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Tattooed nurses

665 replies

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 15:28

Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse? At the moment I’ve only got them in places a patient would never see but I do plan to add some to my upper arm in the near future.

Just want to hear your thoughts and reasons!

OP posts:
Bowlofbabelfish · 23/05/2018 16:31

Nope wouldn’t bother me. Crack on.

Only way I’d be fussed is if you had something blatantly racist or offensive on you - like the charming chap with the SS symbolism all over his neck I stood behind in a queue last week.

TomRavenscroft · 23/05/2018 16:33

Personally I would wonder why I was being treated by someone with such a poor judgement as to permanently modify their body. Sailors and ghetto people have tattoos not nurses in a professional job. Grin Idiot.

I would make very negative assumptions about males sporting any other visible tattoos.

I would make extremely negative assumptions about females sporting any visible tattoos. Grin Extra points for the sexism.

ToadOfSadness · 23/05/2018 16:34

I am grateful for nurses, hospital doctors and anyone else that has helped me, I don't care what they look like, just that they are kind and do their job to the best of their ability. Ink stains won't change that.

SteviebunsBottritrundle · 23/05/2018 16:35

Totally agree @toad. People are so used to the nhs in this country that some of the shallower thinkers become very entitled over time.

BoogieFeet · 23/05/2018 16:36

Wouldn’t bother me. If anything if I was scared/bored/in pain I’d most likely enjoy the distraction of something interesting to look at Smile

OneStepSideways · 23/05/2018 16:36

It depends. Tattoos on the face/neck are still associated with prison culture or gangs.

As a healthcare professional myself I think it's better to keep tattoos hidden at work. The same way you wouldn't wear tongue/lip piercings to work or put blue dye in your hair before a shift. Many NHS trusts have rules about tattoos so you may find it difficult if you move trusts.

ScreamingValenta · 23/05/2018 16:38

Not at all. I'm not a fan of tattoos from an aesthetic perspective, but I don't believe they have any connection whatsoever to an individual's professional competency in whatever job they do.

maclippy · 23/05/2018 16:38

Awww @icantcopeanymore, are you always so patronising, dearie?

AlpacaLypse · 23/05/2018 16:39

The thing I dislike about tattoos is that unlike hair dye or a piercing or a pair of fabulous shoes, you can't get rid of it if some third rate celebrity has one done exactly like yours and you're going to be stuck forever with people assuming you copy-catted SillyCow McSillyFace.

IrmaFayLear · 23/05/2018 16:40

I think tattoos are a fashion thing - no longer just for sailors, skinheads and "dodgy types".

For that reason, I think that the most lucrative job in the future will be a tattoo removal person. People will get absolutely fed up with their full sleeves of tattoos, names of ex partners and meaningless symbols.

Would I be bothered by a nurse with tattoos? As pps have said, it depends on the tattoo. Healthcare assistants - I couldn't care less, really, as long as they are kind and efficient. Senior nursing staff... rafts of tattoos might look a bit unprofessional.

Basically, I always think that people who go in for masses of tattoos have too much time on their hands. Look at footballers and rock stars - they are always smothered - as they are not stuck in offices/shops/other daytime jobs.

ParisUSM · 23/05/2018 16:41

I'm a tattooed librarian - I'd say go for it. I love seeing what other people have chosen for their tattoos.

Chottie · 23/05/2018 16:43

No, never. I recently broke a limb and about 75% of the staff treating me had tatts. I didn’t care at all I was thankful for the superb care I received.

NotUmbongoUnchained · 23/05/2018 16:45

Basically, I always think that people who go in for masses of tattoos have too much time on their hands. Look at footballers and rock stars - they are always smothered - as they are not stuck in offices/shops/other daytime jobs.

But you do realise how silly that is yes?

I have a very professional job, where my appearance is very important, i am out of the house 6-7:30 5 days a week. I have a lot of tattoos.
They have never impacted my career and nor should they. Any decent, intelligent employer would realise that a bit of ink under my skin does not effect my ability to do my job.

CocoaGin · 23/05/2018 16:47

I have a real issue with tattoos. To me, they hide your skin and for that reason alone, you can't see if someone has clean or dirty skin. I hate being served in a cafe/restaurant by someone with them, and feel exactly the same about being treated by a nurse with them.

MarklahMarklah · 23/05/2018 16:47

Wouldn't bother me at all. Same with dyed hair and piercings. In any profession.

JaneyEJones · 23/05/2018 16:47

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ParisUSM · 23/05/2018 16:49

CocoaGin I doubt if a tattoo of a flower is going to cover the OP's whole body, so it'll be pretty obvious they're clean.

My mum's favourite nurse in her geriatric ward was a guy covered in tattoos, he was caring and lovely, and that's all that mattered.

Namastethefuckawayfromme · 23/05/2018 16:50

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steff13 · 23/05/2018 16:52

I wouldn't care.

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 16:53

I’m Grin at the suggestion that only ‘ghetto people’ have tattoos!

Although I would love to see people in dire need of a nurse actually reject a tattooed nurse when they really need one. I highly doubt you’d care if I had a flower on my arm when I’m giving you your much needed pain relief.

OP posts:
Tansytaylor · 23/05/2018 16:53

Not put off in the slightest but I don't like them at all. Most of them are ugly and they hardly scream professionalism do they? HOWEVER that's my private, kept to myself, opinion only aired here as it's an anonymous forum and we've been asked for views

GalwayWayfarer · 23/05/2018 16:54

Not at all and I would really judge anyone who was put off! There's nothing about tattoos that would remotely impinge on your ability to do your job!


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user1499173618 · 23/05/2018 16:54

Yes, I would mind as I hate any type of clearly false bodily aesthetic.

A4710Rider · 23/05/2018 16:59

Yes, I would mind as I hate any type of clearly false bodily aesthetic

Ha ha ha.

Ikabod · 23/05/2018 17:00

Not at all... provided they weren't racist or whatever. Tattoos can be really beautiful IMO and certainly don't affect your ability to do your job well.

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