with her appearance but nursing is her vocation. The NHS is lucky to have her.

ParisUSM · 23/05/2018 17:05

Yes, I would mind as I hate any type of clearly false bodily aesthetic

what a weird thing to say.

Mummyoflittledragon · 23/05/2018 17:05

As long as not racist Id have no problem. Why would I? I’m not going to start an intimate relationship with them.

quantiestillecanisinfenestra · 23/05/2018 17:05

Wouldn't bother me at all, although I know some NHS trusts can be funny about them. Really the thing I can think of to worry about would be infection control when you've just had it done - I know a trainee nurse who got one done on her wrist the day before starting a new (physical health, inpatient) placement, which didn't go down well....but, upper arm is unlikely to be a problem.

Trinity66 · 23/05/2018 17:05

No, not a bit

JacquesHammer · 23/05/2018 17:06

Basically, I always think that people who go in for masses of tattoos have too much time on their hands. Look at footballers and rock stars - they are always smothered - as they are not stuck in offices/shops/other daytime jobs

Don't people in offices/shops/other daytime jobs have weekends? Holidays? Evenings?

ParisUSM · 23/05/2018 17:07

I don't get how tattoos show you have too much time on your hands, mine took an hour out of my day to get done.

TheFairyCaravan · 23/05/2018 17:07

The Emergency Practioner on GP’s Behind Closed Doors has tattoos, and seems to change her hair colour on a regular basis. I think she’s great because she’s good at her job, is always pleasant and chatty and isn’t in patronising or judgmental at all. That’s more important to me.

mineofuselessinformation · 23/05/2018 17:11

Some very judgy people here.
Just wait until you need life-saving infusions as dc1 did. They had crap veins (due to disease and large numbers of blood tests). We used to hope that the heavily tattooed nurse would be the one to insert a cannula for them, as invariably the others would not be able to find a vein (even though they were highly skilled) and she would have to be sent for.

TheMythOfFingerprints · 23/05/2018 17:13

I REALLY dislike tattoos so here's how I deal with that...ready?...I don't have any.

There, sorted.

IrmaFayLear · 23/05/2018 17:13

I also think it shows rather short-term thinking. Assuming that something will never go out of fashion.

Mark my words, tattoos will age people just as names do. We all think of Beryls as being 80 years old or Malcolms 65. Well, in the future the person with masses of tattoos will be that Beryl or Malcolm. They will be sooooo last year/decade.

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 23/05/2018 17:16

I don't like tattoos much but I would wouldn't judge a nurse on his or her tattoos. I would judge them on how well they cared for me or my loved one.

Bogmoppit · 23/05/2018 17:16

No but sadly some people and hospitals don't like it. My sister had a no tattoos or piercings on show rule at her hospital.

She asked her manager about a tongue piercing and they weren't allowed either. I don't give a shit what a healthcare professional looks like so long as they are efficient and caring.

crunchymint · 23/05/2018 17:16

I do agree that tattoos like sleeves will look very old fashioned in the future. Tattoo removal is where the money will be.

worridmum · 23/05/2018 17:17

You do know that some cultures tattoos are cultural significant think Moa culture and a lot tribes in that area and face disfigurement in some African tribes and you would be on very very thin ice if you discriminated against those sort of tattoos as these cultural expressions are protected under the equality act.

JacquesHammer · 23/05/2018 17:18

Assuming that something will never go out of fashion

I don't really care if they "go out of fashion", I didn't get them to lead the ton Grin

Racecardriver · 23/05/2018 17:18

Not in the least

annandale · 23/05/2018 17:19

Yes Irma, but who cares? I'm an HCP and my patients' tattoos are like a personal history. I had a gent with dementia the other day who lit up when I asked about his tattoo, it was something to do with his boxing career (not entirely clear but he loved talking about it). In 60 years I'll be retired but there will be demented patients with upper arm Celtic ring tattoos who will coo happily when shown a classic picture of David Beckham or whatever.

I personally hate tattoos in themselves, I think they are incredibly ugly, but like TheMyth I have never been held down and forced to have one.

TheHulksPurplePanties · 23/05/2018 17:20

Obviously it depends on the tattoo. If you have a massive swastika on your bicep, I'm going to demand another nurse. A massive tattoo across your face I'll question your judgement. A couple of tear drops under your eye, i'm going to be damned curious. Anything else I'll critique the artwork. If it's good I'll compliment you.

End of day, I'll notice, but judgement will be reserved for the subject and placement. (And I have several tattoos and want more)

IrmaFayLear · 23/05/2018 17:21

To be fair, I don't think there are many Moan nurses to be found in the UK...

maxthemartian · 23/05/2018 17:22

Wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

And I disagree about them showing short-termist thinking. I've had mine for over twenty years and still love them.

NotUmbongoUnchained · 23/05/2018 17:22

To be fair, I don't think there are many Moan nurses to be found in the UK...

I swear there was a thread about a Polynesian paramedic a while ago and it was about his tattoos.


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Lilymoose · 23/05/2018 17:25

I'm a tattooed nurse and know plenty of others!

PumpkinParent · 23/05/2018 17:26

As long as it wasn’t an offensive message or symbol, it wouldn’t bother me.

There is an absolutely amazing Paeds A&E nurse at our local hospital who has quite a bit of ink and maybe a few piercings. All I care about as a parent is her skill and care, both of which she has in abundance.

MeMeMeow85 · 23/05/2018 17:27

As long as a nurse is kind, caring and clean, I wouldn’t think about their physical appearance

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